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search400This Week
 January 15, 2002
 In this Issue

>> From the Editor: Be prepared -- Backup and recovery essentials
>> Featured Topic: Backup and recovery
>> Expert Technical Advice: Featured expert: John Brandt
>> Site Highlights:
* Online backup saves the day
* Options for debugging Java applications
* Training course of the week

 From the Editor:

by Michelle Davidson, site editor

Be prepared -- Backup and recovery essentials
Whether a major disaster strikes or a glitch causes your system to crash, you want to be able to return things back to normal as quickly as possible. Lost data can mean lost time and money. All the work staffers did one day can be gone in a second if a backup wasn't conducted.

To help you get your arms around what's required when running backups on the iSeries, Tom Huntington from Help/Systems Inc. will give a live audio presentation titled "Protect yourself from disaster: Backup essentials," on Wednesday, Jan. 16 at 2pm EST (19:00 GMT). He'll talk about why you need to back up to media and what to back up on an iSeries. He'll also give you some tips for running your backups. After his presentation, Tom will be able to answer questions you may have.

To further help you with backing up -- as well as recovering -- data, we have a couple site experts you can turn to. John Brandt and Kenneth Graap can answer your questions anytime. Just submit a question to get their expert advice. We've also created a new section on the site for the Best Web Links on Backup and Recovery. No need to search the entire Web for information; we've already done it for you.

 Featured Topic:

Backup and recovery
by Michelle Davidson, site editor
Should your systems get knocked out, you don't want to have to explain that data has been lost. A backup plan can help eliminate that headache. Use these tips to prepare for down times and get back up and running quickly.

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert: John Brandt, vice president of technical services, iStudio400.com

Categories:OS/400, Application Development, Backup and Recovery, DB2/400 and DB2 UDB

You name the iSeries subject, and John can answer almost any question about it. He can help you with DB2/400 and DB2 UDB, OS/400, backup and recovery, as well as application development.

URL to submit a question:

This Week: In the forums
>> Tape-to-tape copy
One user asks, "Is there an iSeries 400 command that will allow me to copy directly from one tape drive to another?" Others, including site expert Laird Scranton, offer suggestions.
Read those suggestions here.
>> How can I get the job log?
You've probably had experience with users who keep you scrambling trying to figure out just what's going on with their system. For this person, a user isn't reporting a problem until several days after it happened and then he isn't able to track the problem. He asks: Is there a way to get the job log of a particular job routed to an outq that is different than the one specified on the QPJOBLOG file?
Read the advice others had for him.

Tip of the Week:
CWBPING does what PING can't for your 400
PING is one of those handy TCP/IP utilities that performs a basic function on the Internet: verifying whether a device is active and able to exchange TCP/IP traffic. It's a useful but limited tool that's available on any machine that's configured for TCP/IP communications, including AS/400 and iSeries machines.

But there are things PING can't do that are needed in an OS/400 environment, particularly verifying whether Client Access host socket servers are available to a TCP/IP client. For that IBM provides the CWBPING utility with Client Access Express for Windows V5R1. Joe Hertvik shows you how to use CWBPING and provides a list of parameters to tell the program just what server you want to verify.
>> Read full tip

 Site Highlights

Online backup saves the day
Marketing firm Blade lost 2G bytes of data when a backup went wrong, but a software update solved the problem.
Read more

Options for debugging Java applications
Debugging applications isn't usually an important consideration when you're deciding on application architectures or requirements. It's one of those items that becomes critical during development if you haven't planned ahead. With Java, iSeries developers usually have a good choice of debugging options. You can select the one that best fits your debug requirements. This tip points out your options and some considerations for getting started.
Read the full tip
Search400 training course of the week
AS/400 Troubleshooting
This course provides a conceptual overview and a basic set of techniques required to keep an AS/400 system running at optimum efficiency.

Live Wednesday!
Join us for a Live Audio Event with Tom Huntington titled, Protect yourself from disaster: Backup essentials, Wednesday, Jan. 16 at 2pm EST (19:00 GMT).
Details here

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1 Day to Win
There's only one day left to win an Xbox -- entries will be closing tonight. All you have to do is refer your friends to search400 and you'll be entered to win.
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