PC/SC Release 0.0.3 should be out by the end of the week.  It currently allows
a user to connect to a specific reader.  Upon connection, the installed
smartcard is tracked using SCardTrack which compares ATR's matched with those
installed in the database.  It then binds the ICCSP virtual interface ( that is
now included ) to a dynamically loaded library that matches that card.  So now
the capability for multiple card support exists.  I would release it tonight
but I would like to get CreateFile to work by this release and I'm still
waiting on the definitions of the Tagged Length Values (TLV's) specified by
ISO7816.  The version of PC/SC that Microsoft specs out in the specification
places SCARD class into the library.  This means that it is up to the
application to determine what card library to load.  I have placed this into
the SCARD class letting the application be oblivious to dynamic library
loading.  The SCARD class has a generic function that is extended from the
specifcation that allows an application to create any class using the Factory
functions included in the ICCSP.  ( It will make alot more sense when released
: )  Upon this release I would like to see an ICCSP for the Cyberflex so people
can use their Cyberflex for Linux toolkit with any reader.

If anyone has a list of the TLV definitions I would really appreciate them.


David Corcoran                   Internet Security/Smartcards

Work:                            School:
205 Industrial Blvd              2252 US Highway 52 West Apt C4
Sugar Land, TX 77478             West Lafayette, IN 47906

  If it's a hobby for us and a job for you, then why are you doing
    such a shoddy job (Microsoft) ? ~ Linus Torvalds

  If you can't make it work, at least make it look good.
    ~ Bill Gates
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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