Hi Helge.

> i just bought a cardreader from conrad and the
> windows-software bundle is shit... i want to build 
> an access-system for linux to login with an old
> telephone-card (the serial as pass), so i downloaded
> the scez-packet and when i start crdetect, it says 
> me that it found a dumb-mouse on port 3,
> this is all right, also under windows, but i can't
> access to the card, scdir says always not "No card
> present" although i put it in...
> can you help me ?

What is the name of the reader? If it is the "Karten-
zwerg" then forget about it and upgrade to one of the
Chipdrive readers from Towitoko (you can purchase them
at Conrad, too).

The second point is, that nearly every available lib
that can be used with Towitoko readers only work with
so called "processor cards". The german telephone card
is a memory card and uses itīs own protocol for 
communication with the reader. It wonīt be that easy
to build an access system with this type of card. I
would use small BasicCards (www.basiccard.com), they
are cheap and powerful. Support is integrated into
scez, development tools for these cards are freeware
and support is good.

If you need additional help with these cards, let me

Bye, Mike

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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