This should be possible. Just to be clear you want to play different wavs on 
different channels at differing times. Right? Have you read the SDL::Mixer::* 
docs? Is anything unclear?

Kartik Thakore

On 2011-07-20, at 3:45 AM, Anjali Menon <> wrote:

> Hi Kartik,
> I have been going through the SDL::Mixer installation files and I had several 
> questions about that. I am trying to write a program that will play a certain 
> wav file in one channel and somewhere in the middle of that file it'll start 
> playing another wav file in the other channel. Firstly, is is possible with 
> the SDL::Mixer::Channels extension to run two instances of a player 
> independent of eachother. I tried Win32::MediaPlayer and Win32::Sound and 
> both of them will stop a file that is currently playing if they are given 
> another play command. Can you tell me if SDL_Mixer can do this? Thanks a lot 
> for your help,
> Anjali

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