Hi all,

is there anyone with a few time to help me with my fist steps with this card
I've just a few questions:

a) I've read from the docs about "key files":
        0011 external key file
        0001 internal key file
        0012 secret key file
        1012 public key file
  Are these the only files usable for the EXTERNAL & INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE
  cmds, or not ? What is the rule of the "key number (key_nb)" parameter
  in such files and in the commands (if it uses always these files, it
  does not need any number ?!?)
  I need analogous explations about the second 2 files.

b) In order to do a INT/EXT AUTHENTICATE for a DES key, for example,
   what should I take as initial parameters for the algorythm
   (the IVs) ?

c) I was said the card should be able to SIGN something using the
   INT/EXT AUTH. cmds, specifying RSA as algo. Is it right ?

Thanks for your time,

Tommaso Cucinotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica
Facolta' di Ingegneria
Universita' di Pisa

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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