Hi SDLPerl Homiez,

I just tried to install SDL 2.516 from the CPAN onto my Ubuntu box &&
I'm perplexed as the install process seemed to succeed but when I ran:
[...@akua9kh0zq~/.tmp]perl -MSDL::Tutorial::LunarLander=lander.pl -e1
[-] created 'lander.pl'
[-] created 'images'
[-] created 'images/ship.jpg'
[-] created 'images/background.jpg'
[...@akua9kh0pf~/.tmp]perl lander.pl
Can't call method "w" on an undefined value at lander.pl line 22.

I also tried `perl -MSDL::Tutorial -e 1` && a black window flashed on
the screen kinda as expected && `perl
-MSDL::Tutorial::Animation=sdl_anim.pl -e 1` did properly animate the
blue rectangle slow then fast.

Any ideas why lander.pl line 19
SDL::Image::load('images/background.jpg'); would fail? Thanks in
advance for any help. I want to get at least basic SDLPerl stuff
working to learn from (if not FrozenBubble).


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