ScottZ wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Samba] Somewhat bizzare share issue
From: Jeremy Allison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, May 23, 2008 10:21 am
Cc: Michael Heydon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 10:19:55AM -0700, ScottZ wrote:
Thanks for your help.

I'm looking at log.smbd and the client samba log that is generated for each 
client connection.
Using smbd -D -d2 I'm not finding any errors in log.smbd and see the following 
in the client log.

When connecting to "exports":

With the client "scott-desktop" and username of scott connecting to "exports" 
(the working share):
[2008/05/23 09:58:09, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(309)
  check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [scott] -> [scott] -> [scott] 
[2008/05/23 09:58:09, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1033)
  scott-desktop ( connect to service exports initially as user 
scott (uid=525, gid=101) (pid 77978)

And everything works for "exports".

For the "export" share (the non-working one) I see:

[2008/05/23 10:04:36, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(309)
  check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [scott] -> [scott] -> [scott] 
[2008/05/23 10:04:36, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1033)
  scott-desktop ( connect to service export initially as user 
scott (uid=525, gid=101) (pid 78008)
[2008/05/23 10:04:45, 1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(1230)
  scott-desktop ( closed connection to service export

So it's immediately closing the connection on me once I authenticate 
successfully and can't figure out why.
Verified that there isn't a user export on the system.
Usually that's because smbd can't change directory to
the target of that share. Check permissions on it.


Both the working and non-working share definitions point to the same directory.
This was done as a test to find out why the "export" share wasn't working on 
this server and does on others.

>From my first message:

Approaching this from another angle, I tried the following in smb.conf:

comment = Exported Files
path = /tmp/export
guest ok = Yes

comment = Exported Files Test
path = /tmp/export
guest ok = Yes

"export" does not work and immediatly disconnects after authentication and 
"exports" works fine.
You wouldn't happen to be running NFS or Solaris, would you? I think that /export is an official directory (against the FHS, but no one is following it any more... but I digress on one of my pet peeves) for exporting NFS. Perhaps something is conflicting there? Maybe a service definition or something to that effect? Just a stab in the dark.
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