SEARCH400.COM | Programmer Tip
 Sept. 12, 2001

Essential explanations, tools and code for the iSeries programmer.
 More tips:

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In today's technical advice roundup you'll find tips, expert answers
and input from your peers to the following iSeries programmer
questions and concerns:

Today's Featured Programmer Tip: 
     - A guide to the new V5R1 RPG features

Answers to Other Technical Questions:
     1. V5R1: Are you ready to upgrade?
     2. How can I send certain messages as break messages?
     3. Handling an invalid end of file detected message
     4. How are arrays used in an RPG program?

Today's Featured Tip
A guide to the new V5R1 RPG features

Programming expert Ron Turull got his hands on V5R1 and offers a
glimpse at the new features and enhancements for RPG. Some of those
include features of the C language, improved RPG/Java
interoperability and exception handling.  (This tip is an excerpt
from the May 2001 issue of Inside Version 5 --
http://www.the400group.com/v3rweb/ -- provided courtesy of The 400

>> CLICK here for the full tip:

Answers to Other Programmer Questions
1. V5R1: Are you ready to upgrade?
OS/400 V5R1 has been out for a couple months now, and people are
starting to get a feel for what this OS offers. Check out the
resources we've gathered to help you with your upgrade plans.

2. How can I send certain messages as break messages?
Recently a search400 member put out a call for help sending break
messages if a person has multiple sessions at one time. Another
member answered, offering advice and even a program to help him out.
Check out what he said -- it could help you, too.
http://search400.discussions.techtarget.com/WebX?[EMAIL PROTECTED]^1@.ee84636/410

3. Handling an invalid end of file detected message
This user says: "I have a batch CL running on V4.5 one cum back. It
runs a DSPFD to an *OUTFILE and the does a RCVF to process the
records. Once all have been processed it delays 15 minutes and
re-processes the DSPFD to *OUTFILE again. The first time through it
works. After the delay it processes the DSPFD again, and according to
the joblog it has added another record to the file. But when
processing the RCVF command the system sends an end-of-file detected

Click here to read suggestions from other users:
http://search400.discussions.techtarget.com/WebX?[EMAIL PROTECTED]^1@.ee84636/346

4. How are arrays used in an RPG program?
Programmer expert John Brandt offers some advice to help a user
incorporate arrays in his programs. Check out what he had to say.


What other storage issues do you have and/or need to be addressed?
Talk to us and other members of search400:

* Submit your technical questions to our programmer experts:

* Talk to other users about programming issues in our discussion

* Send your iSeries programming concerns directly to our site editor,
Michelle Davidson, at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] for feedback or

THIS WEEK'S FEATURED BOOK | search400 Bookstore

The Ultimate IBM VisualAge for Java Tutorial, Step by Step -- Visual
Programming Made Easy, Second Edition 
By: Bill O'Farrell 

This tutorial will help you to understand the product's IDE, use IDE
windows to create new applications and applets, use Abstract Window
Toolkit and Swing components, drop visual and nonvisual component
Beans onto the composition surface, use the BeanInfo page to generate
new class features, generate and test code, set break points and
debug the code with the debugger, use the Servlet Smart Guide to
create a simple servlet that accesses a Bean and calls a JavaServer
Page (JSP), generate and test servlets in the WebSphere test
environment, and step through the execution of a JSP using the JSP
monitor facility.


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