SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

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der Internet-Stellenboerse und Kooperationspartner von 
SCIENCE-JOBS-DE für Diplom- und Promotionsarbeiten

Fachgebiete:     Physik
Thema:           Doktorarbeit: Ph.D. Fellowships in Elementary Particle Physics
Ansprechpartner: Dr. rer. nat. Frank Steffen
Antwort an:
Institution:     Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik /IMPRS on Elementary Particle 
Physics (IMPRS EPP)
Ort:             80805 Muenchen, Foehringer Ring 6


Beschreibung: The International Max Planck Research School "Elementary Particle 
Physics - Theoretical, Experimental and Cosmological Frontiers" (IMPRS EPP) is 
a joint initiative of the Max Planck Institute of Physics (Werner Heisenberg 
Institute) and the particle and astroparticle physics groups of the Ludwig 
Maximilian University Munich and the Technical University Munich. Since April 
2005 the School has been offering excellent research opportunities to highly 
qualified doctoral students. Research fields covered by the School from both an 
experimental and a theoretical perspective include high energy particle 
physics, astroparticle physics, and cosmology. The physics of strong 
interactions, quantum chromodynamics, symmetries and mechanisms for symmetry 
breaking, neutrino physics and neutrino astrophysics, supersymmetry, string 
theory, physics and technology of particle detectors and light sensors, dark 
matter, gamma-ray astrophysics, cosmic rays, and weak interaction physics
  are just a few examples of the range of topics under investigation. The 
students own research is supplemented by an accompanying lecture program. 
Regular seminars, workshops, and other joint events serve to broaden the 
intellectual horizon, stimulate interaction between IMPRS members, and provide 
valuable background knowledge on topics beyond the students own research 

Note that the IMPRS EPP is a school for PhD students only. Work on a 
Master/Diploma Thesis is not supported. Moreover, a Master/Diploma Thesis 
documenting at least about 6 months of research is required to be accepted. 

Please submit your application through the APPLICATION FORM on the WWW page 
"";. Otherwise, your application cannot be 
considered. On the web page  "";, you will find more 
detailed information on the IMPRS EPP, the requirements, etc.

Experimental and Theoretical Particle Physics and Astroparticle Physics

Anfangsdatum: 1. März 2010

geschätzte Dauer: 2+1 years


The next deadline for applications is January 07, 2010

Mehr Informationen zu SCIENCE-JOBS-DE finden Sie im WWW unter der 
Adresse, insbesondere zu den Themen An/Abmelden,
Informationen fuer Anbieter und "Netiquette" - more information on 
SCIENCE-JOBS-DE is available on the Web at, 
especially regarding subscription and unsubscription, information for 
offerings and "netiquette".

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