> Greetings,
> I am trying to bind the alt+left_arrow and alt+right_arrow keys to be
> the screen prev and next commands, respectively. I can easily do this
> in xterm via:
> bindkey  "^[[1;3D" prev           # xterm: alt + left arrow
> bindkey  "^[[1;3C" next           # xterm: alt + right arrow
> I obtained this information by issuing the cat command without a file
> parameter, then pressed the appropriate keys. I repeat this exercise
> while inside urxvt ($TERM=rxvt-unicode) and then form the following
> bindings:
> bindkey  "^[^[[D" prev           # urxvt: alt + left arrow
> bindkey  "^[^[[C" next           # urxvt: alt + right arrow
> But these do not work. I can't seem to get any variation of \e or ^[
> working, nor ' and " enclosings. I am often in xterm and urxvt, and
> really need to maintain both sets of bindings. Any help would be
> greatly appreciated, thanks!

Some terminals have different behavior depending on whether "keypad
transmit" mode has been set, which most applications expecting "special
key" input will have set. Instead of a plain cat, try:

$ tput smkx; cat; tput rmkx

which should probably give you something like:

bindkey "^[^[OD" prev           # urxvt: alt + left arrow
bindkey "^[^[OC" next           # urxvt: alt + right arrow

These lines worked for me.

Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer...

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