Scott Lovenberg wrote:
Russell Curtis wrote:
Hi Guys

It saddens me to say so, but I'm going to have to order a copy of Windows Server unless I can get this issue of offline files resolved.

Basically, we have a problem when users have "Offline Files" enabled in Windows XP. When they log off, create or modify a file, and then log back on, the files they have created/modified refuse to synchronise, returning an error to the effect of "cannot synchronize test.txt, access is denied on //server/share/test.txt". I've spend several days googling this but have had no success - there seem to be quite a few people who have experienced this problem, but no solutions that work. I've read several suggestions, including things to do with "ACL support", etc. but I've no idea how to do this...surely this should work out of the box? I'm using Samba 3.028 on Ubuntu 8.04. I'm not particularly experienced with Linux, so apologies if this is a simple thing to resolve.

Any help would be much, much appreciated.

Cheers, Russell

Have you set the smb.conf setting 'csc policy'? Is it that you want and/or need offline files, or would you rather do without it? I've found it to mostly be a pain, FWIW.
Oops; John beat me by a few minutes. Listen to what he has to say; he wrote the book on this stuff, literally.
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