On 10/22/21 9:40 AM, Stephen Isard wrote:
For the past couple of days, I've been getting


Failed to check for updates with the following error message:
Failed to build transaction: google-chrome-stable-95.0.4638.54-1.x86_64
requires libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.18)(64bit)

Disabling the google-chrome repo makes the error message go away, of course,
and lets check-update proceed.  But is this the end of the road for chrome
updates on SL7, or is there some reasonably straightforward work-around?

Stephen Isard

For the record, I'm a Firefox user...  I honestly don't see why some people are so tied up on chrome. There is a chromium package available that works fine and uses the same rendering engine.
You could also look into a snap or appimage packaging.
Historically, google doesn't give a flip about supporting "old" anything.

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