On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 8:13 PM, Alexander Becker
<alexanderbec...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Dear all!

Hi there!

> I just tried the example code of the SDL Manual where you play some music.
> By the SDL manual, I refer to the one that is hidden at the bottom of the
> sdl.perl.org page, so that you really have to search for it in order to find
> it - and even then you have to get along with an ugly github interface.

There's a new project website under way, but we're missing people to
work in it. Please join #sdl in irc.perl.org if you want to help us
get it right :)

> So, in general: Is there a way to play mp3 files?


If your libsdl was compiled with mp3 support, all you have to do
(iirc) is set the MIX_INIT_MP3 (for effects) and MUS_MP3 (for audio)
flags when you call SDL::Mixer::init():

  SDL::Mixer::init( MIX_INIT_MP3 | MUS_MP3 );

then use load_MUS() and play_music() from SDL::Mixer::Music to play
mp3 files as background music, or load_WAV() from SDL::Mixer::Samples
to play mp3 effects (yes, the function is named load_WAV() but plays
different formats too if they're available).

The documentation in SDL::Mixer, SDL::Mixer::Music and
SDL::Mixer::Samples should be helpful, as some of the test files
(t/mixer_music.t comes to mind).

> And in particular: is there a way to play mp3 files that are in a variable?
> Or do I have to work with temporary files?

Not sure. I *think* SDL::Mixer::quick_load_WAV( $buffer ) might do the
right thing. You'll have to test it though.



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