SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

The University of Siegen is an innovative and interdisciplinary university with 
some 12.000 students and 1.500 employees, including 900 researchers. The 
University of Siegen offers an excellent study and research environment 
encompassing humanities and social sciences, as well as economics, natural 
sciences and engineering and numerous interdisciplinary research projects.

In the Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, the following 
vacancies are to be filled until October 1st 2009

2 Research Scientists with focus on „Scientific Visualization“
(full position, wage group 13 TV-L)

The first position is located at the Research Training Group 1564 „Imaging New 
Modalities“, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), and  is limited to 
3 years. The second position is financed by the DFG project „Interactive 
Multifunctional Confocal Image Analysis“.It is at first limited to 2 years but  
can be prolonged to 4 years in case of a positive project development.

Your Tasks:

Development of algorithmic concepts for the visualization of multi-dimensional 
sensor data and their realization in a software for visual data analysis.

Your Profile:

Applicants must be graduated in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or 
similar (Master or Diploma) with very good or excellent grade. We expect good 
English knowledge. The scientific career of the applicant should have a 
relation to computer graphics resp. scientific visualization. We expect 
profound knowledge in object-oriented programming (C++) under Linux/Unix or 
Windows and in graphics hardware programming.

Candidates will be given the opportunity to work on their PhD thesis. 

The University of Siegen is an equal-opportunity employer and seeks to raise 
the amount of women involved in research and teaching. Thus, the application of 
adequately qualified women is encouraged. Applications from handicapped persons 
are encouraged.

The application and selection procedure is web-based. Applications including a 
curriculum vitae, certificates, two letters of recommendation and a project 
proposal should be uploaded on the Research Training Group’s website until October 16, 2009. The proposal (approx. 2 
pages) should describe the nexus between the individual research interests and 
the research topic in focus.

Further information can be given by Prof. Dr. Andreas Kolb, Tel.: ++49 
(0)271/740- 2404 or For information  on  the 
University of Siegen  please refer to the webpage



Universitätsprofessor Kolb
Universität Siegen

Ansprechpartner: Prof. Kolb


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SCIENCE-JOBS-DE is available on the Web at, 
especially regarding subscription and unsubscription, information for 
offerings and "netiquette".

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