[gentoo-user] Help! with a pam upgrade, lockout, etc.

2008-07-24 Thread Jayson Smith


I'm running Gentoo. As part of an unrelated package upgrade, PAM got
upgraded. Ever since, or sometime afterward, anything requiring a username
and password fails. My POP3 server fails, I can't even log in as root! If I
try to log in at the console, it takes the username, which can be a real or 
a non-existent user, and doesn't ask for a

password, but instead waits three seconds or whatever, and tells me the
login is incorrect. Thank Goodness, I do have exactly one console window
logged in as Root, so I'm not totally locked out. I had upgraded PAM in the
recent past. Could it be that I need a reboot? Only reason I don't do this
My ISP blocks port 25, so I have to manually run a redirector program
to forward another port to port 25 on my Linux system. I don't know how to
get this to run automatically at startup, easily. And wouldn't you know it,
I have a Mailman list going which I really don't need to have down, as it's
pretty important. So, if I reboot and am still locked out, then I'm screwed.
If I can't log in as root, then I can't start redir. No redir, no SMTP, no
Mailman, unhappy list members. Any thoughts? I'd love to think a reboot
would solve the problem, but don't want to chance a total lockout. I don't
assume there's a way to say to a system, I am the almighty God of this
system, and you *will* let me in as root!
One other thing. I'm blind, and use Speakup with a speech synthesizer. 
Obviously I don't listen to the stuff that goes on during an emerge. So, if 
it told me anything important I must do in order to avoid this situation, I 
missed it. Usually when this happens it beeps a bunch of times, but I don't 
remember hearing any beeps.

Thanks for any help.

[gentoo-user] Apache2 bandwidth limiting help needed

2008-08-03 Thread Jayson Smith

Hi all,

I've been using MOD_BW, but for some reason it's stopped working. Don't 
know why, everything's configured properly. So I was going to try MOD_CBAND. 
When I have it installed, E.G. '-D CBAND' in the Apache2 options, trying to 
go to my website results in a 403 Forbidden error. This happens even if I 
give a bad URL on my website, something that would normally result in a 404 
Not Found error. Here's the config file. I'm going pretty much by the 
example in the file. If I'm doing something obviously wrong, please let me 


# This file only loads mod_cband and enables /cband-status page.
# For examples please consult the vhosts.conf.example.gz,
# vhosts2.conf.example.gz and vhosts3.conf.example.gz files installed in
# /usr/share/doc/mod_cband-*/

IfDefine CBAND
LoadModule cband_module modules/mod_cband.so

Location /cband-status
SetHandler cband-status

# Some defaults:
CBandDefaultExceededURL http://www.google.com
#CBandScoreFlushPeriod 100

# And in virtual host configuration to limit it's speed:
VirtualHost *:80
DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost/htdocs
ServerName www.bluegrasspals.com
IfModule mod_cband.c
 CBandLimit 600M
 CBandExceededURL http://www.bluegrasspals.com/bandwidth.html
 CBandScoreboard /var/run/mod_cband.bluegrasspals.scoreboard
 CBandPeriod 600S
 CBandSpeed 40kb 10 5
 CBandRemoteSpeed 40kb/s 10 5

#VirtualHost *:80
# DocumentRoot /var/www/example.com/htdocs
# ServerName www.example.com
# IfModule mod_cband.c
#  CBandLimit 600M
#  CBandExceededURL http://www.example.com/ex1.html
#  CBandScoreboard /var/run/mod_cband.example.com.scoreboard
#  CBandPeriod 200S
#  # 100kb/s, 10 request/s, max 5 connections
#  CBandSpeed 100kb 10 5
#  # 10kb/s, 3 request/s - speed limit for any remote client, max 5 

#  CBandRemoteSpeed 10kb/s 3 5
# /IfModule


# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache

[gentoo-user] Problem merging GCC so Glibc won't merge either!

2006-10-04 Thread Jayson Smith
Ok, last night I did the usual 'emerge --ask --nospinner -u world' which I
hadn't done in a few weeks, I know bad me!  So it's going along nice and
dandy until it hits Glibc.  It tells me Glibc is NPTL only! and tells me
what to do.  So I do that, then do an 'emerge --newuse --nospinner world'
and it goes on its way happily merging stuff until it hits Glibc again.
This time Glibc is complaining that GCC is missing or too old!  Funny, since
GCC was merged earlier in my first emerge run.  Do a 'gcc --version' and
find it's 3.3.6.  Remerge GCC, everything appears to be okay, it says it
merged it, but funny, nothing to unmerge.  'gcc --version' still says 3.3.6
even after a reboot.  The new version I'm trying to merge is 4.something.
Am I missing something here?  Obviously since Glibc isn't merging I can't
finish the upgrade process.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Problem with PHP4

2006-12-09 Thread Jayson Smith
I've been using PHP version 4.  Last night during a normal
emerge -av --nospinner -u world Mysql got updated to version 5, which
messed up Apache, Postfix and Pure-ftpd.  Actually Apache itself wasn't
messed up, but Mod_PHP was since it couldn't load the Mysql library any
more.  It's clear to me that all I really need to do is recompile mod_php
but there isn't an Ebuild for it any more!  I also have not been able to
find it available for download.  I upgraded to PHP 5 by unmerging the
existing mod_php then emerging php.  This works as far as Apache2 is
concerned, but not as far as a PHP form generator I use is concerned.  This
form is a contact form for my website and isn't working properly under PHP5
for some reason.  So what I'm wondering is, if I download and reinstall
PHP4, will that give me my Mod_php I need for Apache?  I don't seem to be
able to emerge PHP4, can't find ebuilds.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Bandwidth Limiting with Mod_BW and Apache2

2006-12-11 Thread Jayson Smith
Hi there,
For a while now I've been using Mod_BW to limit bandwidth for a directory on
my website.  We have a residential ADSL line, and some files I'm hosting are
somewhat popular, leading to bandwidth usage and Internet slowness for the
rest of the household.  The bandwidth limiting for one directory is working
but not for another directory.  In this file, dectalk is being limited but
lchoice isn't.  Any idea why?
Here is the config file 11_mod_bw.conf in /etc/apache/modules.d

IfDefine BW
  IfModule !mod_bw.c
LoadModule bw_module modules/mod_bw.so

IfModule mod_bw.c
  # This must be turned on for mod_bandwidth to actually do anything
  # These directives can go inside a VirtualHost or Directory, etc...
  BandWidthModule On
VirtualHost *
DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost/htdocs
Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/dectalk
BandWidthModule On
BandWidth all 8192
Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/lchoice
BandWidthModule On
BandWidth All 16384

  # Limit to 80KB/sec, with a minimum of 60KB/sec
  # BandWidth 196.168.0 8
  # BandWidth 196.168.0 6

  # Everyone else shares 50KB/sec
  Bandwidth all 20480

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] One package is blocking another?

2005-08-10 Thread Jayson Smith
Several days ago I did an 'emerge --ask --nospinner -u world' to update my
software as normal, but was told that ftpbase-0.00 was blocking
proftpd-1.something.  What, exactly, does this mean and what do I do about
it?  I want to continue using Proftpd, and don't know what Ftpbase is.  Any
help would be greatly appreciated.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] One package is blocking another?

2005-08-11 Thread Jayson Smith
Thanks everybody, that solved my problems!

- Original Message -
From: Stefan Onken [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:26 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] One package is blocking another?


  software as normal, but was told that ftpbase-0.00 was blocking
  proftpd-1.something.  What, exactly, does this mean and what do I do
  it?  I want to continue using Proftpd, and don't know what Ftpbase is.

 unmerge the old proftpd version, emerge the new proftpd version. For some
 reasons, this will now install ftpbase and proftpd. The configs are
 not altered, so no worry.  Works fine for me (I am running www.proftpd.de)


 gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list