SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

The IMPRS-SurMat represents a unique cooperative effort involving the Max 
Planck Institute for Iron Research (MPIE) in Duesseldorf, the Max Planck 
Institute for Coal Research in Muelheim, and the Ruhr University (RUB) in 
Bochum. In addition, three research departments from Xiamen University in 
China, the Department of Materials at the University of Science and Technology, 
Beijing, and Fudan University, Shanghai closely cooperate with SurMat.
The main research objective of the IMPRS-SurMat is to correlate the chemical 
structure, morphology and mechanical properties of heterogeneous surfaces and 
buried interfaces with functional properties of the materials and to optimize 
them by means of advanced surface modification technologies.

The IMPRS-SurMat covers topics ranging from fundamental scientific issues to 
engineering applications. This includes topics such as material stability 
(corrosion and interfacial adhesion), local reactivities on heterogeneous 
surfaces (corrosion and heterogeneous catalysis), and the sophisticated 
tailoring of surfaces by thin film and nano-structuring techniques. The 
laboratories within the IMPRS-SurMat consist of the most modern surface and 
interface analytical techniques and surface technologies. 

Students holding either an excellent Master's degree in Chemistry, Physics, 
Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Geo-Science or related subjects can 
apply for admission. 

You will find more information about IMPRS SurMat School as well as about the 
Max Planck Society at our web site:



Elke Gattermann
International Max Planck Research School of Surface and Interface Engineering

Ansprechpartner: Elke Gattermann


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SCIENCE-JOBS-DE is available on the Web at, 
especially regarding subscription and unsubscription, information for 
offerings and "netiquette".

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