SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

The Georg-Speyer-Haus in Frankfurt am Main, Germany is an academic research 
institute of great tradition in biomedical sciences. The institute maintains 
the status of an independent foundation, and is supported by the German Federal 
Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Sciences and Arts of the State of 
Hessen. The Georg-Speyer-Haus is dedicated to basic and translational research 
in the fields of cancer and infectious diseases, and cooperates closely with 
the University of Frankfurt.

We are seeking highly motivated PhD students with interest in molecular, 
genomic and cellular cancer research.

Our research team is interested in tumour suppressor mechanisms of the 
p53-protein family in the post-genomic and epigenetic era. We are applying 
modern molecular and cellular techniques to study the tumour-suppressor 
mechanisms of the p53-family in healthy as well as cancerous cells. 

The group is hosted at the Georg-Speyer-Haus in Frankfurt am Main, a 
high-ranking cancer research institute. We offer an innovative and 
scientifically stimulating surrounding, a well-equipped lab as well as an 
ambitious, friendly and cooperative team. The position is available initially 
for a period of 2 years (PhD); salary is according to German BAT IIa (50%, PhD).

Applicants must hold a diploma/master degree in biology, biochemistry, human 
biology or a related field. Previous experience in molecular biology is 

Please send your complete application (CV, letter of motivation, name and 
address of two referees) via email to:

Printed applications should be sent to: Christiane Strack, Georg-Speyer-Haus, 
Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 42-44, D-60596 Frankfurt/Main, Tel: 0049-69-63395-104.



Marion Lohrum



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