SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

The "International Max Planck Research School on Physical
Processes in the Solar System and Beyond" at the Max Planck
Institute for Solar System Research in Katlenburg-Lindau, and
the Universities of Braunschweig and Goettingen, Germany,
offers excellent research possibilities for students
to obtain a PhD degree in a 3-years graduate program.

The program covers the full range of physics inherent in the
field of solar system science from geophysics and planetary
physics to solar physics as well as the underlying fundamental
physics. The science program is complemented by training in
computational physics, space technology and project management.

High-profile space missions, outstanding projects for ground-
based instruments and data analysis, as well as theoretical
and extensive numerical modeling provide a wide range of research
possibilities for PhD students.

Applications for the program are open to highly-qualified and
well-motivated students from all countries. A prerequisite is a
diploma or master of science degree in physics or a related field,
including a corresponding thesis. Proficiency in English is

The next PhD program will start in January 2010, review of
application begins on 1 August 2009. Successful applicants will
receive adequate financial support.

The application documents should include a CV, the filled
application form (see web page), copies of university certificates
and two letters of recommendation. The application can be send
either by mail or by email (preferentially one attachment in pdf

For details on the IMPRS program and the application procedure,
please visit
or email to

Address applications to

Dr. Dieter Schmitt
Coordinator IMPRS Solar System School
Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
Max-Planck-Str. 2
37191 Katlenburg-Lindau

Tel:   +49 5556 979 431
Fax:   +49 5556 979 190



Dr. Dieter Schmitt
International Max Planck Research School / Solar System School
Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany

Ansprechpartner: Dr. Dieter Schmitt,


Mehr Informationen zu SCIENCE-JOBS-DE finden Sie im WWW unter der 
Adresse, insbesondere zu den Themen An/Abmelden,
Informationen fuer Anbieter und "Netiquette" - more information on 
SCIENCE-JOBS-DE is available on the Web at, 
especially regarding subscription and unsubscription, information for 
offerings and "netiquette".

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