On Thu, 22 Jul 2010, Larry Linder wrote:

When installing SL5.5 over SL5.4 about mid way into the Disk 2 I get an Error
message to REBOOT.
204 Meg on /mnt/sysimage/usr

When I look at /mnt   it is empty after reboot.

During an install, the partition that is going to become /
would be mounted on /mnt/sysimage and
that which will be /usr would be on /mnt/sysimage/usr.

My guess is that update ran out of disk space, and the the sysimage/usr is
removed after ERROR is detected and REBOOT message is displayed.

You shouldn't actually have to do an anaconda install to get from
SL54. to sl5.5, a yum upgrade should work.
But yes you ran out of disk space on /usr, which is by far where
most of the distribution lives.

Is there anyway to change the location of sysimage/usr to some other disk on
the system?
How big is your / partition?  Is it enough to contain all that it contains
now plus all the 8GB of /usr plus the extra stuff you still have to put in?

do you have any other partition that has 2G or more free?

If so, you could boot in single user mode and move the contents of
/usr/ to whatever partition is free.
But it may be better to first try to clean out unused user files
out of /usr because there is for sure not 8GB worth of OS files that
would be there.

The sda? contains all the system directories and is 36 G, about 1/2 of it is
uncommitted.   /usr is 8G and 94% full.  Other directories have at least a G
of spare space.

I need to change partition sizes but hate to waste a lot of time guessing.

Thank You
Larry Linder

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
t...@fnal.gov  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
Fermilab Computing Division, Scientific Computing Facilities,
Grid Facilities Department, FermiGrid Services Group, Assistant Group Leader.

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