On 06/24/2016 03:30 PM, Ken Teh wrote:
Does anyone know enough groff to help me print this man page?

# man -t firewall-cmd > /tmp/firewall-cmd.ps
<standard input>:397: warning [p 4, 4.4i]: can't break line
<standard input>:434: warning [p 4, 6.8i]: can't break line
<standard input>:446: warning [p 4, 7.9i]: can't break line
error: page 11: table will not fit on one page; use .TS H/.TH with a
supporting macro package

I haven't tried generating a postscript in a while, but there is a man2html that does a pretty decent job. Unfortunately it doesn't like gzipped man pages it seems, so it might be easiest to copy the firewall-cmd.1.gz (or whatever section it is) to /tmp, gunzip it, then run man2html on it. You could also get fancy with 'man' options and piping things together if you want.

Digging in an old conversion script I have, I have done:
groff -mandoc source_file > dest_file.ps

The default is ps output, so it looks like the same command as your 'man -t'.

Experience from compiling docbook/xml contents, the warnings/errors you are seeing are familiar. Rewriting an entire table structure just to get a postscript seems a waste of time.

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