SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

Dieses Angebot wurde eingetragen von,
der deutschlandweiten Vermittlung fuer Doktorarbeiten aus Medizin,
Naturwissenschaften und anderen Fachrichtungen

Ort:              Jena
Fachrichtungen:   Biologie / Chemie / Ingenieursberufe / Physik
Institution:      Physik
Thema:            Postdoc and PhD Student in Materials Science

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Job Advertisement
Reg.-No.: 57/09

At the Institute of Materials Science and Technology (IMT) of the 
Friedrich-Schiller-University (FSU) Jena, the following positions are available:

One postdoctoral position (full time) / one PhD studentship (part time)

in Materials Science & Engineering / Physics / Chemistry

The positions are available immediately, subject to approval of funds for 24 
months at the Institute of Materials Science and Technology (IMT) of the 
Friedrich-Schiller-University (FSU) Jena, Germany. The posts are funded jointly 
by the Thüringer Aufbaubank and industry. The successful applicants will have 
the opportunity to work at a state-of-the-art facility on biomaterials within 
one of Germany’s leading research universities.

The Friedrich-Schiller-University is among the leading research universities in 
the heart of Germany. The Institute of Materials Science and Technology (IMT) 
focuses on the timely research areas of biomaterials and nanomaterials. The 
group of Professor Jandt is one of the leading research groups in biomedical 
engineering in Europe.

The postdoc and the PhD student would conduct research and development on 
advanced biointerface and implant engineering and testing in close cooperation 
with industrial partners. Applicants should have a PhD (for the postdoctoral 
position) or seek a PhD (for the PhD studentship) in materials science, 
physics, chemistry, biology or a related relevant subject. Previous experience 
in surface engineering and polymers would be preferred but is not essential. 
Experience and abilities in several of the following techniques and skills 
would be desirable but not essential: polymer processing and structuring, AFM, 
LFM, ellipsometry, contact angle measurements, FTIR, cell culture and protein 
adsorption tests. For the postdoctoral position, two years of experience after 
completion of a PhD in would be ideal. Excellent oral and written 
communications skills are expected.

For more information about the University and the IMT visit

The monthly salary is depending on research experience and is according to 

We especially welcome applications of women. Disabled candidates will be 
preferred if qualified equally.

Applications, including a full CV, list of publications and research 
experience, skills and three referees, quoting the Reg.-Nr. 57/09 should be 
sent until 15. June 2009 by email to:

Prof. Dr. Klaus D. Jandt
Chair in Materials Science 
Director of Institute of Materials Science and Technology (IMT) 
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena 
Löbdergraben 32 
D-07743 Jena, Germany


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