On 5/6/19 11:56 AM, Stephen Isard wrote:

I am trying to install dropbox on an up to date SL 7.6 system.
caja-dropbox from nux-dextop installs, but when I try to run it, I get a
popup saying that it needs to download a proprietary daemon and after a
while that fails saying that I need glibc 2.18 and SL only has 2.17.
When I try to compile from dropbox-caja-master.zip downloaded from the
dropbox website, it fails with "Requested 'libcaja-extension >= 1.17.1' but
version of libcaja-extension is 1.16.6".

Any suggestions on how to proceed?


Stephen Isard

I'm not a dropbox user, but maybe one of those fancy new AppImage or Flatpak wrappers would do the job.

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