Walter Cruz wrote:
As I can't find, I think that write one myself would be a good idea.

Yes, excellent idea :-)

And these are the relevant lines on my config file:


As scite use the cpp lexer to analize the js, I'm using this to make the autocomplete (althoug I think that I will get this off)


But, I'm with a doubt. By example, the getElementById is a static method from the document object.So, the better way to do this on the api file would be:

    document.getElementById("id") Returns a reference to the first
    object with the specified ID

But when I put the . (dot) in the after document, the calltip is not displayed anymore.I've tried to put a line like this:


But doen't work too. How can I do that (i've seen that the lua api files has functions with a dot inside).

As you have noticed, these functions are in whole in the api file, ie. you have math.mod, not mod alone.

BTW, on my Lua API file, I had some commented constants, like _G, _VERSION, math.pi and three io.stdxxx. I had to remove their comments because SciTE, seeing no opening brace, continue to add the words from the comment to the api list...

I tried to improve your experiments. Here are my settings:

# JavaScript and EcmaScript
filter.js=JavaScript (js es)|$(file.patterns.js)|

Note that I think you cannot write calltip.$(file.patterns.js).word.characters because you have to put a /lexer/ name, not a filepattern (see SciTEDoc).

I excluded . from the word.characters because you have to either put the full form in the API (Math.floor) and then accept the dot (like in Lua), or put the short form (floor), exclude the dot, but make it work for the syntax anyIdentifier.toLowerCase().

Reformatted partially your beginning of API file to my tastes, and for consistency:

alert([string message])
charCodeAt(int index)
concat(array1, array2[, array...]) Joins several arrays and returns a new array
deleteRow([int rowIndex])
fromCharCode(num1[, num...]) Returns a character from the Unicode value
getElementById(string id) Returns a reference to the first object with the specified ID getElementsByTagName(string tag) Returns a collection of objects with the specified TAGNAME
floor(float x) Rounds down the float value to an integer
join(separator) Puts all the elements of an array into a string, divided by a specified separator match(search) Similar to indexOf() and lastIndexOf(), but this method returns the specified string, or null, instead of a numeric value
parseFloat(string strFloat) Converts an string to a floating point number
parseInt(string strInt, int numberBase) Converts a string argument to a number in a specified number base (2, 8, 10, 16...)
pop() Removes and returns the last element of an array
shift() Removes and returns the first element of an array
slice(begin, end) Creates a new array from a selected section of an existing array sort([function]) Sorts the elements of an array, optionnally using the provided function capable of comparing such elements splice(index, howmany, element1[, element...]) Adds and removes elements of an array substr(start, howmany) Returns the specified characters. 14,7 returns 7 characters, from the 14th character (starts at 0)
toLowerCase() Converts a string to lower case
toString() Converts a boolean value to a string
toUpperCase() Converts a string to upper case
reverse() Reverses the order of the elements in an array

Beware of wrapping!

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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