On 2013-08-10, at 6:37 AM, Kartik Thakore wrote:

> Thanks mason,
> Can you make these feature requests as issues on 
> http://github.com/PerlGameDev/SDL2

yes, will do :)

> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Mason James <m...@kohaaloha.com> wrote:
> hi sdl-devel 
> i am planning/researching about adding a small amount of SDL2_Perl code into 
> my existing SDL_Perl app, for a framerate increase 
> i have one long-standingly slow bit of code in my app, that i would like to 
> replace with SDL2 code 
> my slow code is a SDL::GFX::Rotozoom::surface() call. but SDL2 has 'hardware 
> accelerated' stretching/scaling/zooming [1], yay! 
> i checked the SDL2 version of ./SDL2_rotozoom.c, and it is still using the 
> current slow software method (no changes) 
> but the good news is… there seems to be a preferred method to achieve this 
> fast hardware scaling in SDL2 
> SDL2's SDL_RenderCopyEx() function [2] will scale a texture using a fast HW 
> method, (but...i have not benchmarked my theory yet) 
> my plan is to attempt to add some missing SDL2 functionality to SDL2_Perl. 
> then swap my slow SDL::GFX::Rotozoom::surface() call, with the faster SDL2 
> equivalent 
> so basically, i need to implement the 'test/testrendercopyex.c' demo [3], in 
> SDL2_Perl, 
> and add access to these missing SDL2 functions in SDL2_Perl... 
> SDL_LoadBMP(), 
> SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(), 
> SDL_FreeSurface() 
> SDL_RenderGetViewport() 
> SDL_CreateTexture() 
> SDL_SetRenderTarget() 
> SDL_RenderCopy() 
> SDL_RenderCopyEx(), 
> SDL_QueryTexture() 
> fyi: the testrendercopyex.c demo is nice and simple, it... 
> - loads a .bmp file to a surface 
> - converts the surface to a HW texture 
> - then randomly moves, rotates and scales that texture around the window, in 
> a loop 
> i believe this demo is using the new hardware-accelerated scaling on a 
> 'texture' in SDL2 
> [1] http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.fcg/Introduction 
> [2] http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.fcg/SDL_RenderCopyEx 
> [3] http://hg.libsdl.org/SDL/file/90ff13467550/test/testrendercopyex.c 
> any comments or suggestions, folks? 
> cheers, Mason

cheers, Mason
KohaAloha, NZ

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