Hey All!

It's that time of month again. The next meeting will be on Thursday 31st
October at the usual Spot, the Electron Club in the CCA. [Open Street
We should be kicking around the Electron Club around 7:30PM on Thursday.

(Mini)-Launch Party

With it being the 10th month of the year, there are lots of new exciting
releases coming from the Open Source World! (*)ubuntu flavours, OpenSuse,
Gnome, LibreOffice, etc, etc.
Come along and try out the new releases and have a bit of a gibber too...

Open Source and Q&A

Like last month, we're going to have a 20 minute session at the end for a
Linux or Open Source Q&A session. It is our hope that you can use this time
work on/ with a project that you’re really passionate about, if not get
on how to go about doing this.

We'll be adjourning to the CCA bar afterwords for more of a chat and a bit
a chill-out

As always, for more information – you can visit the website at

Hope to see you all there!
Scottish mailing list

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