SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

PhD Studentships on Nano-Diagnostics and Nano-Therapeutics available at the 
Department of Experimental Molecular Imaging at the RWTH / Aachen University. - 

Keywords: Cancer; Imaging; Drug targeting; Nanomedicines; Liposomes, Polymers, 
Micelles; Chemistry; Material Science; Pharmacy; Pharmacology; Medicine. - 

The Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) is a world-renowned 
research university located in Aachen, Germany. With more than 30.000 students 
and more than 100 courses, RWTH ranks among the largest and most prestigious 
technical universities in Germany and in Europe. Since 2007, RWTH is part of 
the German league of Excellence Universities, and it holds strong reputation 
for chemical and medical research, material science, for mechanical and 
electrical engineering, and for computer science. - 

At the Department of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI ; headed by Prof. 
Fabian Kiessling) at the RWTH, several 3-year PhD studentships are now 
available for individuals interested in working on nano-diagnostics and 
nano-therapeutics, at the interface of chemistry, biology, medicine and 
material science. A secondary focus within the Department lies on the 
pharmacological and toxicological aspects of advanced diagnostics and 
therapeutics, and on the in vitro and in vivo evaluation (and visualization) of 
passively and actively targeted nanomedicines, such as liposomes, polymers, 
micelles and antibodies. Imaging techniques to be used include PET, SPECT, MRI, 
ultrasound and optical imaging, as well as immunohistochemistry and confocal 
microscopy. Experience in working with one (or more) of these visualization 
techniques would be advantageous. - 

Talented, motivated and internationally oriented individuals with a background 
in pharmacy, pharmacology, (bio-) chemistry, (bio-) medicine or (bio-) 
technology, and with at least one year of relevant research experience, are 
invited to send their application, together with a CV, a letter of motivation, 
a summary of recent research experience, and the names of two independent 
referees via email to Dr. Twan Lammers:



Twan Lammers

Ansprechpartner: Twan Lammers


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