Radu-Cristian FOTESCU wrote:

May idea was not to have too many packages on the LiveCD
which are not part of SL. Since they will be never updated later,
if the LiveCD is installed or maybe even worse, they will break future updates of an installed LiveCD.

Well, the idea was that you _would/could_ convince the others to *add* them as part of SL! -- gqview and rxvt-unicode are in EPEL, they could be trusted enough, and rebuilding them for SL shouldn't be a pain. (Normally, EPEL doesn't always mix well with Rpmforge AFAIK, so it shouldn't be enabled on a regular basis.)
-- xfe depends on fox-1.6, which doesn't evolve. Both of them could be rebuilt 
for SL, tested by several people (they're stable and they *do* work), and 
rebuilt for SL5.4, etc. IMHO, the SL team has added to SL packages that are 
much more trickier than these two!

As the person who ends up maintaining all those packages that get put in, I believe I will comment.
Just putting packages in at random by random people just doesn't make sense.
You might not have noticed that you've already changed your mind three times in your e-mails as to what packages you want, and your list just keeps growing.

That is the reason that we have atrpms and the dag repositories installed by default. They are not enabled by default, but they are there so that you can enable them quickly. You can also add the EPEL repository with one command
  yum install yum-conf-epel
and then you can install any package from EPEL that you want with no problem at all.

Testing out new packages and getting your machine the way you want it is great. That's what we want. But asking for every package that you want to be in the main SL distribution is not the way to do it. Every package we add, adds work to us, and not just one time work, but work for 5 to 7 years in the future as we maintain that package.

Troy Dawson  daw...@fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LCSI/CSI LMSS Group

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