Hi David,

thanks a lot for the information. I think it is really very interesting.
I only cannot get some PCMCIA specific details, like how
the reader is installed and configured as a PCMCIA device
under Linux in a way that it acts a serial port.

Sorry I don't no so much about PCMCIA configuration in Linux.
I would be very glad if you could explain me in few words how
this stuff works.

Kind regards,

At 09:04 28.10.99 -0500, you wrote:
>The Intertex PCMCIA reader looks like a serial port to the machine so the
>Linux IX driver will work with BOTH the serial and pcmcia versions of the
>intertex reader.  This is actually a great design because the drivers are
>much more easily portable across different operating systems.
>Best Regards,
>David Corcoran
>1008 Cherry Lane
>West Lafayette, IN 47906

Mikhail Gordeev

Institute of Computer Technology 
Vienna University of Technology
Gusshausstr. 27-29 / E384
A-1040  Vienna 

Fax: +43-1-58801-38499
e-mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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