On Mon, 12 Sep 2011, James Kelly wrote:

Hello SL users,

When I install sl5.6 and sl5.7 64 bit guests on a KVM sl6.1 64 bit host I am
seeing the following errors (when the virtual machine starts or restarts):

Sep 11 20:00:34 kvm-sl6x kernel: kvm: 2022: cpu0 unimplemented perfctr
wrmsr: 0xc0010005 data 0x0
Sep 11 20:00:34 kvm-sl6x kernel: kvm: 2022: cpu0 unimplemented perfctr
wrmsr: 0xc0010001 data 0x130076
Sep 11 20:00:34 kvm-sl6x kernel: kvm: 2022: cpu0 unimplemented perfctr
wrmsr: 0xc0010005 data 0xffffffffffde6d26
Sep 11 20:00:34 kvm-sl6x kernel: kvm: 2022: cpu0 unimplemented perfctr
wrmsr: 0xc0010001 data 0x530076

I'm pretty sure the wrmsr errors above are harmless..we have seen
them on FermiCloud under both SLF5 and SLF6.  The error below is

When i tried an sl5.6 32 bit guest the virsh console connection from the
host to the guest crashed with following error:

*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/virsh: corrupted double-linked list:
0x000000000101b1c0 ***

The install had finished and the guest was being rebooted when this
error occurred. I had to issue a virsh destroy command from a second ssh
connection to get get rid of the frozen virsh console connection. Strangely
the vm did boot when i later issued a virsh start command.

What do you see when you bring up the VM with virt-viewer or virt-manager,
sometimes you can see some other messages there before the virsh console
is available.

Installing an sl6.1 64 bit guest on the sl6.1 64 bit host I get the this
error as the vm starts or restarts:

Sep 11 14:05:14 kvm-sl6x kernel: kvm: 1928: cpu0 unhandled rdmsr: 0xc0010001

Can anyone offer any advice on whether I have hit a bug somewhere of whether
I have done something wrong with the configuration of the host/guest?


Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
t...@fnal.gov  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
Fermilab Computing Division, Scientific Computing Facilities,
Grid Facilities Department, FermiGrid Services Group, Group Leader.
Lead of FermiCloud project.

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