Re: [avr-gcc-list] Pgmspace.h Use

2005-08-10 Thread David Kelly

Ron wrote:

As Brano suggested, a macro is about as close as you can get. Not
_quite_ what you want, but close:

#define array(i)pgm_read_byte(Array[i])
const prog_char Array[7] = {0x10,0x20,0x30,0x40,0x50,0x60,0x70};

  y = array(4);

This is what I did:

unsigned char
ntohex(unsigned char n)
return( pgm_read_byte(PSTR(0123456789ABCDEF)+(n0xf)) );


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Macro to read /write long to eeprom

2005-08-10 Thread David Kelly

On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 11:00:20AM +0200, Branislav Katreniak wrote:

Another trick is not to clear the byte in eeprom before the write when
it is sufficient to only clear bits on order to store the value into
eeprom (you save half of the write). There is some datasheet on atmel
site about this.

Which datasheet, please? Which AVR?

What you describe is what we used to do on 68HC11E1. When it came time
to write to EE on Atmega64 I found the control structure was different
in that one does not have separate clear and set steps when writing.

This is the eeprom write routine I use. Later compared to the hand
assembly in avr-libc and found the code size and steps performed were
almost identical. Given that, I'd rather use my own in C under my own
source control.

Notice how it reads first and skips the write if data is identical.

This is the only routine I use for writing EEPROM. If I only write one
byte then this just requires a little extra call setup. Don't see any
point in having another routine with only 2 args rather than 3.

//write to EEPROM
//addr is the address within the EEPROM
//cp is where to read data in RAM
//n is the number of 8 bit octets to copy
//ee_writes( sram source, ee dest, count );
ee_writes(const void *cp, void *addr, uint16_t n)
uint8_t sreg;//  store SREG

for( ; n ; n-- ) {
while( EECR  (1EEWE) )//  wait until ready

EEAR = (uint16_t)addr++;
EECR |= (1EERE);//  start a read

//  Don't write unless the contents have changed:
if( EEDR != *((uint8_t*)(cp)) ) {

EEDR = *((uint8_t*)(cp));//  looks frightening

sreg = SREG;//  save SREG to preserve global IRQ
cli();//  an IRQ would ruin this timing
EECR |= (1EEMWE);//  only stays set for 4 clocks
EECR |= (1EEWE);//  hit EEWE before EEMWE clears
SREG = sreg;//  restore prev global IRQ state




Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Problems with ATMEGA8 USART

2005-08-13 Thread David Kelly

On Aug 13, 2005, at 3:08 PM, juan antonio jimenez martinez wrote:

Hi, Im experimenting some details setting the ATMEGA8 usart, for  
example, I have an interrupt driven routine for receiving data, may  
problem is how can I clean the buffer in orther to let it ready for  
the next reception, I mean, when I send  two chars from my computer  
to the ATMEGA, the interrupt routine do what I want , but when I  
send 10 chars, the buffer that I use to read the incomming data,  
reads the two chars that I have send before plus the new data and  
as a result I got  the 10 chars message incomplete due the two  
chars that I have sent before

I hope some one know an answer, because I have tryed with the RXC  
flag and it seems not work,  or how can I select the sise in bytes  
to read at one time, and again flush all the RX usart buffers

You need to learn the basics of a circular buffer. Set aside a buffer  
which will not be used by anything other than the receive side of the  
serial port. Use two indexes into this buffer, I like to call them  
head and tail. Think of it as food goes in at the head, comes  
out the tail end.

In RX IRQ always write the character in the buffer at head then  
increment head. The IRQ routine never touches tail.

Outside of IRQ if head != tail then read the character at tail and  
increment tail. Never change head outside of IRQ.

When either index is incremented beyond the size of your buffer,  
reset that index to 0. A quick way to do this is to use a buffer size  
which is a power of 2, then mask the index after incrementing.

#define BUFFER_SIZE (15)//  16
volatile uint8_t buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
volatile uint8_t head;
uint8_t tail;

int my_getchar()
int c = -1;//  preset with error condition

if( head != tail ) {
c = buffer[tail++];
tail = (BUFFER_SIZE-1);//  0x0f if BUFFER_SIZE is 16

For advanced discussion one would probably wish to put the buffer and  
its indexes into a struct so that its obvious to future generations  
maintaining your code that the indexes and buffer belong together.  
Doesn't make code size one iota bigger:

struct {
uint8_t tail;
volatile uint8_t head, buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
} uart0;

Next, a purist might insist head and buffer should be volatile as  
they are modified within IRQ. Volatile does not hurt anything in this  
case but doesn't help unless my_getchar() is inlined and used within  
a loop waiting for input. Avr-gcc is capable of inline functions so I  
used volatile.

If tail were volatile then it would have to be read for the index and  
increment, and read again to be masked. Not volatile, the compiler  
can use the copy of tail already in its registers and write only  
after it has no more use of it.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Problems with ATMEGA8 USART

2005-08-14 Thread David Kelly

On Aug 14, 2005, at 4:21 AM, Bob Paddock wrote:

On Saturday 13 August 2005 08:35 pm, David Kelly wrote:

For advanced discussion one would probably wish to put the buffer and
its indexes into a struct so that its obvious to future generations
maintaining your code that the indexes and buffer belong together.
Doesn't make code size one iota bigger:

struct {
 uint8_t tail;
 volatile uint8_t head, buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
} uart0;

On the Mega162 with two USARTs I tried it both ways.  Duplicate the  
code for

each USART, and using a common driver with structures.  The duplicate
approach came out smaller in code space.  Don't recall the exact  
number but

it was more than a few bytes of difference.

Did that myself, partially, on an ATmega64. my_getchar() and family  
require a pointer to struct of type UART to know which buffer to  

The partial part was that I did not use common code to service the  
Tx and Rx interrupts. All user code (that which runs outside of IRQ  
time) was shared for both serial ports. For the very little space  
savings a very large hit occurred by referencing USART registers via  
double de-referenced pointers. Also the first thing an IRQ routine  
would have to do is figure out whether UART 0 or 1 or both needs  
attention. With separate routines one instantly and correctly knows  
which is in need of attention and register addresses are hard coded  
at link time.

The one clumsy part of code was in my_putchar() which had to reach  
directly into the hardware for the specific port to restart the Tx  
IRQ if the buffer had been empty, which causes my Tx IRQ routine to  
shut itself off. Also there was a possible race condition.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Cicrular Buffer routines

2005-08-16 Thread David Kelly

On Aug 16, 2005, at 6:07 PM, Bob Paddock wrote:

You can test to make sure that you do have a power of two buffer  
size with the


#define myQ_SIZE64

#define myQ_MASK ( myQ__SIZE - 1 )
#if ( myQ__SIZE  myQ__MASK )
 #error myQ_SIZE buffer size is not a power of 2

Wouldn't it be easier to simply define the size like this:

#define myQ_SIZE(16)

If you shift a 1 then it must be a power of 2.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] CALLBACK?????????

2005-08-26 Thread David Kelly

On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 07:45:22AM -0700, User Tomdean wrote:

A callback is a function that will be called as a result of some
pre-determined event or condition.  The application code starts a
function or routine that never returns.  To get back to the
application code, the callback function is called.

For example, in networking, a callback function will be defined to be
called by the network code in response to receiving a packet.

See also the qsort() function in libc. Its arg list requires the address
of a function to call for comparing two elements one is sorting. Qsort()
doesn't have to know what it is sorting or how it is being ordered, the
comparison function is expected to know. A callback routine by any
other name.

Yes, the docs say qsort() sorts in ascending order, but if the
comparison function inverts its reply then the order is descending.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: [avr-libc-dev] Please have a look at avr-libc patch #3750

2005-09-05 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 5, 2005, at 9:19 AM, Joerg Wunsch wrote:

   1. To change the order of arguments 'put' as:
int (*put)(FILE *, char) -- int (*put)(char, FILE *)
   It would allow to leave the asm program 'put' without changes.

But only these. ;-)

For C programs, they'd yield a compile-time error due to the different
function prototypes.

Unix is putc(char, FILE*) so I think the put() function in avr-libc  
should be same.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: EEprom variable ordering

2005-09-07 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 7, 2005, at 2:34 AM, Wolfgang Wegner wrote:

Thank you, Björn and Jörg,

I really did not think about using a struct for all of the variables,
but this is obviously the best solution.

And if you name the struct something like ee then you have a visual  
naming reminder of how the contents must be accessed.

I don't much care about the order of my eeprom variables, but  
everything in eeprom is named with an ee_ prefix.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] How Hot does a 62256-15 SRAM Get?

2005-09-09 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 9, 2005, at 2:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Be careful ! You use an 15ns SRAM (as I see so far in the part  
number). They will draw a bit more current than 70ns SRAM's. Can  
you post the Currents from the datasheet ?

Back in the bad old days a -15 was a 150 ns part. To answer the power  
consumption and timing questions one must find the data sheet  
specific to the proposed component.

As for heating, back in the bad old days we used to stack DIP  
62256-12's on top of each other in parallel leaving the chip select  
pin hanging out of the upper chips to be z-wired to address decoders.  
Never observed any warming of these parts.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Initilizing complex const arrays : syntax ?

2005-09-18 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 18, 2005, at 3:02 PM, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

Do I need to use some variant of the printf function when displaying
data declared with the __ATTR_PROGMEM__ attribute ?

Yes. printf_P(). Better read the manual as I don't use printf() so I  
haven't used printf_P() and can't say how or whether you can mix  
memory spaces in one _P function call.

Doesn't the compiler take care of this automatically ?

Nope. Been talked about. GCC 3.x lacks the hooks to deal with  
multiple address spaces. Something that 4.x might. This is the one  
minor detail where at least some commercial AVR C compilers do better.

There are at least 3 address spaces in the AVR: SRAM, FLASH, and  
EEPROM. Maybe SFR is 4th but think that is in SRAM space.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Initilizing complex const arrays : syntax ?

2005-09-18 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 18, 2005, at 5:33 PM, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

On Sun, 2005-09-18 at 16:54 -0500, David Kelly wrote:

...I don't use printf() so I haven't used printf_P()

But how do you do then ?
If you wrote better functions, please share ! :-)
Printf takes huge space, so if you have a light weight alternative...

Printf()'s bulk comes from the generic format string parser. Hardcode  
your format something like this:

#include stdlib.h//  for utoi()
char buffer[10];//  presumably this is something you can reuse

//Convert unsigned x to base 10 and output x.xx via putchar()
dot_two( uint8_t x )
 // char buffer[4];//  use global or auto
int8_t i, n;
char *cp;

cp = utoi( x, buffer, 10 );
n = strlen(cp);

//  a for() loop is possibly much for just 3 characters
for( i = 3 ; i ; i-- ) {
if( n  i )
if( i == 3 )//  test for our decimal point location

another_dot_two( uint8_t x )
int8_t n;
// char buffer[7];//  needs to be bigger here

strncpy_P( buffer, PGM_P(000), 3 );//  preload leading zeros
utoi( x, buffer[3], 10 );//  convert after the zeros
n = strlen(buffer[3]);// number of converted digits

//  012345index
//  0001  buffer[] if n == 1
//  00022 n == 2
//  000333n == 3
putchar( buffer[n] );//  see above
putchar( '.' );
putchar( buffer[n+1] );
putchar( buffer[n+2] );


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Initilizing complex const arrays : syntax ?

2005-09-19 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 18, 2005, at 11:11 PM, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

Okay, I got your dot_two() working (the another_dot_two() has one last
fatal error that I can't figure out yet).

Yeah well, still not bad for code written in bed on laptop in the  
email editor.

I tested it in all fairness. That is, I modified the printf hack from

printf (%d.%03d, x / 1000, x % 1000), to
printf (%d.%02d, x / 100, x % 100)

So that the functionality is the same as dot_two().

Doing this, printf doesn't take 13ms anymore, but 10ms.

And your dot_two() takes... 6ms ! That's a whole 40% faster, not bad
indeed !!! :o)

Your putchar() (or whatever) writes to an LCD? So how long does it  
take to latch a character into the LCD?

Another way I thought to write the code without utoa() was something  
like this (no I haven't tried this one either):

char buffer[4];
uint8_t i;
strncpy_P( buffer, PGM_P(000), 3 );
i = 2;
while(x) {
buffer[i--] = x%10 + '0';
x = x/10;

In the above I find myself wishing for the FORTH /mod operator. Avr- 
gcc calls exactly the same routine for division or modulo and stores  
the desired result. In assembly we could store both but I don't see  
how to get at both from C. Is possible the compiler could optimize it  
but plain -O didn't in recent tests.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Initilizing complex const arrays : syntax ?

2005-09-19 Thread David Kelly

On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 05:46:52PM +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 07:33 -0500, David Kelly wrote:

Your putchar() (or whatever) writes to an LCD? So how long does it
take to latch a character into the LCD?

Yep I print to standard text LCD module (4x20), it takes about 45us
for the module to digest a character. 4 characters to send, that 0.2ms
mximum. So they the LCD really can't be held responsible for the
6ms ;-)

OK, 0.2ms max to write one, but how long to write two? Once the data is
latched into the LCD it has to process and IIRC that is often 1 ms.

I guess most of the time is used doing divisions to convert the byte
in digits. But still, that would be 5,000++ cycles just to divide a
single byte by 100 then 10, sound a bit dear... there must be space
for further improvement ! :-)

Another way I thought to write the code without utoa()

in your first two functions you used utoi, which wasn't recognized by
the gcc, so I had to look in the avr-libc PDF to search for an
equivalent and picked up itoa instead. But maybe that wasn't the
best(fastest) choice ?

No, utoa() was correct. utoi() was a brain fart.

Ah, it contains the same line that makes the compiler fail on your
another_dot_two() :

strncpy_P( buffer, PGM_P(000), 3 );

It says :

ui.c:65: error: parse error before const
make: *** [ui.o] Error 1

Heck, just pulled that function out of the Doxygen comments in
pgmspace.h. This may occupy less space and is sure to run faster:

buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = '0';

Just to be safe (because I don't remember all the surrounding code):

buffer[3] = 0;  // note lack of quotes around 0


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Initilizing complex const arrays : syntax ?

2005-09-19 Thread David Kelly

On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 10:19:41AM -0400, Dave Hansen wrote:

Try something like

  #include stdlib.h
  div_t qr;

while(x) {
qr = div(x,10);
buffer[i--] = qr.rem + '0';
x = qr.quot;

I'm not certain this is optimal.  I haven't looked closely, but it
looks like it should be.  It certainly has the opportunity to be.

Yeah! Thats what I was looking for. Exactly a FORTH /mod (pronounced
slash mod)!

div() costs nothing to implement because its almost certain the avr-libc
division primatives will be included at link time. div() is only a macro
wrapping that routine so we can get at both dividend and remainder using
a struct. The exact same primative is used for division and modulo, the
only difference is which result is picked up.

Might be nice to add a udiv() and uldiv() to existing div() and ldiv().


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] OT Generic C question

2005-09-20 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 20, 2005, at 2:12 PM, Jeff Barlow wrote:

Internet email is gradually degrading due to lame software and
clueless users.

Yes, that is exactly why I wrote. To alert the clueless. Apparently  
the clueless cherish their cluelessness, but that was nothing new.

Yes, the messages are still threaded. Gmail has nothing on anything  
here. The point is that the messages are in the *wrong* thread. Its  
purely to the advantage of the poster to break a new topic out of an  
old thread and start fresh.

Another advantage of proper threading is list archive search. Much  
more likely to find useful information when searching an archive  
which is properly threaded. Then again list archive searching is  
another lost art.

On Sep 20, 2005, at 1:20 PM, Joerg Wunsch wrote:

But in the end, people deploying that kind of laziness will simply cut
theirselves off from people who might be willing to reply: If I kill
an entire thread as I'm not interested in it, and deep in that thread
appears a new question -- ce la vive.  I won't be able to answer that
new question as I won't see it at all.

Some find it hard to believe others might tie their shoes  
differently. Same applies here as I expect many don't understand how  
what Joerg said above could be true. Many of us open this mailbox  
with threads collapsed under one entry. That old tired thread? Kill  
it. Next. Your query was deleted unseen because it was filed wrong.  
Because you sent it wrong. And I don't really care. However this  
needs to be mentioned now and then because sometimes The Clueless Get  
A Clue.

I was split about 51/49 as to whether my posting this morning should  
continue in this thread or start a new. Decided that it was about  
this thread and therefore should stay in it. This way it was threaded  
directly to the message I was talking about if anyone cares to go  
read the message headers in the thread. And those who were already  
tired of this thread would not be bothered.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] CVS or SVN ?!

2005-09-30 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 30, 2005, at 3:45 AM, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

I have been advised to use CVS when developing programs, but it seems
awkward to set up the server side.

% cvs -d ~/cvsroot init

Then IMHO the simplest remote server access is via ssh. Set  
CVS_RSH=ssh in your environment and use :ext:yourhostname:/home/ 
cvsroot as the CVS root. This works very well for all users who have  
accounts on your host.

More recent CVS may accept :ssh: in place of :ext: and not need the  
CVS_RSH environment variable set.

The ssh link is completely transparent of you create passwordless key  
pairs. This means the security of your account on the repository  
machine is no better than the security of the host where your private  
key is kept.

While asking around for help, I have
been suggested to give up CVS and use SVN, subversion, instead, and
that it was meant to supplant CVS.

Subversion is new, CVS is tried and true. I do believe subversion is  
mature enough to use.

Now CVS seems difficult enough, so I don't fancy spending time on it,
only to have to change to something else soon after...

What you are supposed to be doing is learning how to learn, not  
learning how to point and click operate Microsoft Word to be  
computer literate. Get experience developing your project under  
some sort of version control. Learn how to use that system to compare  
your current source to past sources. Learn how to resurrect past  
sources. Learn to make many small commits rather than traditional big  
roll off a copy for the filing cabinet.

I would like your opinions on this... what do everyone use at work ?
Does it make any difference what system I use, as long as I use one !?
Say I find a job in this field, what would my boss be most likely  
to ask
me to use, CVS or SVN ? Or do the bosses not care, and the engineer  

use and setup whatever system he prefers or is familiar with ?

At work they keep talking about making me move to Microsoft  
SourceSafe. I counter with, You want to buy another seat for me? as  
SS isn't cheap unless they have already spent a wad on .NET  
development tools. Which would be a major waste on me as that is  
essentially useless for AVR and MC9S12NE64 work.

Also SourceSafe does not work from non-Microsoft environments such as  
FreeBSD and MacOS. CVS does. Subversion does work on MacOS, but only  
recently has it been supported within other major tools.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] CVS or SVN ?!

2005-09-30 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 30, 2005, at 8:42 PM, Parthasaradhi Nayani wrote:

Hello all,
Most of the list members seem to have used CVS with
success, but in our organisation two man months were
spent in trying to make WINCVS work but to no avail.
Even WINCVS needs a *nix sever I understand. How
difficult or rather feasible is it going to be to
install and use SVN in a place where there is small
net work of about 60 WINDOWS machines? Any help/advice
will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Windows-anything is 2nd rate. Especially when it originates on  
another platform and is ported to Windows.

You don't say anything about how WINCVS failed for your group. Am  
guessing it had a lot to do with the fact the users didn't know what  
they were doing. The administrators didn't know what they were doing  
either. That CVS isn't taught in MCSE class.

For some reason Windows people think an application which uses shared  
files on a file server with multiple copies of the same application  
is a network application.

Multiple copies of CVS sharing a repository on a file server is a can  
of worms for file access permissions. Practically everyone has to  
have read/write for everything. IIRC there is a chapter about Windows- 
specific problems like this in the CVS book.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] 32-bits time

2005-10-13 Thread David Kelly

On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 09:10:17AM +0200, Bjarne Laursen wrote:

A few additions to David Kelly's code:

inline uint32_t timer32_now(void)
   int8_t sreg;
   union {
   struct {
   uint16_t lo, hi;
   } w;
   uint32_t l;
  uint8_t b[4]; // -- added: access as bytes
   } temp;

Below is the way I usually do the above. Didn't have it under my mouse
last night:

typedef union {

uint32_t u32;

int32_t i32;

struct {
uint16_t lo, hi;
 } u16;

struct {
uint8_t lo;
uint16_t mid;
uint8_t hi;
 } hml;

struct {
uint8_t lo, b, c, hi;
} u8;

struct {
int8_t lo, b, c, hi;
} i8;

} union32_t;

Easy enough to hack into whatever shape desired. The idea is to use
named members of a union rather than type casting and shifting.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] How to (efficeiently !!!) test a bit within a multi-byte integer ?

2005-11-04 Thread David Kelly

On Nov 3, 2005, at 11:35 PM, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

static void log_address_set( uint32_t address )
if (address  0x0004)

On Nov 4, 2005, at 1:20 AM, Ian Caddy wrote:

I haven't tried this, but it might be better:

unsigned char temp;

temp = (address  16)  0xFF;

if(temp  0x04)
   /* Your code */

In other messages  has been replaced with .

Ian is close to how I would have handled it. I use a union32_t type  
a fair bit in my code for no other purpose than to pluck values out  
of the middle painlessly.

typedef union union32_t {
struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {
uint8_t a, b, c, d;
} u8;

struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {
uint8_t a;
uint16_t bc;
uint8_t d;
} mixed;

struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {
uint16_t ab, cd;
} u16;

uint32_t u32;

union32_t address;

if( address.u8.c  0x04 )

avr-gcc does the expected without __attribute__ ((packed)) but if  
you get to playing in Linux or FreeBSD its needed to do the same as  
what avr-gcc does.

Also note the above is sensitive to machine endianess. Macintosh,  
Sun, and Irix are big-endian.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] How to (efficeiently !!!) test a bit within a multi-byte integer ?

2005-11-05 Thread David Kelly

On Nov 4, 2005, at 6:28 PM, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

Hmmm, it's interesting to see that 3.4.4 is that much better than
3.4.3 ! It means that avr-gcc is being actively improved, that's  
encouraging, at this pace, in 2 or 3 years, it will rival or better  

most expensive commercial compilers :o) Long may live Unix/Linux and
open source...

The biggest difference I found between 3.4.3 and 3.4.4 was the  
handling of switch statements. Couldn't say that one was  
significantly better than the other. Apparently I had already coded  
my 32 bit bit manipulation routines with unions and didn't see the  
resulting advanced optimization.

The little difference was 3.4.3 would often emit two returns at the  
end of a function where 3.4.4 only used one.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] AVR assembly for fast bit bang

2005-11-08 Thread David Kelly

On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 03:45:54PM +, Mike S. wrote:

Hello to all,
Can anyone tell me the best (faster) way to implement bit shifting
(serial synch protocol -in a bit bang fashion-) with two general
purpose digital pins (one pin for data the other for clock)? Using C
is not fast enough! I need assembly!

Sounds like a homework assignment. Smart instructors monitor this list.

People keep saying C isn't fast enough. I don't belive it. First

#include avr/io.h

#define CLOCK_B (10)
#define BIT_B   (11)

myjunk(uint8_t byte) {
uint8_t i;

for( i = 0 ; i  8 ; i++ ) {
PORTA |= CLOCK_B;   //  rising edge of clock
if( byte  (17) )
PORTA |= BIT_B; // set
PORTA = ~BIT_B;// clear
byte = 1;
PORTA = ~CLOCK_B;  //  falling edge of clock

Compiled with
avr-gcc -O -gdwarf-2 -Wall -ffreestanding -mmcu=atmega64 -c junk.c

Output of avr-objdump -S junk.o:

myjunk(uint8_t byte) {
uint8_t i;

for( i = 0 ; i  8 ; i++ ) {
   0:   90 e0   ldi r25, 0x00   ; 0
PORTA |= CLOCK_B;   //  rising edge of clock
   2:   d8 9a   sbi 0x1b, 0 ; 27
if( byte  (17) )
   4:   88 23   and r24, r24
   6:   14 f4   brge.+4 ; 0xc myjunk+0xc
PORTA |= BIT_B; // set
   8:   d9 9a   sbi 0x1b, 1 ; 27
   a:   01 c0   rjmp.+2 ; 0xe myjunk+0xe
PORTA = ~BIT_B;// clear
   c:   d9 98   cbi 0x1b, 1 ; 27
byte = 1;
   e:   88 0f   add r24, r24
PORTA = ~CLOCK_B;  //  falling edge of clock
  10:   d8 98   cbi 0x1b, 0 ; 27
  12:   9f 5f   subir25, 0xFF   ; 255
  14:   98 30   cpi r25, 0x08   ; 8
  16:   a8 f3   brcs.-22; 0x2 myjunk+0x2
  18:   08 95   ret

Its not going to get much better than that.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] AVR assembly for fast bit bang

2005-11-09 Thread David Kelly

On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 09:00:58AM -0500, Dave Hansen wrote:

From: David Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]

People keep saying C isn't fast enough. I don't belive it. First


It might be tough to do better on AVR.  My standard SPI routine uses a
do-while loop, which might save an instruction or two, but made  
about a 30%

difference on the PIC compiler I used.  Something like

  void output_spi_byte(uint8_t byte)
 uint8_t bit_ctr = 8;

output_low(SPI_DATA);   // Set data bit low...
if (byte  0x80)
   output_high(SPI_DATA);   // ...or high, as required

byte = 1; // Shift acts as clock dwell delay

 } while (--bit_ctr);

I don't have avr-gcc handy to see if it's any better than your  
code.  I was
more concerned with size than speed, as you may be able to tell.   
If speed

is the ultimate object, unrolling the loop will help.

The above compiles to 14 bytes with slight changes
(output_low/output_high macros). But I would suggest putting
output_low(SPI_DATA) as an else to if (byte  0x80) as needless
transitions consume power, generate noise, and sometimes confuse the
connected device. Moving it into an else results in 16 byte code.

Forgot how big mine was. A little big bigger IIRC.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] C programming for AVR

2005-11-21 Thread David Kelly

On Nov 22, 2005, at 12:28 AM, techie_avr (sent by wrote:

Do anyone know whether AVR based C programming(AVR-GCC) supports  

Pretty long stretch to call the language C if it did not.

Would say you didn't do any homework on avr-gcc other than find this  
list before asking as there are many examples of avr-gcc code laying  
around on the 'net for you to study. For instance, avr-libc.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Porting code to/from codevision

2005-11-23 Thread David Kelly

On Nov 23, 2005, at 6:15 PM, Peter Harrison wrote:

Specifically, I have a largeish lookup table (4k) and menu data  
(titles, function pointers etc) to deal with. I have considered  
using a macro for the data access so that I can write

value = READ_FLASH_BYTE(addr);

and define the macro as null in CVAVR or as required by AVRGCC.  
However, I am less sure about the declarations and can't get my  
head round a suitable dodge.

Just to make things more awkward, I may well want this code to  
compile with the ARM and H8 GCC compilers. On the PC, I simply have  
a macro that defines 'flash' as null and the code compiles just fine.

Is this overdoing the portability thing?

No, thats what macros and include files are all about.

In general avr-gcc uses macros to modify data access to FLASH, and to  
modify for declaring data stays in FLASH and should not be copied to  
RAM during startup. Essentially all you have to do is create NULL  
versions for Codevision or insert whatever special things Codevision  


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] how to write specific value to program memory?

2005-11-24 Thread David Kelly

On Nov 24, 2005, at 6:49 AM, 임지수 wrote:


I am using atmega128 mic.
i want program memory to store data, not eeprom.
At avrlibc, the file of pgmspace.h provide the function to read the  
program memory.

But I can't find the function to write the program memory.
how to write specific value to program memory?

Its hard to write to FLASH program memory so its not done very often  
other than to write executable code and constant data. Also in  
general FLASH memory can not be reprogrammed as many times before  
breaking than EEPROM cells.

EEPROM is much easier to write but harder to read than FLASH because  
the AVR EEPROM is not in either of the CPU memory spaces. The  
solution I use for read-often variables is to declare a structure  
containing all my EEPROM variables. Then create two allocations of  
that structure, one in RAM and one in EEPROM. Usually call them ee  
and wc, for EEprom and Working Copy, that its obvious ee.calibration  
and wc.calibration are paired.

Initialization is easy because one only has to bulk copy ee into wc.  
Is also practical to bulk copy wc into ee, but I selectively write my  
updates as needed.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] use of specifin RAM location

2005-11-28 Thread David Kelly
On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 08:35:05AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I have the same problem, and the point is that part of my external
memory is inside an FPGA, basically under control of the FPGA (It's
high-speed ADC data), while another part is external SRAM which I use
for my heap etc.

I access the FPGA memory at the moment using pointers which I  
to the right value. I don't yet have a method mapped out for the  

it's on the next version of the board (the present version has no
external SRAM).

I will have a need to allocate some large-ish arrays in the external
SRAM in the next hardware version.

Memory-mapped peripherals need to be accessed at particular addresses
also, however these don't usually need allocation (and hence can be
accessed via pointers initialised to the correct address).

The cleanest way to pull this off would be to lay a structure on the
memory-mapped device and allocate it in a named section. See 

Then in the linking stage define the location of the FPGA something like
this in Makefile:

-Wl,--section-start=.eeprom=0x00810001 \
-Wl,--section-start=.fpga1=0x6000 \
-Wl,--section-start=.hsa2d=0x7000 \

Just use the __attribute__ to tag variables as section .sram and the
compiler will find places for them if you don't care about the order.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Adding date/version information to project??

2005-11-28 Thread David Kelly

On Nov 28, 2005, at 10:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all:

I am looking for an automated way to update a static string in program
space when my project is built. Is there an easy way to do this,  
by adding an extra target to the makefile, or some other way? I'd  
not to manually have to change the information, and I'd also prefer  

it to NOT change when none of the other source files change. That is,
the requirement is as follows:

Incomplete, but this could get you started:

Research the ability to run a script or executable from within  
Windows gmake. Copy stdout into a Make variable something like this:

CFLAGS += -DThe_Date_Is=`date`

Create a project file named something like makedate.c and tweak the  
Make rules so that makedate.c must be built for the situations you  
wish the date to be updated.

makedate.c would look something like:

const char My_Build_Date[] = The_Date_Is;

gcc already has a bluzillion predefined environment variables. I  
wouldn't be surprised that one contains date and time stamp, lets check:

% touch foo.h ; avr-cpp -dM foo.h

Nope, didn't see a timestamp.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Program Space String optimization

2005-12-14 Thread David Kelly

On Dec 14, 2005, at 8:57 AM, Joerg Wunsch wrote:

volatile PGM_P txt= P_Txt;

Your volatile qualifier is at the wrong place.  You're marking the
object txt points to as volatile, not the pointer itself.  Change
that into

PGM_P volatile txt = P_Txt;

and it will work.

Believe that is correct. But the other thing that was tripping him is  
in general all function calls are effectively volatile as well. Call  
a function and expect it will be called simply because you said to,  
the the optimizer probably won't descend into the function and decide  
it can be skipped. If the function is inlined then all bets are off.

do{} while( (a=pgm_read_byte(txt)) );  // Wait for null char

While pgm_read_byte(txt) looks like a function call it is totally macro.

I don't believe this is a problem with the compiler at all, it did  
exactly what it was told it could do.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] OS for AVR

2006-03-23 Thread David Kelly

On Mar 23, 2006, at 1:06 AM, rajeev joshi wrote:

can somebody please tell me which OS is suitable for 8-bit AVR with 8k
flash memory.

Could be of more help if you would explain *why* you want an OS. Some  
are stronger in certain features than others.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] PLEASE HELP ME

2006-03-27 Thread David Kelly

On Mar 27, 2006, at 11:01 AM, Jan Johansson wrote:

I would suggest OpenTCP as it requires no OS.
You can run it polled from your mainloop or
similar way.

I used Freescale OpenTCP on an MC9S12NE64. It was very disappointing.  
Could clearly see where several different people had glued one thing  
or another together. At least the NE64 version totally lacked a  
community which is what most people think of first when one says  
open source. The distributed version had several stupid coding  
errors. Sending a TCP packet was not terribly easy as the stack only  
informed one of what was needed, it didn't handle retries transparently.

Had to do it over again, would pay $10k or $20k to buy a quality  
supported TCP/IP stack. Or use uIP. Or write my own. Think I spent  
more time figuring out the scrambled internals to OpenTCP than it  
would have taken to use Freescale's provided drivers and write my  
own stack.

The OS requirement for uIP can't be anything much more than for you  
to provide software timers for it to keep track of time.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Program Listing With C Comments

2006-04-03 Thread David Kelly

On Apr 3, 2006, at 11:39 AM, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

I have tried various flags (-g, -gstabs, -gdwarf-2, for gcc, and -D  

-DS for avr-objdump), but no combination would give a satisfactory

OK, I spoke too soon. For example ui_message_show source is totally  
separate from its disassembly listing. Get lots of warnings like this:

ui.c:762: warning: passing arg 1 of `eeprom_read_byte' makes pointer  
from integer without a cast

...which might contribut to avr-gcc getting confused and not properly  
tagging source with code.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Program Listing With C Comments

2006-04-05 Thread David Kelly

On Apr 5, 2006, at 10:53 AM, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

Okay, I just downloaded gcc 3.4.6 and compiled it... but it doesn't  

me the error it gives you ?! How come...weird.

I'm using the FreeBSD port that Joerg created. He includes several  
patches for new devices, binary constants, and I don't know what else.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Is this what we get for trying to help?

2006-10-14 Thread David Kelly

On Oct 14, 2006, at 8:29 AM, Niklas Lövgren wrote:

Hmmm. It seems some people lack social skills!

Submit a bug report. Maybe it'll make it into GCC 6.6.6.  :-)


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Bit-wise structure and unions

2006-11-21 Thread David Kelly

On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 01:31:13PM -0700, Eric Weddington wrote:

You should really use the C language bitwise operators (|, , ~, ^,
, ) and use bit masks to manipulate the bits that you want.

The bit-wise operators have one advantage over using the bit-field
structure. Using bit-wise operators you can operate on multiple,
*non-contiguous* bits simultaneously within a variable. You can't do
that with bit-field structures.

I agree with Eric. I'll typically define STATUS_LED_m and  
STATUS_LED_p and write STATUS_LED_p |= STATUS_LED_m or variations  
thereof. The generated code won't be any smaller with a bitfield.  
Eric makes a good point that one can smack multiple bits with one  
punch this way, not only for smaller code but because often one  
desires all outputs to change at the same time, not several clock  
cycles apart.

One other point is that I/O registers often return the value on the  
pin, not the value previously written. Doubt one wants a read-modify- 
write instruction to read an incorrect value as will happen if the  
pin is overloaded. In this case is best to have a copy of the port's  
intended value laying around in RAM, so one more define for  

Think that will evaluate correctly without parenthesis, but they help  
when reading.

Some MCU families (believe HC12 is one) have a separate register for  
reading the port's actual input/external value, and another for  
reading output latches containing the value last written. A bitfield  
works fine on the output latch register.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] eeprom issue

2007-05-11 Thread David Kelly

On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 09:12:58AM +1200, Gavin Jackson wrote:


Since the .h file is pulled into each .c file, you would end up  
with two
declarations for temp_ee, hence the two 0x0A values in your ee.hex  

If you remove the static keyword the compiler should complain that you
have two global variables with the same name. The correct place to
declare the variable would be in the .c file and not in the header.

Yes, if it is supposed to be static then its supposed to be hidden from
other modules so its not proper to put in a header which is reused
unless each and every re-use is supposed to have its own private copy.

I prefix most everything in headers with extern, then repeat the
definition without extern in one and only one .c file, but in one that
does include the header. If the two definitions do not match the
compiler complains. Meanwhile all other modules have access to the

In The Bad Old Days many defined all variables in headers which were
included many times in the project. Compiler/linkers typically
eliminated the multiple definitions. Things worked, but were asking for

I expect extern static is a contradictory statement which would cause
gcc to bellyache. Haven't tried it, just guessing.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] mac-avr

2007-07-08 Thread David Kelly

On Jul 8, 2007, at 4:51 AM, Steven Michalske wrote:

i am in the process of making a Mac OS X universal binary installer  
of the tool chain

basically a mac-avr version of win-avr

which version of gcc should I build in and which patches should I  

If you are going to make a MacOS version of WinAVR then by golly you  
should sync to sources and patches identical to what Eric uses. That  
or use the FreeBSD avr port as your baseline. Joerg and Eric stay in  
close sync, sometimes Joerg leads as the FreeBSD port is updated more  
often than WinAVR.

There are at least two projects using the name MacAVR. Are you one of  
those or another?

I have installed but only briefly experimented with the avr-gcc and  
supporting tools in Fink. Joerg's FreeBSD port has been very good  
under FreeBSD.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] mac-avr

2007-07-09 Thread David Kelly

On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 03:34:37PM -0600, Eric Weddington wrote:

If you are going to make a MacOS version of WinAVR then by golly you
should sync to sources and patches identical to what Eric uses. That
or use the FreeBSD avr port as your baseline. Joerg and Eric stay in
close sync, sometimes Joerg leads as the FreeBSD port is updated more
often than WinAVR.

Although, right now I have more patches (bug fixes) in WinAVR. I now
keep the patches I use in the WinAVR CVS.

Yes, 6 of one, half-dozen of the other. My point was that it would be
handiest to replicate all the bugs, features, and patches, of WinAVR.
Bugs are unknown features. Once documented a bug becomes a feature. :-)

There are at least two projects using the name MacAVR. Are you one
of those or another?

One goes by the name of OSXAVR and can be found on SourceForge
(project name: osxavr). I highly suggest that you (Steven) join forces
with that group instead of starting yet another project.

That's a 3rd. Yet another in Fink, The  
Fink version of avr-gcc is 3.4.5 in the unstable branch. Nothing  
particularly wrong with 3.4.5, but it does

suggest that the port isn't getting much attention.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc won't compile (xgcc has bad cmdline option -march=i586)

2007-09-11 Thread David Kelly
On Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 03:20:58PM -0700, Rory Galvin wrote:
 Hello avr-gcc list,
 Up until two days ago I was a bright-eyed enthusistic
 avr newbie.  Unfortunately I have hit a brick wall and
 am desperately hoping that someone will be able to


 I am running a spanking new install of vectorlinux 5.8
 (std), which is Slackware 11 under the hood  (This
 comes ready-rolled with gcc-3.4.6 and binutils
 2.15.9), all on a toshiba tecra 8100 (P2).


 I thought this would be ok.  But when I try to make
 avr-gcc it fails when it hits xgcc (of _mulqi3.o): 

Stop right there. You are trying to cross compile avr-gcc 4.1.2 with
3.4.6? Seems like that is begging for trouble.

You know the easiest platform to run avr-gcc is Windows? Close second is
FreeBSD. MacOS X and Linux run distant third.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc won't compile (xgcc has bad cmdline option-march=i586)

2007-09-11 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 11, 2007, at 5:55 PM, Eric Weddington wrote:

Stop right there. You are trying to cross compile avr-gcc 4.1.2 with
3.4.6? Seems like that is begging for trouble.

Not really, actually. I do it all the time on MinGW.

Just looked suspicious to me. Maybe Rory ought to build a native  
4.1.2 for his Linux to see if it fails the same way?


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc won't compile (xgcc has bad cmdline option -march=i586)

2007-09-11 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 11, 2007, at 6:12 PM, Rory Galvin wrote:

I didn't think I was making any reference to the old
gcc.  Doesn't avr-gcc build its own gcc?  If not, what
does the ./configure script message 'checking where to
find the target gcc... just installed' mean?

If I uninstalled gcc 3.4.6 just before building
avr-gcc (4.1.2)...? I've a feeling that's not going to

What I know of cross-compiling gcc dates back to reading the DDJ  
series of articles on the creation of 386BSD. That back in those days  
one often had to use whatever C compiler was available to build gcc,  
then attempted to use that gcc to build itself as the final test.  
Also so as to have a gcc compiled by gcc.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Problem with delay loop

2007-09-28 Thread David Kelly

On Sep 28, 2007, at 8:58 PM, Graham Davies wrote:

David Kelly wrote:

... because it was volatile it *had* to
be fetched and stored each time.

Oh boy.  That's a really interesting statement (to me anyway, but I  
have a volatile fetish).  You're saying that having chosen to put  
the variable in memory, the compiler is obliged to fetch it prior  
to and store it after each increment.  I can't disagree with that.   
But, does it explain the horrid code?  Does the compiler *have*  
to put the variable in memory?

I guess it doesn't really have to if it can assure that the variable  
has not been passed by address reference to another routine such as  
an interrupt. Thats pretty much the definition of volatile in the  
first place, that one is telling the compiler that it can be changed  
somewhere somehow outside of the compiler's control.

  It is declared as an automatic variable, right?  That means that  
the compiler has complete freedom in deciding where to put it and a  
register is a perfectly good choice.  The scope is local, so the  
variable can't be accessed outside the function.

It could be passed to another function by address.

  It isn't static, so its value isn't preserved when execution  
leaves the function.  Is there a body of opinion that the volatile  
modifier obliges the compiler to put a variable in memory?  I'm  
just interested.  If this is too off-topic, feel free to ignore  
me.  Actually, feel free to ignore me at any time.

I think there is room for other variations on volatile as much of  
what Graham says applies nicely in interrupt service routines. No  
need to treat most application volatile variables with kid gloves  
when interrupts are masked. Many variables mapped to a peripheral  
device needs volatile no matter what. Not for an ouput port, but an  
input port for sure, and hardware timers, etc. But not for my example  
software timer, at least not in the interrupt routine where it gets  

if( timer_serial_cmd )

timer_serial_cmd above only needs to be volatile outside of the  
interrupt routine.

It is a stretch to say that any code intended to cause a deliberate  
delay is horrible. The code provided in util/delay_basic.h is about  
as painless as anything can be, no matter that it is assembly in a C  
function wrapper.

I wrote earlier, if an Output Compare is not being used elsewhere,  
they make excellent delay timers without tying up the CPU in a busy  
loop. My example tied the CPU up, but thats not the way I generally  
use them. Software timers implemented in my tick interrupt for longer  
events, OCR's for precise short periods, and more complex use of the  
OCR hardware for repetitive events such as PWM motor control.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Problem with delay loop

2007-10-02 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 12:23:46AM +0530, Royce Pereira wrote:
 Why then was the empty 'ret' function retained?
 I would think such a case would be the prime candidate for
 optimisation.  The compiler should eliminate such a funtion, as well
 as all calls to that function.  That would really make a difference in
 size/speed of the code.
 (Instead, the compiler destroys a perfectly good delay loop I've used
 for the last 2 years -yes, I'm still sore)

So? Why did *you* change compilers if the old one did what you wanted?
If it doesn't do what you want then its your choice whether to change
your code to conform or to revert to the compiler that did what you

So says one who still maintains a project using the same C compiler from

*Always* archive the tools with your source code.

 Of course, there's no disputing that. But the delay loop is just an
 example, of how simple ,intuitive code can throw the compiler into a
 tizzy. I've used SDCC(for mcs51) where the compiler 'recognises' code
 patterns, and says Oh, I know what this is - it's a delay loop! - Let
 it pass.(for example).
 I've always maintained -  good software is one that does what you
 *want* it to do, *not* what you tell it to do. ;)

I'm always frightened when someone thinks they know better what I want
than what I said. Even more frightened when someone claims *software*
knows better.

Avr-gcc *has* a delay loop that the compiler recognizes and leaves
alone. You've been told about util/delay_basic.h yet you have written
more email than the amount of code you would have to change to use it.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Warning message

2007-10-03 Thread David Kelly
On Tue, Oct 02, 2007 at 11:25:30PM -0700, Dave N6NZ wrote:
 #define CHK_1307 0x55

   if(twi_read() != ~CHK_1307) ok= 0;
 //   ^^
 //The offending line.
 I believe what is going on is the C standard requires promotion to int, 
 and that bites (bytes?) you :)
 The result of twi_read() and also the ~CHK_1307 get promoted to ints 
 before comparison. So... 0x00xx from twi_read() is compared against 
 -xFFAA, which is clearly always true.

I think CHK_1307 is already an int but that it fits in uint8_t without
loss of resolution so the compiler doesn't complain. When complimented
it no longer fits so the compiler complains. I would recommend changing
its definition:

#define CHK_1307((uint8_t) 0x55)


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] stumped by my ATmega48 (again)

2007-10-05 Thread David Kelly

On Oct 4, 2007, at 11:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I thought I was getting the hang of this Atmel programming, but after
dusting things off a bit, I'm stumped again.  I have a demo program
from Matthew MacClary at Oregon State that toggles all output pins
every three seconds.  Pin 15 is hooked up to an LED on my breadboard,
and when I install his prebuilt .hex file, the LED lights right up and
does its thing.

But when I build the same source and then install my hex file, the LED
never lights up.

To try to isolate the problem, I reduced the main program to just  

DDRB = 0xff;
DDRC = 0x7f; /* PORTC has only 7 pins */
DDRD = 0xff;

PORTB = 0xff;
PORTC = 0x7f;
PORTD = 0xff;
return 0;   /* PATCH for testing!  */

I believe this should set all output pins high.  But again, when I
build and install this, nothing; the LED doesn't light up.  Then I
tried setting all ports to 0x00, but that didn't work either.

When you return the CPU goes thru a crash reset, or something like  
that, I haven't traced the code.

Do something like this:

PORTB = 0xff;
PORTC = 0x7f;
PORTD = 0xff;
for( ;; )
return 0

Then again we've discussed the removal of empty loops to death. Make  
sure the compiler doesn't optimize out that empty loop. Possibly it  
recognizes it as infinite and leaves it alone.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] OS X install

2007-10-17 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 09:06:39PM +0200, Francesco Sacchi wrote:
 Dave N6NZ ha scritto:
 OK, a FAQ, I know.
 I need to install the avr-gcc tool chain on a MacBook, OS X.  Can 
 someone please give me a pointer to the current best-known-method for 
 getting the most up-to-date tool chain on a Mac?
 If you want also to take a look at my script:
 Does not contain the latest versions because it is aligned with latest
 WinAVR version.

You include the same patches and tweaks as WinAVR? Much the way Joerg's
FreeBSD port and WinAVR stay in close sync? Several months ago I tried
several MacOS X ports of avr-gcc but none supported ATmega 48 and/or
168 (forgot which, or both). I didn't have spare brain CPU cycles to
push out other tasks and properly grok the gcc cross compiling process

So I set up SVN properly over SSH between a remote FreeBSD machine, a
local FreeBSD machine, local XP machine, and my Mac. Most composition
was in BBEdit on Mac. File transfer/sync was via svn. Syntax error check
compiles were via over ssh to one of the FreeBSD systems.
ICE on XP with AVR Studio, WinAVR, and TortoiseSVN.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] ATmega644 pin-change interrupts

2007-11-29 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 03:44:18PM +0100, Per-Tore Aasestrand wrote:
 Hi list,
 I am using an ATmega644 and is attempting to set up pin-change
 interrupts for ports PA4/PCINT4  PA5/PCINT5. I've used the following
 code. Apparently, no interrupts are coming. Any obvious faults?

You need to enable to desired pins in PCMSKx.

 When in the interrupt handler, how should a decide what pin created
 the interrupt? I can't find a flag-bit that carries this information.

I too have not found one. I snag a copy of the PINx and keep it in a
static variable in my ISR() to compare for which pins changed. Something
like this:

current = PINA  PCMSK0;//  only the pins enabled
xor = previous ^ current;   //  pins changed since last time
previous = current;


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AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Problem with timer0 overflow interrupt in c language..

2007-12-07 Thread David Kelly
On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 08:55:16AM +0200, Julius Luukko wrote:
 Or let the compiler handle reading from PIN and writing to PORT by using:
 PORTB ^= 0xff;

The compiler won't read PINB using the above.

In general on AVR when one reads PORTB one reads the output latchs, in
other words the last value written. On other CPU's this same action may
read the input buffers. AVR provids PIN ports for specifically reading
the state of the external pins.

Using -O1 the above exclusive-or-equals generates exactly the same code
as the OP first wrote:

 3ee:   85 b1   in  r24, 0x05   ; 5
 3f0:   80 95   com r24
 3f2:   85 b9   out 0x05, r24   ; 5
PORTB ^= 0xff;
 3f4:   85 b1   in  r24, 0x05   ; 5
 3f6:   80 95   com r24
 3f8:   85 b9   out 0x05, r24   ; 5


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AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Problem with timer0 overflow interrupt in clanguage..

2007-12-10 Thread David Kelly

On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 12:51:31PM +0100, Schwichtenberg, Knut wrote:

On Friday, December 07, 2007 5:24 PM, David Kelly wrote:

The compiler won't read PINB using the above.

In general on AVR when one reads PORTB one reads the output latchs,  

other words the last value written. On other CPU's this same
action may
read the input buffers. AVR provids PIN ports for specifically  

the state of the external pins.

Using -O1 the above exclusive-or-equals generates exactly the
same code
as the OP first wrote:

3ee:   85 b1   in  r24, 0x05   ; 5
3f0:   80 95   com r24
3f2:   85 b9   out 0x05, r24   ; 5
   PORTB ^= 0xff;
3f4:   85 b1   in  r24, 0x05   ; 5
3f6:   80 95   com r24
3f8:   85 b9   out 0x05, r24   ; 5

This result is unambiguous. The question is: Is this a bug which means
a bug report is necessary or is it a feature that needs to be
described?  It would be comfortable if GCC could distinguish between
the IO-ports and other IO-variables were the in and out address are

I don't think there is anything wrong. Is perfectly legal to read PORTB.
Would be completely wrong for the compiler to read PINB for either of  

above situations when its told to use PORTB. If one wanted PINB then
write PORTB = ~PINB.

My original point was that one should use care and think about these
things because on some MCU architectures (and maybe some variants of
AVR) one reads input values from the same place one writes new outputs.
That reading reads the state on the pin which may be forced externally
to a different value than one wrote, so code as shown above would never
toggle a pin that was shorted or pulled hard high, it would always try
to drive it the other way.

The OP was not seeing his LED flash. If an LED loaded the circuit too
much the MCU would not have seen valid logic levels on PINB.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] invalid ram address

2007-12-13 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 03:36:56PM +0700, andi wrote:
 Hi ,
 I make a program for atmega32, and i compile it using WinAVR version
 20070525. But when i want to simulate in AVRStudio, the variables that
 i declare are invalid location. I check the SRAM address and in
 outside the maximum address (example : 0xA64) Is it a bug ? Or maybe I
 have to configure something ?

Yes its a bug in your software. The ATmega32 has 2k of RAM, 0x0800
bytes. Starts at 0x0060 and ends with $0x085f. 0x0a64 is way out of


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AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Howto put constants on fixed address

2007-12-19 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 06:07:19PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, perhaps I've written something wrong, because I think that you
 are talking about something else. Or I did not understand that, that
 is also possible :-).
 I need to put my constants on specific address into flash memory, not
 into sram. I want to have the resulting flash content like this:
 -03FFsome part of .text section (including vectors and so on)
 0400-041Fmy .foo section
 0420-end the rest of .text section

I have done this in Introl-C11 where I had external memory mapped I/O
registers. I had to manually massage the linker editor script file. For
avr-gcc this will be in /usr/local/avr/lib/ldscripts/ (or similar in
WinAVR). But you don't want to edit those but to copy one into your
project and figure out how to override the default with your own.

Due to the memory map I had I/O in the midst of my EPROM space. Once I
got the Introl linker working the way I wanted it nicely split my object
code around the I/O sections.

One must question the need to map constants to a predetermined location


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Howto put constants on fixed address

2007-12-19 Thread David Kelly

On Dec 19, 2007, at 5:03 PM, Martin Žižka wrote:

Yes, that will place the .length segment between .vectors  
and .progmem. But
you are unable to place it to some exact address. That will place it  

address that is offset_of(.vectors)+length_of(.vectors). That can be
different for some cpus.

I think this URL describes the syntax to do what Martin is looking to  

More hints here, in that one can edit the . address:


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Fine Tuning code timings

2007-12-28 Thread David Kelly

On Dec 28, 2007, at 11:00 AM, Jan Menzel wrote:

Hi Alex!
	I'd suggest to take larrys approach and generate the start bit from  
within the ISR. For precise timings you might add the bit time to  
the current OCR value (insight the ISR). Using this schema you can  
have an arbitrary (but constant) phase difference between the  
interrupt and the time of changing the tx-pin. To start a  
transmission I'd just set the OCR to TIMER + x where x shall be set  
such that the ISR is called as fast as you like the transmission to  

That works so long as your interrupt doesn't have to wait on another  
before it runs.

I recently had a problem where I used one interrupt to service an A/D  
converter and another for management of the A/D. The A/D responded  
much faster than I expected and these two interrupts overlapped. Most  
of the time that was fine but when a 3rd interrupt was running the A/D  
interrupts queued and were processed in priority order which was  
reverse of arrival times. Thankfully it was repeatable and occurred at  
least once every 10 seconds.

If your timing accuracy doesn't mind pseudorandom latencies then  
manually driving output bits from interrupt is fine. If its picky then  
connect the OCR timer to its output bit and let the hardware do it.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Fine Tuning code timings

2008-01-02 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 10:59:05AM -0500, Mark Litwack wrote:
 One other way to approach this without having to deal with
 the fixed latency of the Tx ISR and any other interfering
 ISRs is to use the Compare Match Output bit on the timer as
 the Tx bit.  It's close to what you're doing, but using the
 output bit allows the counter hardware to autonomously land
 the Tx bit in exactly the right position.
 The code is a little tricky, but the basic strategy is to
 repeatedly set up the OCR and COM registers so that the
 output pin gets set to 0 or 1 at the *next* bit time.
 In addition to setting the Tx pin, at each next bit time a
 Tx ISR is called to set up the OCR and COM registers again
 for the next bit.  The OCR is loaded with OCR + BIT_TIME,
 and the COM is set up to clear or set the output bit (Tx)
 depending on the next Tx bit value.

There is a mode where one only writes the BIT_TIME in the OCRx register
once and the paired timer resets to 0 with the output bit change. So all
you have to do in the ISR is to decide which output value is to be sent
next. The transmitted timing will be as precise as your timer.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] stumped: minor refactoring of simple program causes it to fail

2008-01-03 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 08:02:14AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, once again I am an idiot.  I stared right at this for hours and
 somehow didn't see it.  My makefile had the -mmcu flag set to
 atmega168, but this chip is an ATmega48.
 This apparently can cause all sorts of weird behavior, like some code
 working fine while other, very similar code, locks up.
 After correcting the mmcu, things appear to work much better!

I threw your code at avr-gcc last night and it looked reasonable to me
but decided I was too sleepy to judge, and too sleepy to form a proper

I'm a big advocate of adding this rule to your Makefile:

#  This is a fun conversion, creates an assembly dump
#  including C source lines interspersed as comments.
avr-objdump -DS $  $@

Then in your all: target do something like this:

all:object.elf object.list

It was the .list file I was looking at last night that looked


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Where/how to get latest stable version?

2008-01-05 Thread David Kelly

On Jan 5, 2008, at 12:44 AM, dlc wrote:

I just pulled in and built avrdude, but my avr-gcc toolchain is  
years out of date.  Can some kind soul tell me where to get a Max  
OS X distro, or lacking that, how I can pull in the requisite  
projects to build them?

What I have works fine for me, but I'm looking at some new parts...

There are/were older ports in fink and darwin-ports. You could start  
with one of those. I would recommend closely following Joerg's  
FreeBSD port as it and WinAVR march pretty much march in lockstep as  
the state-of-the-art avr-gcc.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Tip: handling volatile operands

2008-01-10 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, Jan 10, 2008 at 02:24:46PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have come across a few instances where very inefficient c code is
 created by volatile operands - often accidentally and thru no fault of
 the compiler(s)


 For example:
  while (ioport != 0)


 If ioport were a normal variable, there would be one read and one
 So, if you don't want the absolute latest value of a volatile,  use a
 unsigned char a = ioport;
 if ((a 1) ||  (a 2) || (a 0x0c))
 Will produce much better code!

You changed horses in the middle of the stream. Replace if above with
while that you started with and your non-volatile may loop forever
based on one read.

The solution is to roll your conditions into one test:

while( ioport  ( 1 | 2 | 0x0c ) )


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] I need some help I am trying to use interrupts but...sigh!!

2008-03-19 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 09:28:47PM -0700, atifplus wrote:
 so as long as my move variable is 1 2 3 or 4 the interrupt should keep
 sending pulse accordingly but i am not getting anything on portB

 PORTB |= (0  PB3)|(0  PB4);

Do you really believe you can OR a 0 into bit locations PB3 and PB4?

This is what I think you intended:

PORTB = ~( (1PB3) | (1PB4) );


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] memcpy

2008-03-29 Thread David Kelly

On Mar 29, 2008, at 4:58 AM, Wynand Weyers wrote:

How do I get memcpy not to compile inline?

Write your own? Its not that hard.

Or make a copy of the existing memcpy() in your project and remove  
the inline directive?

Looking at avr-libc-1.6.1/libc/string/memcpy.S I don't understand  
your question. memcpy() isn't an inline function, its a called  
function like most everything else.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] AVR-Gcc and overflow behavior

2008-04-14 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 05:33:13PM -0300, Jonathan Blanchard wrote:
 I was reading thought a recent discussion in the GCC dev list and also
 the following blog : ;
 I'm now curious about how the avr port of gcc behave in front of
 overflows. Does it assume by default that overflow never occur?

The nature of embedded programming says that if one is coding on the
edge and expecting a particular behavior out of one's tools then one had
better code tests to ensure the tool operates as expected. *THEN*
document it in comments buried in the source.

IMO signed variables are used way too much. I always use unsigned except
in special cases where signed is needed. The norm (at least outside of
the embedded world) is to use signed for everything but for the special
cases where unsigned is uniquely appropriate.

I use #include stdint.h for all my type definitions. This way there is
no question as to the size or signedness of a char when its uint8_t.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

[avr-gcc-list] Default location for in WinAVR?

2008-04-16 Thread David Kelly
One option is to set the environment variable INDENT_PROFILE to the
location of one's default for GNU Indent, but I'd like to
know where the program searches by default? It doesn't seem to be:
C:\Documents and Settings\dkelly


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] OS X 4.2.2 -- simplest way today?

2008-05-08 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, May 08, 2008 at 10:23:34AM -0600, Dennis Clark wrote:
  Why don't you both just use AVRMacPack?
   I didn't even KNOW about MacPack!


   The site talks about using it with XCode, I use Eclipse, that shouldn't
 affect anything will it?  I'll have to read up on this site, anywhere I
 can find where someone has handled the details, especially if that
 includes being able to use the debugger would be a major time saver!

The site (and the installer) also says, Does not depend on Xcode for
building AVR code.

Nice touch in including both 3.4.6 and 4.2.2. Default is 3.4.6, but
avr-gcc-select is a script that will change the default.

Would like to see the build tools included. Brief look I don't see any
source code in the package or available at the site to download.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] OS X 4.2.2 -- simplest way today?

2008-05-08 Thread David Kelly

On May 8, 2008, at 9:09 PM, Rick Mann wrote:

On May 8, 2008, at 16:09:10, Dennis Clark wrote:

I do wonder about the tool chain though - Is that not in the package?
That is as much a hassle as the compiler to build.  I've not  
looked, does
this include the libs as well as the compiler?  They tend to be  

I don't think it would've built my project without the rest of it.  
I'm sure it's all there.

No kidding. Just read the original URL, repeated here:

At the bottom of the page it says,

Version 2007-11-26
This is the initial release. It contains the following software  

• gcc 3.4.6
• gcc 4.2.2
• GNU binutils 2.18
• avr-libc 1.4.7
• avrdude 5.5
• libusb 0.1.12
• gdb 6.5
• avarice 2.7
• simulavr
• GNU make 3.81

There are 4 release versions shown. Most significant was the latest  
with avr-libc 1.6.1.

Look around a bit on the site and see some familiar Mac utilities. And  
their other AVR thing, a software-only USB library for AVR. Guessing  
its bundled above as libusb 0.1.12.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] __checksum

2008-05-29 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 09:48:08AM -0700, trile58 wrote:
 I have been successfully porting the old code from IAR to AVR GCC except for
 the followings:
 extern flash unsigned short __checksum; 
CRC_SUM = 0;  /* Clear CRC-Check of Program Memory (Flash) 
/* Checksum of Program memory  (IAR-Example)  */
 CRC_SUM = slow_crc16(CRC_SUM,(unsigned char flash *)0,(unsigned
 CRC_SUM = slow_crc16(CRC_SUM,(unsigned char flash *)zero,sizeof(zero)); 
  /* call with two 0 bytes for the correct calculation of crc */

 I had flash changed to PROGMEM as instructed in the porting document.
 However, I got an error undefined reference to __checksum . From
 Porting from IAR to AVR GCC document, it does not list __checksum  is
 one of the thing need to be ported. I wonder how this __checksum gets
 created and where it is located.  Please advice.

Am guessing you are trying to verify FLASH program content.

What I find online of IAR's slow_crc16() is that the last argument is
the number of bytes starting at the 2nd argument. Your code above is
making an assumption that it is to CRC everything from and including
address 0x to but not including a memory location containing

Avg-gcc isn't going to make or fill a variable named __checksum unless
you do it yourself.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] __checksum

2008-05-29 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 11:25:01AM -0600, Blake Leverett wrote:
 On Thursday 29 May 2008, trile58 wrote:
  I had flash changed to PROGMEM as instructed in the porting document.
  However, I got an error undefined reference to __checksum .

 It looks like the problem is the flash keyword.  Avr-gcc handles
 flash differently from IAR - so more is needed than just a keyword
 change.  The __checksum name is just a variable name, so I think that
 the flash keyword is where the compiler is losing track.

Yes, but an undefined reference says that *nothing* is known about
__checksum. Would seem IAR automatically buries a __checksum in the code
image but avr-gcc does not.

 Be sure you are including avr/pgmspace.h, and you may want to place
 the PROGMEM keyword later in the line:
 extern unsigned short PROGMEM __checksum;

But somewhere one has to allocate this variable and somehow put
something in it.

 Also, in the slow_crc16() function, make sure that you call
 pgm_read_byte() or pgm_read_word() as necessary.  You cannot simply
 uint16_t a = __checksum;
 you have to use
 uint16_t a = pgm_read_word(__checksum);
 Or something like that.

Not only that but if the intent is to CRC the FLASH contents then
slow_crc16() needs to be coded accordingly. Is my understanding that
slow_crc16() is a standard IAR library function.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] how to unsubscribe?

2008-07-02 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 07:30:15AM -0700, Mohammad wrote:
 please tell me how to unsubscribe from maling list.

Instructions are included in the email headers for email clients that
recognize List-unsubscribe: header. Hint:

And of course the footer appeneded to each message has a link to the

 AVR-GCC-list mailing list


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] 24 bit Integer

2008-07-14 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 08:39:50AM -0600, Weddington, Eric wrote:
  I was just wondering whether it's theoretically possible to use a
  24bit Integer, and whether there is certain reason why 24bit aren't
 A 24-bit integer is not supported by the C language. In theory,
 support could be added to GCC, but then it would be considered an
 extension to the C language. And it would also be difficult and/or
 time-consuming to add to GCC.
 But personally, I would like to see support added for 24-bit integer
 types as the AVR port could really use 24-bit pointers for larger
 devices (ATmega256x, avr6 architecture).

CodeWarrior for the 68HC12 uses 24 bit *far pointers. Perhaps gcc for
HC12 does too? One of the funky things about *far in HC12 is that the
bytes are not in the same order as one might expect if promoted to 32

If one absolutely had to have 24 bit integers one could construct a 3
byte struct, or probably better yet a union of several structs. Would
have to handle the math separately.

typedef union {
uint8_t a[3];   // array

struct {
uint8_t c;
} big_little;

struct {
uint8_t a;
} little_big;

struct {
uint8_t a, b, c;
} byte;



Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Strange issues with 16-bit values

2008-11-11 Thread David Kelly
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 12:30:10PM -0500, Brian Neltner wrote:
 I compiled with -Wall and minus a few unused variables there are no
 warnings. Although I'm not sure how it could cause the problem, I am
 curious why it would be doing 32 bit calculations in the polling. I do
 where benc_period is a #define, so it should be cast as a 16-bit
 unsigned integer. Do I need to take manual action to tell it to do
 16-bit comparison?

You use 224UL in your expression and wonder why the comparison is
promoted to 32 bits? The comparison is always the size of the biggest
and your cast only sticks to the first item.

If you want to force it down to a 16 bit comparison you need to force
everything down to 16 bits:

while(TCNT3(uint16_t)( benc_period*224UL/255) );

But I think it would be best written like this to enforce the desired
evaluation order:

while( TCNT3  (uint16_t)( (benc_period*224UL) /255) )

The above because I would be concerned the compiler might rearrange the
order and precalculate 224UL/255. Always better safe than sorry.

On empty while() loops I like to put the semicolon on a separate line
so that the emptiness stands out.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] RE: 16 bit Timer Issue

2009-01-05 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 11:50:53PM +0100, Stefan Wimmer wrote:
 prabu wrote:
 My intention is I have to generate  1 sec periodic delay.
 AT every one sec the portc PC6 will be toggled ..
 ...but not with this line:
  PORTC  = ~(1PC6);
 But as Eric already mentionend: this is a mailinglist about AVR-GCC.
 You should ask at AVRfreaks or the AVR-chat ML at yahoogroups.

On a note half way between here and there, the above is a good example
of what one could do with a commented disassembly. Is not perfect but
the avr tools can disassemble and comment an object file as a target in
the Makefile. Often all that is needed is a glance at that file's
contents to realize the code is not going to do what one expected.

Also good for tuning one's C coding style for maximum avr-gcc

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] About context saving in Vectors

2009-01-14 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 09:14:20AM -0700, dlc wrote:
   The solution is to NOT call functions from within your ISR.  That is 
 just evil.  Get your data in the ISR, put it in a mailbox or buffer
 and have a regularly scheduled function handle the details from
 outside the ISR.  I like to use ring buffers to store data from an
 ISR.  When using the ring buffer the ISR modifies the write pointer,
 not the read pointer and the processing function outside the ISR
 modifies the read pointer and not the write pointer.  This means that
 those pointers don't need push/popped in the ISR either.

Pointers, or indexes?

Don't quite understand the push/popped reference, but if a variable is
accessed in both interrupt space and user space it needs to be
protected so that its uses atomically.

When reading a ring buffer from outside the interrupt one generally
compares the head index to the tail index to know if there is data in
the buffer. An atom in an AVR is 8 bits so if one uses 8 bit indexes
then no special care is needed. But if 16 bit pointer that may span
multiple 256 byte pages one must block the interrupt before reading the
variable that the interrupt might modify.

But this is something warranting further study of your specific code. If
instructions are used that read the whole 16 bits without possibility of
an interrupt between the bytes then no protection is necessary.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] About context saving in Vectors

2009-01-14 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 10:02:48AM -0700, Stu Bell wrote:
  Don't quite understand the push/popped reference, but if a variable
  is accessed in both interrupt space and user space it needs to be
  protected so that its uses atomically.
 Which is why there is the util/atomic.h macros.  Check out:
... Mangle pointers

Interesting. Don't recall those being there 3 or 4 years ago back in the
days of avr-gcc 3.3 and 3.4.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] About context saving in Vectors

2009-01-14 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 01:41:33PM -0700, dlc wrote:
 I guess that we agree.  :)
   My biggest problem was getting variables established that gcc 
 wouldn't try to save when the ISR started.  I've tried REGISTER, but
 I couldn't guarantee that the register I'd fixed an index to was
 really not being used elsewhere, I had one instance where it clearly
 was corrupted elsewhere, even if it was in the list of registers that
 various docs say are available.

I don't think gcc is trying to save any variables on entry to an ISR.

What gcc does on entry to an ISR is save certain registers that it will
use within that function to hold autos and temporary scratch values. It
has to push those on the stack at entry and pull on exit because the
interrupted routine expects them to be the way it last used them.

So the ISR isn't initializing its variables, its making space for them.

Can declare your variables as static within the ISR to keep them from
being allocated in CPU registers or on the stack. But no matter what,
some register space is needed for any non-trivial ISR.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] About context saving in Vectors

2009-01-14 Thread David Kelly

On Jan 14, 2009, at 5:58 PM, Daniel O'Connor wrote:

On Thursday 15 January 2009 04:15:14 Dave Hylands wrote:

And here's some code that implements such a ring buffer. As David
Kelly points out, as long as the index type is uint8_t, then nothing
special is required (which for this particular implementation means
that buffers upto 128 entries would be supported) 

It's important that the queue be declared volatile (as myQ is in the

And I was just about to ask if someone could post some well tested  
code! :)

You will notice Dave Hyland's code is C++.

This is how I did it recently for an AVR usart in plain C. Notice I  
wrapped the indexes using a bitwise AND. That isn't always as  
efficient as it might seem.

The indexes are named hd and tl, head and tail, as in food goes in  
the head and comes out the tail.

None of these funtions loop, so the indexes do not need to be declared  

struct {
uint8_thd, tl;
uint8_t buf[(14)];//  (14) is 16, must be power of  
two for wrap

} incoming;

struct {
uint8_t hd, tl;
uint8_t buf[(16)];//  (16) is 64, must be power of  
two for wrap

} outgoing;

//  Incoming character
if ( UCSR0A  ((1FE0)|(1DOR0)|(1UPE0)) ) {//   
if error
UDR0;   //   

} else {
incoming.buf[incoming.hd] = UDR0;   //   
reading clears IRQ
incoming.hd = (incoming.hd + 1)   


//  Transmit complete, ready for another.
//  USART0_TX_vect says all the buffers are empty, which we don't  

//  USART0_UDRE_vect tells us when its ready to send another.
if( outgoing.hd == ) {
UCSR0B = ~(1UDRIE0); //  disable this IRQ
} else {
UDR0 = outgoing.buf[]; = ~(sizeof(outgoing.buf));
if( outgoing.hd == )//   
anticipate followup IRQ that just disables
UCSR0B = ~(1UDRIE0); //  disable  
this IRQ


//  Return a character from incoming buffer, or -1 for empty
int c;

if( incoming.hd == )
c = (unsigned)incoming.buf[]; = ( + 1)  0x0f; //  increment  
and wrap


//  Put character in outgoing buffer. Enable UDRIE0 if not already.
//  Calling routines may disable IRQ so as to prevent the data
//  they are sending from changing before its sent, so we have to
//  preserve the interrupt bit in SREG.
//  UDRE0 should be set whenever there is space in the TX buffer  
for more.

//  Setting UDRIE0 should trigger USART0_UDRE_vect immediately.
//  No protection provided against over filling the buffers.
my_putchar(uint8_t c)
uint8_t sreg;

sreg = SREG;//  save IRQ status, costs almost nothing
cli();  //  don't want illegal outgoing.hd during an  

//  Put it in the queue/buffer
outgoing.buf[outgoing.hd++] = c;
outgoing.hd = ~(sizeof(outgoing.buf)); //  make it  

//  UDR0 is double-buffered so 2 characters can be handled  
//  leaving IRQ disabled which would force this data to split  
across hops.
if( radio_hop  3 ) //  (re)start now if this is  
a clean hop

UCSR0B |= (1UDRIE0);  //  enable USART0_UDRE_vect

SREG = sreg;//  restore prior IRQ enable/disable

//  Rather than put the outgoing struct in externally visible space,
//  provide a routine to compare head and tail.
//  Then expand it with many other conditions.  :-(
return((outgoing.hd == //  buffer is  
 ((RF_CTS_I  (1RF_CTS_B)) == 0)//  radio is  
not asking us to stop


David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: Strings: escape sequence to insert arbitrary hex value ?

2009-02-05 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 07:13:18PM +0100, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
  ISO C99, section, p3:
  the question-mark ?, [..] is representable according to the
  following table of escape sequences: question mark? \?
 Interesting. I wonder why the standard deeemd it necessary to provide
 an escape sequence for the question mark ?
 I do happen to have question marks in my strings, but didn't know
 about the escape sequence so didn't use it, yet the compiler didn't
 complain, and simply put the question mark ASCII code in the string,
 as I expected.
 I understand they phrased it to mean a possibility, not an
 obligation, but why provide it if they didn't think there were at
 least one use case where it would be mandatory ?

Haven't gone back to the referenced text but perhaps the ? was intended
as wildcard character indicating that any character can be escaped as
itself when in doubt?

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] memcpy() : problem when passing destination pointer

2009-02-11 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 07:06:22PM +0100, Bernard Fouch? wrote:
 However it may not be perfect, if ever the system has other ISR
 routines that allow the MilliSeconds counter to progress but forbid
 getMs() to run between reading 'a' and 'b' for more than 255 ms!

Well, not more than but interrupt getMs() for some multiple of 256 ms
with a window of about 1 ms.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] How to force GCC to not to remove nop statements ?

2009-02-19 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:14:40AM -0700, Weddington, Eric wrote:
 If you are using WinAVR 20081205 then you can use one of the new
 builtin functions:
 void __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(unsigned long __n);
 The prototype can be found in avr/builtins.h, but you shouldn't need
 the prototype to call it.

Hey Joerg, you must be busy! FreeBSD's avr-gcc used to track WinAVR
closer than this.  :-)

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] How to force GCC to not to remove nop statements?

2009-02-19 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 12:46:50PM -0700, Weddington, Eric wrote:
  Hey Joerg, you must be busy! FreeBSD's avr-gcc used to track WinAVR
  closer than this.  :-)
 He has been busy. He's been working on support for the new
 ATmega128RFA1 device, which has been added recently to the toolchain.
 Joerg will be including all of the WinAVR patches in his next update
 of the avr toolchain in FreeBSD Ports.
 Joerg and I are working closely on the next release. There's been a
 lot of activity recently on avr-libc and avrdude, with releases of
 both coming up very soon.

Thought I ought to reply to make sure its clear that I'm not complaining
and very much appreciate the work Eric and Joerg are doing and have done
for avr-gcc.

Related to another thread: as to why *not* to use an 8051:
Doesn't have avr-gcc.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Preferred ICE (was: How to force GCC to not to remove nop statements?)

2009-02-19 Thread David Kelly

On Feb 19, 2009, at 9:44 PM, Graham Davies wrote:

David Kelly wrote:
I have a Microchip 1000 or 2000 ICE thingy that cost about $2000  
and  was used for one project.  Given a choice I much prefer the  

ICE Cube, avr-gcc, and of  course an AVR.

Could I possibly quote that on the User Testimonials page, please?

Yes you may. But rather than call it a Microchip 1000 or 2000 ICE  
thingy I checked the closet and its an MPLAB ICE-2000. And appears  
the current price is $1000 but requires external pods or personality  
modules. Its significantly more capable than AVR JTAG as its a full  
emulator that replaces the target MCU. Its just that the software  
(back then) resembled Windows 3.0 and DOS. And turned out some of its  
instruction execution times were not the same as a stand alone chip.

Microchip has/had a ICD which is similar to Freescale BDM and AVD  
DebugWire but consumed some program space. But the ICD executed all  
code with proper timing as it was an enhanced monitor program. As I  
remember in the end I had to use a mix of the two Microchip  
development tools to get the job done.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] How to force GCC to not to remove nop statements?

2009-02-20 Thread David Kelly
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 08:00:00AM +0100, Joerg Wunsch wrote:
 David Kelly wrote:
  Strangely the JTAGICE mkII didn't work on the above hardware where the  
  ICE Cube did. I put a small 50 mA or maybe 100 mA linear regulator on  
  the 3.3V supply and the mkII drew more power off the target than the  
  regulator would provide.
 The JTAG ICE mkII cannot be powered from the target circuitry.  It
 needs either a separate power supply, or can be powered directly from

Whatever, it didn't work on my circuit but worked on a purchased
ATmega128 board. But the ICE Cube did work. I believe the company is
currently using mkII's to support it.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: sprintf

2009-02-27 Thread David Kelly
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 10:37:30PM +0100, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
 On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 22:10:16 +0100
 David Brown wrote:
  sprintf((A_String + i), %c, 0xff)
  has exactly the same effect as:
  A_String[i] = 0xff;
  A_String[i + 1] = 0x00;
 ROTF ! :-

sprintf() only costs 2kB? Sure enough, this little program is 2132 bytes
after strip:

#include stdio.h

char tmp[100];

sprintf( tmp, %d, 10 );

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Using delay functions with variable F_CPU clock?

2009-03-04 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 04:37:22PM -0500, David VanHorn wrote:
  F_CPU is always evaluated upon each invocation, so if you ever
  change it within one compilation unit, the next invocation of one of
  these macros will reflect this.
 That's compile-time, he's looking for execution-time changes in
 processor speed.
 He didn't explicitly say so, but I think he's using xdiv to scale the
 CPU clock.

But doesn't say clock is infinitely variable. Most likely there are two
frequencies he's running but this is expandable:

if( frequency == LOW_KHZ ) {
#undef F_CPU
#define F_CPU LOW_KHZ
#undef F_CPU
#undef SAVED_F_CPU
} else {

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Passing a string variable to lcd_puts

2009-03-27 Thread David Kelly
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 04:06:21PM -0400, David VanHorn wrote:
  In C there are 3 char types.  char signed char unsigned char  so
  maybe char isn't signed?
 Ok, so that leaves me VERY confused..

As you should be. Plain old char *is* either signed or unsigned
depending on your choice of compiler. And in effort to build code that
runs as expected better compilers have a compile time switch to control
code generation when the signedness is specifically indicated.

See -funsigned-char, -fsigned-char, and -fno-unsigned-char in the
avr-gcc man page.

So in short plain old char is only being sloppy in not explicitly
stating signed or unsigned.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Passing a string variable to lcd_puts

2009-03-27 Thread David Kelly
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 04:21:15PM -0400, David VanHorn wrote:
  As you should be. Plain old char *is* either signed or unsigned
  depending on your choice of compiler. And in effort to build code
  that runs as expected better compilers have a compile time switch to
  control code generation when the signedness is specifically
 Ok, that's one of the reasons that I'm using the new types, but I
 still don't understand why I'm getting the signage warning when I use
 uint8_t or int8_t to feed chars to lcd_puts. Is int8_t not signed?

Yes, int8_t is signed. Is defined in stdint.h as:

typedef signed char int8_t;

and uint8_t is:

typedef unsigned char uint8_t;

 And why does lcd_puts want signed chars anyway?
 Isn't negative A nonsense?

I think its nonsense, but the origins of convention date way back and
might have something to do with the original practice of using signed
int for everything. A value might move in and out of signed char out and
in to signed int easier than for an unsigned char.

Am not familiar with lcd_puts(). Have always written my own LCD code.
Somethings are easier to write than to understand what someone else did.

Meanwhile the point about -funsigned-char and family was a hint to look
into what you are currently running and what was used when lcd_puts()
was compiled.

Sad, but current project is using Visual Studio 2008 Express where the C
compiler has also thrown complaints for mixing signs. And for precision
loss when stuffing 32 bits into 8. Generates exactly the same code
without complaining if I write u8 = ( u32  0xff );

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] main function registers push/pop

2009-04-14 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:22:25AM +0800, Kang Tin LAI wrote:
 My main function never return, I want to eliminate registers push/pop in 
 main function.
 I read the list archives, found:
 OS_main - gcc 4.3.3 not implement
 OS_task - gcc 4.3.3 OK but interrupt not guarantee disable
 -mtiny-stack - not for what I wanted.

Isn't this part of what -ffreestanding does?

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Timer0 interrupt on Mega128

2009-04-22 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:35:53AM +0200, Jan Menzel wrote:
 Many thanks your suggestion. Unfortunately using a different device is
 not possible because the hardware has already been build. Finally I
 solved the problem by not dividing the clock anymore (initially a slow
 SPI device required a slow system clock but thats now operated by hand
 anyhow). Thanks again!

If the SPI device is that slow then it might as well be handled in
software. Perhaps that is what operated by hand means?

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] External EEPROM verses internal EEPROM data handling

2009-05-04 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, May 04, 2009 at 10:21:50PM +0930, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
 On Mon, 4 May 2009, Bob Paddock wrote:
   ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?uint16_t voltage[24]; ? // adc counts of 24 channels
   in an array } ED; ? ? ? ? ? // total data = 58 bytes
  Because of issues of structure packing it is better to define
  structure items from the largest to the smallest, ie. uint16_t
  should be first.  This is more important on 32bit processors and up
  than on the 8bit AVRs.

I suspect this is a homework assignment and the structure was provided.

 You could just mark the struct as packed, eg..
 typedef struct eventdata {
 } __attribute__ ((packed)) ED;

Yup. Should also verify that sizeof(ED) == 58 in the code.

When allocating memory and calculating offsets into the EEPROM one
should use sizeof(ED) rather than a hard coded constant.

If I was defining the ED structure then I'd store 4 bytes of seconds
since some epoch rather than 6 bytes of year, month, day, hour, minute,
second. Much simpler, and routines to convert from seconds are readily
available in OS's and spreadsheets.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] External EEPROM verses internal EEPROM data handling

2009-05-04 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, May 04, 2009 at 11:06:06AM -0700, Steven Michalske wrote:
 so your external EEPROM will be accessed by functions you write.  The  
 compiler does not know how to interface to the external EEPROM.

IIRC the compiler doesn't know internal AVR EEPROM either. AVR EEPROM is
not mapped in CPU address space but it faked into the load map for
debugging and device programming.

[85 lines deleted under top-post]

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] External EEPROM verses internal EEPROM data handling

2009-05-04 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, May 04, 2009 at 11:46:40AM -0700, Steven Michalske wrote:
 On May 4, 2009, at 11:33 AM, David Kelly wrote:
 IIRC the compiler doesn't know internal AVR EEPROM either. AVR
 EEPROM is not mapped in CPU address space but it faked into the load
 map for debugging and device programming.
 Good catch Dave,  avr libc  has macros for accessing the AVR eeprom.
 Look at 
   for insperation on writing your own macros.
 You can add another section to your linker script for the external
 eeprom if you wanted to as well.

Did that on a project some time ago. The advantage is to initialize the
EEPROM at device programming time. You can get addresses off your
structures initialized in the EEPROM but have to use them as offsets
when using EEPROM routines rather than as pointers into RAM or FLASH.

Other than the ability to initialize EEPROM with an AVR programming tool
there isn't much difference in use of internal vs external EEPROM.

The OP might consider writing to FLASH for his data logger assignment.
Is harder to use as one must write bigger blocks at a time. Might be a
wear limit depending on how many write/erase cycles are needed.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] regression in size from 4.2.2 to 4.5.0

2009-05-06 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, May 06, 2009 at 12:44:42PM -0600, Sean D'Epagnier wrote:
 I was trying to reduce the size of my binary so it would fit on some
 128kb parts.  I normally used gcc 4.2.2 for this project, but decided
 to try gcc 4.5.0.  To my surprise, the resulting binary was 3.5kb
 _larger_ with the newer gcc.

I've been hanging around since something like 3.3.6 and rarely have I
seen a newer avr-gcc produce smaller code. It happens sometimes. Is more
important to generate correct code than to generate small code.

I remember when avr-gcc issued two returns at the end of most (not all)
routines. Pure waste. But the code ran correctly.

 This is a serious bug imho and should be fixed.

If its documented then its a feature, not a bug. Want smaller code? Try
one of the 3.x compilers.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Allocating variables to a fixed address

2009-05-11 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 02:55:17PM +0200, Robert von Knobloch wrote:
 Weddington, Eric wrote:
  Why do you need global variables to be at a specific address?

 Because my software consists of a:
 A fixed part - main plus User Interface - This is test equipment for
 small electronic products
 Several loadable parts which can be loaded via rs232 as Intel hex and
 'blown' into the flash as required - These are custom-built for each
 The entire code is one entity, loadables will be added and removed and I
 cannot have this affecting the main code.

Sounds to me as if you are making the bootloader too big and should
simply link an entire application for every possible target. What you
are doing would make more sense if the loadable modules could run out of

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Allocating variables to a fixed address

2009-05-11 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 03:56:34PM +0200, Robert von Knobloch wrote:
 David Kelly wrote:
  Sounds to me as if you are making the bootloader too big and
  should simply link an entire application for every possible target.
  What you are doing would make more sense if the loadable modules
  could run out of RAM.

 That would be no use, the loadables must be non-volatile.
 This is a tester that will be sent to a factory (somewhere).
 When a new product is to be tested, I can e-mail them the test routine
 which they then burn into flash (each of these is 0x900 bytes, there
 can be up to 0x0a of them).

Yes, what I said before, link an entire application for every possible
target. If a factory needs a new module added to their tester then link
an application with all the modules they need if you are not able to
make a single application that supports all known modules.

Another way to pull this off would be to ship the avr-ln application,
object files, and let the customer link their selected module set to
flash the tester. You could wrap everything up and hide the process in a
script or application. Strip the debugging stubs from the object files
but leave the linking symbols.

Otherwise for an example of how to statically allocate global variables
look in the include files for how registers are defined.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Allocating variables to a fixed address

2009-05-11 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 08:21:37AM -0600, Weddington, Eric wrote:
   Sounds to me as if you are making the bootloader too big and
   should simply link an entire application for every possible 
   target. What you are doing would make more sense if the loadable
   modules could run out of RAM.
  That would be no use, the loadables must be non-volatile. This is a
  tester that will be sent to a factory (somewhere). When a new
  product is to be tested, I can e-mail them the test routine which
  they then burn into flash (each of these is 0x900 bytes, there can
  be up to 0x0a of them).
 Why is this method superior to having a regular bootloader, and you
 have N applications, where each application is the individual test
 routine and the common portion? Why do you have create this custom
 interface which has its own set of problems? Alternatively, creating a
 custom Makefile to handle building 10 different applications is
 certainly easier in comparison.

I agree, thats how I would handle it. Either build a custom linked
application for each customer or provide the customer with the tools to
build one of their own. What he is trying to do is in effect create a
run time program linker.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Storing variables in external memory - suggestions

2009-05-22 Thread David Kelly
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 05:35:43AM -0700, Parthasaradhi Nayani wrote:
 Hello all,
 I was wondering if any one can suggest a decent method of
 automatically assigning address space to variables in external EEPROM.
 For internal EEPROM the attribute EEMEM will allocate addresses in
 sequence. One can insert or delete a variable and the address space
 gets adjusted properly. Is there a method of doing something similar
 for external EEPROM. I have an external EEPROM where I would like to
 store and retrieve variables. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

All EEMEM does is this in eeprom.h:

#define EEMEM __attribute__((section(.eeprom)))

AVR Studio convention is that internal .eeprom starts at 0x0081. So
what I'd do if I were you and wanted the compiler to assign static
memory addresses in an external eeprom would be:

#define EEEXT __attribute__((section(.eeexternal)))

Then in my Makefile (or somewhere in AVR Studio) would add this to the
linker definitions (am not certain 0x00a1 is available):


If you put initialized definitions in EEEXT they will be lost. Your
code has to write them in the external device because neither the
compiler nor AVR Studio knows how. You can add a rule to the Makefile
(if you are using make) to write a hex file containing your external
EEPROM initial values:

%_eeext.hex: %.elf
avr-objcopy -j .eeexternal --change-section-lma .eeexternal=0 -O ihex 
$ $@

Then you need a target such as this which will invoke the above rule
(think it needs a blank line after):


Finally, believe it goes without saying that you have to provide
routines to access your external EEPROM device.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Storing variables in external memory - suggestions

2009-05-22 Thread David Kelly
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 07:38:36AM -0700, Parthasaradhi Nayani wrote:
 Hello David Kelly,
 Thanks a lot for the suggestions. Yes, I understand that initializing
 the variables will not actually save the vales into the memory
 locations. I will try a sample code and revert. Thanks once again.

And remember that the first variable you put in EEEXT will have the
address of 0x00a1 in the symbol tables but an AVR pointer is 16 bits
so it gets truncated to 0x. That is probably what you want in the
first place when talking to you external EEPROM.

Would be worth exploring putting a gcc attribute inside a typedef or
similar so that your external eeprom routines might type check for EEEXT
pointers in the address argument.

Metrowerks on Freescale CPUs does something similar where an address
could be near or far.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Memory problem

2009-06-22 Thread David Kelly
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 10:17:50AM -0700, Parthasaradhi Nayani wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have interfaced flash memory to my mega64 and created a section for
 this memory. I have some variables and two structures which are
 located in this memory. Initially I defined the variables first and
 then the structure. After linking I checked the map and list files and
 found that the first defined variable occupied the first memory
 location and so on. Later I moved the structure to the top and
 compiled again but this time the variables remained in the same old
 order (the structure should have occupied the first byte onwards). Why
 is this happening? If I need to put some variables in some fixed
 address in this memory how can I do it? Thanks in advance for your

The order variables are created only has accidental effect on their
final resting place.

In ancient times FORTRAN programmers often relied on variables being
allocated in alphabetical order. Not all compilers/linkers behaved that
way, which increased the difficulty of porting complex codes such as

Study the include files for register definitions for a means of
controlling the absolute address of allocation.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Memory problem

2009-06-23 Thread David Kelly
On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 02:02:37AM -0700, Parthasaradhi Nayani wrote:
 --- On Tue, 6/23/09, Joerg Wunsch wrote:
 The only method to not have the linker reorder your variables is to
 just use a single variable (per memory section).? So, put some kind of
 an embracing struct around all your variables you'd like to have in
 a particular order, and you'll be done.
 Thank you very much for your suggestion. In case I declare all the
 variables in a structure then accessing each variable will require
 using the structure name.variable name! However I would like to assign
 a memory to a variable also therefore can you suggest how I can do
 this? Thanks once again for your support.

Joerg listed two methods. One is that you declare one section per
variable and set the address in each section declaration. The second is
the observation that a struct counts as one variable and that the
contents of a struct are not reordered.

It wouldn't be a bad idea at all to put all your external flash
variables in a struct named flash if for no other reason than to remind
you they are in flash and require special treatment to write. No matter
you code flash.variable to access, the generated code is just the same
as had variable not been in a struct. OTOH if you use a pointer to the
flash struct, flash-variable, then the code will grow unless the
compiler knows for certain that flash is constant.

Something like this might work for you:

typedef struct {
uint8_t variable;
uint16_t a, b, c, d;
uint32_t e;

#define flash_p ((FLASH_STRUCT *)(0x8000))

Then use flash_p-variable to access.

The con of this method is that that all accounting of flash use has to
be done manually by the code author.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Xmega support

2009-08-19 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 02:23:10PM -0700, Steven Michalske wrote:
 This message got buried in a thread, because you used a reply to a  
 previous message from the list.
 It's poor manners to hijack threads, and can cause some users not to  

Same applies to top-post without trim.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: Larger than 64K memory sections

2009-08-26 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 03:10:05PM +0200, David Brown wrote:
 All in all, I can't see any advantage to the OP in using memory
 sections here, and I can see a great many complications if it can be
 made to work at all.

I agree that with the avr-gcc toolset that a great many complications
will occur if one tries to map 4MB into the existing 4MB memory space
used by the linker. For lack of multiple address spaces the AVR tools
magically assume an address space way out in never-never land is EEPROM.
Perhaps the linker can be made 64-bit with minimal effort?

I disagree with the claim that mapping external regions like this in to
linker address space is a bad idea. We know nothing of the user's
application or design for utilizing this space. Is very useful to create
named globals and let the linker assign the address whether or not this
global is in FLASH, RAM, EEPROM, or an external device. Otherwise one
must manually manage allocation.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: Larger than 64K memory sections

2009-08-27 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 08:21:00PM -0700, Parthasaradhi Nayani wrote:
 David Kelly wrote:
  You are right that we know nothing about the application in question
  - details here would make it much easier to give recommendations. 
 Hello all,
 I mentioned 4MB flash as it is the HW spec. This 4MB gets filled over
 a period of time.

4 million bytes or bits? Most FLASH devices are sized by the bit.

 Details of application - I have data packets each 32 bytes in size and
 we have accommodate 2000 of these (predefined).

32 * 2000 = 6400 bytes.

 This I plan to put in a part of the 4MB Flash. Rest of the memory will
 be used for storing records comprising of these data packets with data
 and time etc. The records will be deleted from time to time but the
 data packets will remain. It is possible to use a long int as an
 address pointer from the start of the available memory (after the data
 packets) and store records. I still curious to know how one can create
 a section larger than 64K. 

What you describe is probably best *not* mapped into avr-gcc name space or
AVR address space. Is probably best to #define the starting offsets of
each of your blocks of data.

No matter what you do you won't be able to say *MyUInt16Ptr = 0x1234;
you will have to write a routine and use it something like this:

u16_value = 0x1234;
result = Write4MBFlash( (uint32_t)MyUint16Ptr, sizeof(uint16_t), u16_value );

All the external SPI FLASH devices I have used are paged. One
read/writes to a RAM buffer in the device then flush that buffer to a
page in FLASH. IIRC the Atmel device I last used had 264 byte pages
which served to complicate addressing if one insisted on using all 264
bytes. Believe the designer's intent was that one use 256 bytes as a
sector and the other 8 bytes for tracking usage, even linking to
previous sector and next sector for a form of filesystem.

Atmel had a very useful appnote containing C routines for access to
their DataFlash parts which helped a lot. I felt the need to heavily
edit it for style and naming convention. Rearranged a bit, and deleted a
lot that I didn't use. But it was a very good start.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: Larger than 64K memory sections

2009-08-27 Thread David Kelly
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 09:55:05AM -0500, David Kelly wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 08:21:00PM -0700, Parthasaradhi Nayani wrote:
  Details of application - I have data packets each 32 bytes in size and
  we have accommodate 2000 of these (predefined).
 32 * 2000 = 6400 bytes.

Arrgh! Decaf!

64,000 bytes. Half of a megabit.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

Re: [avr-gcc-list] including default eeprom values in flash memory

2009-10-21 Thread David Kelly
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 07:40:50AM -0700, Parthasaradhi Nayani wrote:
 From: Michael Clift
 ??? Hi, I am using winavr, and would like to include the default
 eeprom values (normally output to .eep) in flash memory. I want to
 do this so that my application can easily default the eeprom. 
 EEPROM data in FLASH memory? then the easy way is to use the PGM space
 attribute to the variables you want in flash.

Ditto. Declare the variables twice, once with a name that is obvious to
you is EEPROM in the EEPROM space, and again with a name that is obvious
to you is stored in FLASH. Then when/if you wish to restore EEPROM
contents to their initial default values use the PGM modifier to read
from FLASH and call the routine(s) used to write EEPROM.

Duplicating the default data in your source code sounds wasteful but it
will be easier to understand 6 months from now than an edit of the
Makefile plus hacks to the memory segment definitions. I think it is
possible that way to write the .eeprom segment to two places in memory,
is just that you don't want to do it that way when there is an easier
way that is also easier to understand.

David Kelly N4HHE,

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

AVR-GCC-list mailing list

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