Here's an early Christmas present for those of you with Litronic readers..
I just finished a preliminary CT-API driver for the Litronic Argus 210
reader.  It hasn't been thoroughly tested, although it seems to work now
on three Linux machines with the Cryptoflex card.  

Particular issues are: cross-platform support (only tested under Linux so
far), compatibility with different cards (this is a pass-through reader
and I don't have the 7816-3 spec for implementing the T=0 protocol..), and
card insertion detection (This part doesn't work on my machine, but it
works on two others.  Don't know why.)  It's on the MUSCLE site with the
rest of the code.  Have fun.


"Pursue the truth, no matter where it lies."
                                -- Metallica

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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