Hi Sean ...its not working..its creating the new key

My requirement is

Under registry hklm\system\control\Lsa

Need to check the name secureboot=1

If the  value is different than 1 it should reset to 1 also if the name
"secureboot" is not present it should create it with value 1.....

On Wednesday, September 7, 2016, Sean Martin <seanmarti...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not able to test, but hopefully this points you in the right direction:
> $key = "HKLM\System\Test"
> $Name = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name hai).hai
> $Valuename = "hai"
> $Value = "8"
> If (Test-Path $key) {
>  Write-Host "Registry Path $key exists"
>  If (!($Name) {
>   New-ItemProperty -path $key -name $Name -Value $value -PropertyType
> DWORD -Force | Out-null
>   Write-Host "Registry Value for $key\$Name created and updated to $Value"
>  } Elseif ($Name) {
>   If ($Name -ne "8") {
>    New-ItemProperty -path $key -name $Name -Value $value -PropertyType
> DWORD -Force | Out-null
>    Write-Host "Registry Value for $key\$Name updated to $Value"
>   } Elseif ($Name -eq "8") {
>    Write-Host "Registry value for $key\$name already set to $Value"
>   }
>  }
> } Elseif (!(Test-Path $key) {
>  New-Item -Path $key -Force | Out-Null
>  Write-Host "Registry path $key created successfully"
>  New-ItemProperty -path $key -name $ValueName -Value $Value -PropertyType
> DWORD -Force | Out-null
>  Write-Host "Registry value $key\$ValueName created successfully and set
> to $Value"
> }
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 6:53 AM, Kevin Ray <kevinalive...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','kevinalive...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Im looking for path in registry " hklm\system\test"
>> Then if test exist, then -name = hai
>> If name exist then value should be 8...if value is other than 8 it should
>> set to 8 and if the name "hai"...not exist also it should created " hai"
>> with value 8......any help

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