I thought I would put my 2 cents in.

Killer application of the (near) future would be
when ADSL is really launched and people start downloading
video.  Like single sign-on, they will be tired of
punching in their credit card, so smartcard will
be the choice.  But, the readers would likely have to
be both swipe plus smartcard, plus probably pin
so that legacy credit cards could be used.  There is
ecash and ecommerce where every click on every
icon gets to nibble on your bank account too.
This is (fortunately) not yet, but it could
'drive' development of smart cards.

That's just one possibility.  But this depends on
credit card companies issuing smart cards.  But they
are sitting on some billion magnetic stripe cards
so there is no reason to change, yet.  Credit card
companies have developed (their) applications using the
smart card.  The problem is standards.

I suppose someone could develop an ad hoc standard
as a 'cash' card for downloading porno movies ...
don't laugh, development of killer apps sometimes
takes exactly that form, and then the standard
is adopted and legitimized.

Dennis Wier

>I'm just curious...
>Are there any people writing PC/SC smartcard *applications* for Linux yet?
>My experience from smartcard development, so far, is that some big actor(s)
>decides to use the technology.  Then they launch "it all":  application +
>reader + smartcard + infrastructure (card issuing, contracts etc.).  PC/SC
>and multivendor projects are changing things, but rather slow.
>Thus I'm very curious to see how things are going to develop the "Linux way",
>where things more or less grows step-by-step, but fast (if they are accepted).
>Are there any potential killer applications for Linux in the pipeline?
>Will we mainly port or adopt things from other platforms, or make new
>applications targeted to be accepted by individuals or small groups?
>Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
>(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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