David wrote:

> Some of the crypto functions may require a
> significant increase in the WWT on the reader.  If you let me know what
> reader you are using I can see if this will be a problem and fix it before
> it exists.

Could you please explain me what "WWT" stands for, because I don't
understand what
the problem is. However, I'm using a Towitoko's CHIPDRIVE.

Just 'cause you could help me, I'm having troubles to let RSA work on the
and I'd be very happy if anyone could take a look at this URL:
where I reported the problem.

Furthermore, I need some elucidations about the transition from the old
pcsc-src-0.8.9's C++ structure to the new pcsc's C structure.
  . Where has it ended the RESOURCEMANAGER class ?
  . Didn't you want to be compliant with PCSC/Winscard API ?
  . It provides separate classes for SCard, CryptKey, etc.., doesn't it ?
(however, maybe I lost some important messages from you mailing-list, and
misinterpreted the overall problem).

A related me-uderstanding problem: what do they mean the prefixes
IS_FileAccess, etc.. which I find on some (don't remember which one)
card-driver ?

BTW, the REAL problem, here, is: if I go on and write some code (I'm
to modify slb_cfaccess as a starting point), shoud I use
        . this->scard->hContext->Transmit(...)
        . SCardTransmit(hContext, ...) ?

Thank you very much,


Tommaso Cucinotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Facolta' di Ingegneria
Universita' di Pisa

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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