We are seeing this problem more and more.
The problem stems from when you did the install, you probrubly picked the sl-fastbugs repo during the install. This means that you got all the security and fastbug updates during the install, which is good, in a way. The real problem is that sl-fastbugs isn't turned on by default. So you have all these packages that were updated during the install, but now when yum looks at the enabled repositories, it only see's packages that are older than you have installed.

Short term solution
  yum --enablerepo=sl-fastbugs install libSM.i686

Longer term solution
  Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/sl-updates.repo and edit sl-fastbugs and change
"enable=0" to "enable=1"

Longer term solution
This is a problem we need to address before SL 6.1. I have some ideas, but wouldn't mind suggestions.


On 05/05/2011 09:33 PM, Emilio Xavier Esposito wrote:
Hi Thomas
Thank you for the suggestion.  Attempting to install the libSM.i686
library via yum returns:

Transaction Check Error:
   package libuuid-2.17.2-6.el6_0.1.x86_64 (which is newer than
libuuid-2.17.2-6.el6.i686) is already installed

I think something might be really off regarding the workstation as it
cannot find numpy even though it is installed (according to yum).


On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 4:43 PM, tom P<tp...@online.de>  wrote:
Am 05.05.2011 20:58, schrieb Emilio Xavier Esposito:

I recently did a fresh install of SL6 x86_64 (formerly running SL5.3
x86_64) and realized that the 32 bit libraries were not installed. SL6
is up-to-date and I have installed the NVIDIA drivers from NVIDIA.

One application returns the following when trying to run the gui
version but the command line version works as expected.
libSM.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have looked in the "Add/Remove Software" application for the "32 bit
libraries" package but could not find them.  I have also tried to
install the 32 bit (i686) version of the libraries using rpm.  The rpm
command and resulting error are:

[root@SL6box ~]# rpm -i

error: Failed dependencies:
        libuuid.so.1 is needed by libSM-1.1.0-7.1.el6.i686
        libuuid.so.1(UUID_1.0) is needed by libSM-1.1.0-7.1.el6.i686
[root@SL6box ~]# rpm -i

        package libuuid-2.17.2-6.el6_0.1.x86_64 (which is newer than
libuuid-2.17.2-6.el6.i686) is already installed

I have also tried to include the i686 repo under yum but have received
the same results.

Is there another way of installing the 32 bit libraries?  As the
missing libraries are most likely graphics related, is there a subset
of libraries I should install?  Or should I install SL 5.5 or Fedora?

Thank you

Have you tried installing the package directly via yum: 'yum install
libSM.i686'. Worked here on a 64bit SL6 system without fiddling with the
repos. We rely heavily on 32bit libs and I usually don't need to grab them

Best regards,

Troy Dawson  daw...@fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/SCF/FEF/SLSMS Group

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