kefren wrote:

> I've read the CyberflexAccessProgrammersGuide.pdf and I've just some
> questions about this card. I ask you them 'cause I'me quite sure to get no
> answer from the Schlumberger ...

I'd recommend for you post on our forum at since Access specific 
questions are dealt there on just as open
forum as this mailing list.

> 1. Is the Card able to perform only authentication (and file management),
> with no Java Cardlet running ?

Yes -- the features you see listed in the APDU commands are what you can do without a 

> 2. So, in order to make a digital signature using the card, I must create a
> Cardlet which receives the document hash and signs it using the
> RSA_PrivateKey class, for example. But I've not understood how to make such
> a Key permanent in the card. Are there methods to load a key from a
> Card-File ? What's the format for such files ?

I don't know the answer to this question -- I'd post it at our forum

> 3. Are there any problem with american laws to use the Card and Development
> Tools in Italy ??

What we sell on our web page ( meets all US laws/regulations.  
If you belong in certain industry, for example
banking, it is possible to obtain full crypto cards and toolkit.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Product Manager, Smart Cards, Schlumberger APC
TEL/FAX: +1 512-331-3727         8311 N RR 620, Austin, TX 78726  U.S.A.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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