
> I am looking for some kind of compiler that allows me to transform the ASN .1 
> types in the corresponding DER encoding, I want to put all the PKCS#15 in a
> Javacard and by the moment all I can do is copy the example that is included, as
> I don´t know how to have the DER  coding.
> Please tell me if you know something about that.

For DER encoding, see RSA's Layman's Guide at

For ASN.1 encoding, decoding, the tool most frequently used (free) 
tool is SNACC (search the web).

As far as I know, SNACC is not maintained by the authors any longer.
As part of the SFL project (http://www.imc.org/imc-sfl), VanDyke also 
used SNACC:

But fasten your seat belts. ASN.1 stuff is not your average small 
weekend project :-)

Matthias Gärtner

Concord-Eracom Computer Security GmbH    Tel: ++49 (0)7054/9267-23
Talstr. 11                               Fax: ++49 (0)7054/1837
D-72218 Wildberg                      http://www.concord-eracom.de
Germany                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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