>Can anyone recommend a reader with integrated PIN pad for use with Muscle
>pc/sc?  Are there any that are supported, or at least have the necessary
>technical specs available?

The external IX2 (reader) and IX36 (reader + V90 modem) has versions
with PIN pad.  Supported through the Intertex API.

Incidentally, my MUSCLE driver includes most of the Intertex API, since 
I built the CT-API on top of the ixapi.c functions.

Technical specs: http://www.intertex.se/html/developer.html

Look at ICC_Data_To_Card() in api_intertex.pdf  and  Command 7:
in protocol.pdf to see how the PIN pad is handled.


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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