hi sc-l,

Nate Fick is an interesting man.  He has a classics degree from Dartmouth, 
where he is now a Trustee.  He served combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, 
resulting in the book “One Bullet Away” and the HBO series “Generation Kill.”  
He served as the CEO of an important new think thank, the Center for New 
American Security.  While he was at CNAS, we wrote this: 
http://www.cigital.com/papers/download/mcgraw-fick-CNAS.pdf  And then he 
transitioned to become CEO or Endgame.  When he did that, I was worried, since 
Endgame was performing services that did not help security at all.  He has 
turned Endgame around completely.

We talk about that, about “cyber war” versus real war, policy people in 
Washington, security hype, and running a startup in the security space.  Have a 
listen, and pass it on: http://www.cigital.com/silver-bullet/show-096/


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