FYI, see Call for Participation below.


Ken van Wyk

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bart De Win <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 9, 2008 8:22:14 AM EST
Subject: ESSoS'09: Call for Participation

                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                        International Symposium on
         Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS'09)
  In collaboration with ACM SIGSAC/SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE

               February 04-06, 2009    Leuven, Belgium

You are cordially invited to attend ESSoS, a conference-level event that provides a unique research and practitioners' view on the state of the art
in secure software engineering. There are many good reasons for you to
participate (and ditto arguments to convince your supervisor or boss). The
program includes invited talks by two renowned researchers, as well as
technical papers on a variety of topics ranging from program
transformation to testing and assurance. Being the first edition in a
future series, this is the time to join this growing community, meet new people and interact with peers. As an industry representative, you might
be especially interested in the tutorials, which address current
challenges and best practices in secure software construction. And last but not least, the symposium takes place in Leuven, a very enjoyable and
historic city with a strong tradition in beer brewing.

The program consists of three days, one day of tutorials and two days of
technical program, including among others:
 * Invited talks:
   - Elaborating Security Requirements by Analysis of Malicious
       (Axel van Lamsweerde, Université Catholique de Louvain)
   - Automating Software Testing Using Program Analysis
       (Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research)

 * Tutorials:
   - Security by Construction
       (Rod Champan, Praxis)
- Risk Management in Practice: Model Based Security Risk Analysis with
the CORAS Method
       (Heidi Dahl and Mass Lund, SINTEF)
   - Inside the Biggest of the OWASP Top-10 Issues
       (Kenneth R. van Wyk, KRvW Associates)
   - Security: Philosophy, Patterns and Practices
       (Munawar Hafiz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

 * Technical program:
   - a list of accepted papers is available at


We're looking forward to meeting you all there !

Bart De Win (General Chair)
Fabio Massacci and Samuel Redwine (PC co-Chairs)

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