SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

Dieses Angebot wurde eingegeben bei, 
der Internet-Stellenboerse und Kooperationspartner von 
SCIENCE-JOBS-DE für Diplom- und Promotionsarbeiten

Fachgebiete:     Biologie
Thema:           Doktorarbeit: LeibnizAgeNet: Signalling Pathways in Diseases 
of Ageing
Ansprechpartner: Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Müller
Antwort an:
Institution:     Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institute 
Ort:             07745 Jena, Beutenbergstrasse 11


The Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) in Jena, 
Germany invites applications for:

PhD positions                                        (code number 2609)         

to work in projects of the 3 year research program LeibnizAgeNet: Signalling 
Pathways in Diseases of Ageing.  All projects will employ genome-scale 
loss-of-function analysis in cultured cells, following RNA interference. The 
positions are part of the Leibniz Graduate School on Ageing and Age-Related 
Diseases (LGSA)

Experience with one or more of the following would be advantageous: 
high-throughput and RNAi techniques, HCS microscopy functional assays, 
automated liquid handling systems, bioinformatics analysis, database handling.  
Fluency in spoken and written english plus very good working knowledge of 
standard computer operating systems and software are essential.

Starting date is January 2010.  The contract conditions and the salary will be 
according to the collective labour agreement for public service employees of 
the federal states of Germany (TV-L E13 /2).

PhD candidate applications, citing the code number 2609, should be submitted to, according to the application guidelines found at

The deadline for application submission is 22nd November 2009.  Interviews are 
planned for the 1st week of December.

Further information can be obtained by contacting:
Drs. A. Ploubidou (  and  H. Morrison 
(Analysis of cytoskeleton-mediated signal transduction)
Dr. C. Kaether ( and Prof. P.Herrlich 
 (Identification of regulators of intramembraneous protein cleavage)
Dr. J. Tuckermann (
(Inhibition of stromal cell - induced tumour growth)
Please see also 

Anfangsdatum: 9. Oktober 2009

geschätzte Dauer: 36 Monate


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Adresse, insbesondere zu den Themen An/Abmelden,
Informationen fuer Anbieter und "Netiquette" - more information on 
SCIENCE-JOBS-DE is available on the Web at, 
especially regarding subscription and unsubscription, information for 
offerings and "netiquette".

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