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Today's Topics:

   1. Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach - Lesson 2 (S. L. Abhyankar)
   2. Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach - Lesson 3 (S. L. Abhyankar)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 10:18:22 -0400
From: "S. L. Abhyankar" <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach - Lesson 2
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

??????????????? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ??????? ? ?? ?? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?
???????? ?????? ???? ?????????????? ???????? ? ???? ?????? ???????? ?
??????????: ?????? ????????? ? ?????? ???????????  ??? ???? ???????????? ?

Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach
Lesson 2

Glossary 2
No.EnglishSanskrit in
transliterationSanskrit in
diligenceudyamaH??????2grit to exploresAhasam??????3boldnessdhairyam ???????
4intellectbuddhiH???????5strengthshaktiH??????6capacity to fight and win
parAkramaH????????7sixShaT???8thesee-te???9these sixShaDete?????10whereyatra
????11are present, existvar-tan-te????????12theretatra????13GoddevaH???:14

>From 7, 8 and 9 we notice that ??? + ??? = ?????  When two words are in
succession of each other, it becomes natural during pronunciation, that the
ending of the first word and the beginning of the next word will merge. Such
merging of sounds is called as conjugation


There were three conjugations already in Lesson 1.

1.  ????? + ?? = ??????
2.  ?????? + ? = ????????
3.  ????? + ????? = ????????

Conjugations are logical and natural, aren't they ?

Word #13 is not new. It was there in glossary 1. There, it was just  ???,
because it was in Address case, to say, "Oh God". Here it is in Nominative
Case. ?????? ???????? Hence ???:

16Addresssambodhanam?????????17casevibhaktiH????????18Address case
sambodhan-vibhaktiH???????-????????19firstprathamA ??????20Nominative or
subjective caseprathamA vibhatiH?????? ????????

Exercises 2
>From the words 1 to 14 in the glossary, prepare the following phrases -

No.PhraseSanskrit in
transliterationSanskrit in
Devanagari1Industriousness, grit to explore,
boldness__________  __________ _____________________  __________
strength, capacity to
fight and win__________  ___________  __________________  __________
 ________3these six where exist__________  __________  ___________________
 __________  ________4there God helpful__________  __________
 __________  ________

Now you can write down two phrases in one line. By that it becomes a good
two-line verse, a good saying !!

21a good sayingsubhAShitam?????????

Here it is how it reads -

?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?

??? ??? ???? ???????? ???? ???? ?????????? ?

I am sure you will like this good saying ?????????. Learn it by heart.

In Sanskrit there are thousands of such "good sayings". Would it not be
charming and impressive, if you can quote them verbatim? And they are so
crisp verses, all pearls of wisdom !! That is one good reason, why one
should learn Sanskrit.

???????? |


???????? ,
?????????????????? ???????? |
S. L. Abhyankar
"God is ready to listen. Have I time to pray?
?????? ?? ???? ???????????? ? ????? ????? ???? ??????????? ?"
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 13:28:57 -0400
From: "S. L. Abhyankar" <>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach - Lesson 3
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

> ???
>  ?? ?????? ???? ??? ?
> ??????????: ?????? ????????? ? ?????? ???????????  ??? ???? ???????????? ?
> *
> Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach
> Lesson 3
> Glossary 3
> No.EnglishSanskrit in
> transliterationSanskrit in
> Devanagari1in post-rainy seasonsharadi???? 2no, not, does notna? 3rains
> varShati ?????? 4thundersgarjati?????? 5during rainy seasonvarShAsu???????
> 6quiet, noiseless niH-svanaH??:????? 7cloudmeghaH????8*noiseless cloudniHsvano
> meghaH???????? ????9mean-minded, lowlyneechaH????10talks, prattlesvadati
> ????11* (the) lowly prattlesneecho vadati???? ????12doeskurute??????13good
> person,
> gentlemansujanaH?????14doeskaroti?????15onlyeva ??16*does onlykarotyeva
> ????????
> Here we have three conjugations. The conjugated phrases are marked by *
>  (6) + (7) = (8) ??:????? + ???? = ???????? ????
> (9) + (10) = (11) ???? + ???? = ???? ????
> (14) + (15) = (16) ????? + ?? = ????????
> In the first two conjugations two words haven't really merged into each
> other. But the visarga (:) at the ending of the first word has become ?
> ???????? + ?? --> ???????? + ? = ????????
> ???? + ?? --> ???? + ? = ????
> In the third one ????? + ?? = ????? + ? + ?? = ????? + ?? + ?? = ????????
> Here vowel ? merges into vowel ? to become ?? + ?. Then we have merging of
> ?? + ?? + ? becoming ????
> There is no need to become unduly over-conscientious of this explanation of
> the third one. Even if you say ????? ??, ????? ?? at some speed, you will
> realise that it does become ????????. So, rules of conjugation are all
> logical and natural. Thanks to the sages like PaaNinee that naturally
> happening pronunciations also have been refined, structured into rules.
> The very name of the language "Sanskrit" means refined. It is these
> refinements which have made the language chaste. There is no other language
> in the world, which can match the chastity of Sanskrit.
> Word #15 ?? is not new. It was there in glossary 1. It is repeated just for
> the sake of convenience.
> Exercises 3
> From the words 1 to 16 in the glossary, prepare the following phrases -
> No.PhraseSanskrit in
> transliterationSanskrit in
> Devanagari1cloud, in post-rainy season, not, rains, thunders__________
>  __________ _____________________  __________  _________2quiet (noiseless)
> cloud, during rainy season, rains
> __________  ___________  __________________  __________  ________3the
> lowly person, prattles, not, does__________  __________  ___________________
>  __________  ________4not, talks, gentleman, does only__________
>  __________  ___________________  __________  ________
> In the glossary, you have the word "cloud" only once. You have to use it
> both in phrases (1) and (2). Likewise the word "not" is to be use at three
> places.
> For the English word "does" we have in the glossary two Sanskrit words
> ?????? and  ?????. They are interchangeable. Or even any one of the two
> can be used at both the paces. But to keep the matter simple, in phrase 3, I
> have put "does" independently after "not". In phrase 4, I have put it
> together "does only" as in the glossary. Use the glossary. So you will know
> which fits better where.
> Now you can write down two-two phrases in one line. By that it becomes a
> good two-line verse, a good saying a ????????? !!
> Here it is, how it reads -
> ???? ? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???? ?
> ???? ???? ? ?????? ? ???? ????? ???????? ?
> Say it aloud. You will appreciate what musical rhythm is built in here by
> the poet, having composed it with quite some Onamatopoeia. Doesn't that
> make it so easy to commit it to memory ? And there is of course a message, a
> moral, explained with an example of a very commonplace experience. To derive
> moral out of a commonplace experience is again refinement. Language itself
> is a refined language. Poetry shall of course be !
> I am sure you will like this good saying ?????????. Learn it by heart.
> You may think that for every lesson, I advise, "Learn it by heart". But
> this is all poetry, music and easy knowledge, wisdom, eternal wisdom,
> saturated and condensed in such short verses. Why not learn it by heart ?
> More the wisdom you have within your memory bank, wiser you will be. So
> learning Sanskrit is not just learning another language. It is enriching
> ourselves with all that wisdom you have in the literature of Sanskrit. That
> is my basic idea of "Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach". How do you like
> that ?
> Also, once you remember the verses, your vocabulary is also automatically
> building up. You do not have to make any separate effort to mug up words and
> their meanings. If the verse is understood along with its meaning, it is so
> many birds in one stone!
> ???????? |
> -o-O-o-
> *
> --
> ???????? ,
> ?????????????????? ???????? |
> S. L. Abhyankar
> "God is ready to listen. Have I time to pray?
> ?????? ?? ???? ???????????? ? ????? ????? ???? ??????????? ?"

???????? ,
?????????????????? ???????? |
S. L. Abhyankar
"God is ready to listen. Have I time to pray?
?????? ?? ???? ???????????? ? ????? ????? ???? ??????????? ?"
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End of sanskrit Digest, Vol 61, Issue 9

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