Never did figure out why this wasn't working. I did switch from get-eventlog to 
get-winevent and it failed faster.

Subject: Re: [scripting] hit or miss
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:33:52 -0700

The ones I know it's skipping are up and operational. They are my control set. 
On Mar 10, 2014, at 14:24, "Daniel Ratliff" <> wrote:

Any chance the ones it's skipping are failing the test-connection?

-Daniel Ratliff

-----Original Message-----

From: Daniel Chenault []

Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 05:21 PM Eastern Standard Time



Subject: Re: [scripting] hit or miss

Because we have Citrix servers that are rebooted on a regular basis in that 
time frame. Event ID 41 specifically indicates an abnormal reboot. 

On Mar 10, 2014, at 14:11, "Trevor Sullivan" <> wrote:

Why not just get the list of servers dynamically from Active Directory? Use the
LastBootupTime property on the Win32_OperatingSystem WMI class to see when the 
system last booted up.
Get-ADComputer -Properties
operatingsystem -Filter
'operatingsystem -like "*server*"';
in $ServerList) {
'{0},{1}' -f
$Server.Name, (Get-WmiObject
-ComputerName $Server.Name
-Class Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootupTime;
Results look like this:
Trevor Sullivan

From: []
On Behalf Of Daniel Chenault

Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 4:01 PM

To: Scripting

Subject: [scripting] hit or miss


We had an outage over the weekend and I've been tasked with discovering which 
servers were affected. Get-eventlog should help here, right? Not working... I 
ran it against a single machine
 I know for sure was affected and it worked. Now it's skipping over machines I 
know were affected. Mongo confused...

#server-out.txt is all servers dumped from AD

$servers = Get-Content c:\admin\server_out.txt

$startdate = "3/8/2014 10:30:00 PM"

$enddate = "3/9/2014 01:00:00 am"

foreach ($server in $servers)


    write-host "Testing connection to" $server

    if((Test-Connection -Cn $server -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet))


        $holder = $null

        $holder = Get-EventLog system -After $startdate -Before $enddate 
-ComputerName $server | where {$_.eventid -eq 41}

        write-host $holder

        if ($holder -ne $null)


            write-host $server "was affected"

            write-host "Appending " + $server + " to file"

            Out-File -InputObject $server -FilePath c:\admin\affected.txt 




NB: source is Kernel-Power


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