
I know where to buy the cyberflex (I want to buy them online tomorrow) but I
also want to have cryptoflex if it's possible to ship them to

can someone tell me where I can order them??

I know where to order the Linux SDK for Cyberflex but not where to get the
cyberflex'es and if it's legal to ship them to austria/europe...

I've written austria/europe for everyone who doesn't know where austria is
and that you don't think I'm talking about australia... :)

Which means: "There are no kangaroos here *boing*" :)

thanks for your help,

PS: I'll tell you as soon as I have PC/SC drivers for towitoko drives!
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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