SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

Dieses Angebot wurde eingegeben bei, 
der Internet-Stellenboerse und Kooperationspartner von 
SCIENCE-JOBS-DE für Diplom- und Promotionsarbeiten

Fachgebiete:     Informatik Mathematik Physik
Thema:           Doktorarbeit / Diplomarbeit: Multiscale structure-functional 
modeling of musculoskeletal mineralized tissues
Ansprechpartner: Prof. Kay Raum
Antwort an:
Institution:     Julius Wolff Institut
Ort:             13353 Berlin, Augustenburger Platz 1


You will be working in an interdisciplinary research laboratory at the 
Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT) within the 
framework of the DFG priority program SPP1420  „Biomimetic Materials Research: 
Functionality by Hierarchical Structuring of Materials“. Musculoskeletal 
mineralized tissues (MMTs) are natural examples of achieving a unique 
combination and variability of stiffness and strength.  This is achieved by 
only one common building unit, i.e. the mineralized collagen fibril, but 
variable structural arrangements at several levels of hierarchical 
organization. Multi-scale and multimodal (Scanning Acoustic Microscopy, 
Synchrotron Radiation µCT, SAXS,  Nanoindentation) will be used to probe not 
only the microarchitecture, but also anisotropic linear elastic properties from 
the nanoscale to the macroscale. By combining experimental data obtained from 
MMTs at various length scales with numerical homogenization approaches in 
continuum mechanics, we hypo!
 thesize to gain new insight into self assembly mechanisms, construction rules 
and physiological boundary conditions of MMTs.

Scanning Acoustic Microscopy
Synchrotron radiation µCT
Finite Element Analysis

Anfangsdatum: 8. Juni 2009

geschätzte Dauer: 3 years

Bezahlung: TV-Charité (13)

Raum,K., Microelastic imaging of bone, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. , Ferroelect. , 
Freq. Contr. 55 (7),2008, 1417-1431.

Grimal,Q., Raum,K., Gerisch,A., Laugier,P., Derivation of the mesoscopic 
elasticity tensor of cortical bone from quantitative impedance images at the 
micron scale, Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed Engin. 11 (2), 2008, 147-157.

Hofmann,T., Heyroth,F., Meinhard,H., Franzel,W., Raum,K., Assessment of 
composition and anisotropic elastic properties of secondary osteon lamellae, J 
Biomech. 39 (12), 2006, 2284-2294.


Formal and scientific preconditions:
- an excellent university degree (M.S. or Diploma) in Physics, Engineering (or 
- excellent programming skills
- experience in scientific work
- background in acoustics and elastic theory are desired
- very good English skills

In line with the university's policy of equal opportunities, applications from 
qualified women are particularly encouraged. Handicapped applicants will be 
preferred in case of the same qualification.

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SCIENCE-JOBS-DE is available on the Web at, 
especially regarding subscription and unsubscription, information for 
offerings and "netiquette".

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