SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

Announcement of an open position at the
Faculty of Informatics,
Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Discrete Reasoning Methods

for a five year term

The Vienna University of Technology intends to appoint a Professor for Discrete 
Reasoning Methods at the Faculty of Informatics for a 5 year term. The 
successful candidate is expected to have expertise in at least one of the 
following areas: logic and computation on finite structures (such as graphs and 
networks), SAT and QBF solving, constraint satisfaction, algorithms and 
computational complexity.

Applicants are expected to have an outstanding research record, international 
work experience, experience in university teaching, and experience in obtaining 
research funding. Duties include teaching informatics curricula courses (in 
English or German) as well as supervising graduates and PhD students working on 
their theses. The professor is expected to contribute to usual management 
tasks. Applicants must meet the following requirements: a doctoral degree, an 
outstanding track record in research and teaching, didactic skills and 
leadership abilities. 

We offer excellent working conditions in an attractive research environment in 
a city with an exceptional quality of living. 

The Vienna University of Technology is committed to increase female employment 
in leading scientific positions. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to 
apply. Preference will be given when equally qualified. People with special 
needs are equally encouraged to apply. 

Applications have to include a detailed curriculum vitae, a list of 
publications, copies of the applicant’s five most important publications 
related to the position together with an explanation of their relevance, as 
well as a brief description of current research interests and research plans 
for the next few years.

Applications should be sent to the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics (Prof. 
Dr. Gerald Steinhardt), Getreidemarkt 9/E 180, A-1060 Vienna, Austria. The 
application package should also be sent in digital form (a single pdf on a 
For further information, see

Application Deadline: 2 November 2009



Stefan Kornher
Fakultät für Informatik (Technische Universität Wien)

Ansprechpartner: Heinz Huemayer od. Stefan Kornher


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