[Marxism] Irami’s off the hook

2019-02-26 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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2.25.19“Since the release on Jan. 16 of a video of Irami
Osei-Frimpong lecturing at a Young Democrats meeting last fall and the
subsequent release of the Campus Reform article the day after, the
University’s social media platforms have been inundated with comments
either defending or condemning the PhD candidate.

Many users demand that Osei-Frimpong be terminated from his position as a
TA. Their reasoning ranges from accusations of hate speech and racism to
terroristic threats and incitement. However, many of these claims about
Osei-Frimpong’s statements are legally inaccurate and would get the
University in more trouble than lost donors.“
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[Marxism] A defection from the "axis of resistance"

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This is interesting. Dan Glazebrook has an article in the latest 
CounterPunch magazine (the bi-monthly print publication) titled 
"Alexander Dugin and the Politically-Correct Fascism Gaining Ground on 
the Left" that breaks with the "axis of resistance" bloc that he was at 
one time associated with as a contributor to RT.com and Mint Press. 
Clearly, there must have been some dust-up between him and me at some 
point over his pro-Assad, pro-Putin politics since he had blocked me on 
FB, one among my legion of ideological adversaries. But this new article 
shows a surprising shift away from the sort of junk you get from 
Grayzone, Consortium News, UNZ Review, Off-Guardian, Moon of Alabama, 
Global Research, et al.

Furthermore, what makes his article particularly interesting is how much 
it overlaps with the research of Alexander Reid Ross, who is persona non 
grata in "axis of resistance" circles, so much so that he might be 
described as the Von Helsing to vampire Max Blumenthal.

If there's any good reason to subscribe to CounterPunch magazine, it is 
to stay abreast of important trends on the left like this, not to speak 
of helping to fund America's most important voice of the left.

From Glazebrook:

Alexander Reid-Ross explains how these Duginist sites and think tanks 
then amplify their influence across the rest of the web: “Dugin’s 
thought pieces are read by journalists and editors with other sites like 
Fort-Russ, which claims to receive some millions of views per month. RT 
and Sputnik pick up stories and writers from sites like Fort-Russ and 
Katehon, elevating the Kremlin’s “spin” to more and more users. They 
then bring on leftist journalists from North Atlantic countries in order 
to make that spin more attractive to larger audiences in the West.” 
Fort-Russ’s own website confirms this strategy: “With 3 million readers 
a month, we have often featured ‘uncomfortable truths’ which 
‘mainstream’ Kremlin-backed sources like RT and Sputnik were unable to. 
We gave the raw story to readers before RT and Sputnik found the right 
angle to couch it in. As a result, many of our features and breaking 
stories have been featured by both of these outlets later on.” In 
December 2013, Dugin compiled a list of hundreds of politicians and 
intellectuals he sought to cultivate through involvement with RT, 
entitled “Countries and persons, where there are grounds to create an 
elite club and/or a group of informational influence through the line of 
Russia Today”. The list included rightwingers like Viktor Orban and de 
Benoist as well as leftwingers such as Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras.

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[Marxism] Thane Rosenbaum and Jonathan Mark suggest Arab Muslims don’t belong in America

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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2019-02-26 Thread Richard Fidler via Marxism
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Justin Akers Chacón, author of Radicals in the Barrio and No One is Illegal,
documents the ties connecting Venezuela’s right-wing coup-makers, Latin American
reactionaries and the bipartisan rulers of the world's most powerful government.

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[Marxism] The forgotten Northern, pre-Civil War origins of Jim Crow - The Washington Post

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2019-02-26 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Perhaps you meant me, J.Masko? I was unaware of this as I mostly lurk. Ty

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 5:25 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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[Marxism] Bill Jenkins, Who Tried to Halt Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Dies at 73

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Feb. 26, 2019
Bill Jenkins, Who Tried to Halt Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Dies at 73
By Katharine Q. Seelye

Bill Jenkins, a government epidemiologist who tried to expose the 
unethical Tuskegee syphilis study in the 1960s and devoted the rest of 
his career to fighting racism in health care, died on Feb. 17 in 
Charleston, S.C. He was 73.

His wife, Dr. Diane Rowley, said the cause was complications of 
sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease.

Dr. Jenkins was working as a statistician at the United States Public 
Health Service in Washington in the 1960s when he first learned of the 
infamous Tuskegee study. In that study, the federal government deceived 
hundreds of black men in Macon County, Ala., where Tuskegee is the 
county seat, into thinking that their so-called “bad blood” — they 
weren’t told that they had syphilis — was being treated when it wasn’t.

The researchers had wanted to see what unchecked syphilis would do to 
the human body and used these men as guinea pigs, without their informed 

The disease, which is usually transmitted by sexual contact and can 
cause brain damage, paralysis, blindness and death, ran its course in 
several of the men. Some infected their wives, who passed it on to some 
of their children. The study lasted from 1932 to 1972.

A colleague told Dr. Jenkins about the study while it was still going 
on, but not in much detail. Dr. Jenkins did some research and found 
dozens of articles about it in medical journals, so he understood that 
it was not being done in secret. Even local chapters of the American 
Medical Association supported it.

Still, he was troubled by the ethics of the situation and spoke to his 

“Don’t worry about it,” his supervisor told him. Dr. Jenkins later 
learned that the supervisor was among those monitoring the study.

Dr. Jenkins, who was black, and some colleagues wrote an article about 
it and sent it to other African-American doctors and to a few reporters. 
But Dr. Rowley, his wife, said he did not include any background or 
explanatory information, and the news media did not pick it up.

Eventually, another health service epidemiologist, Peter Buxtun, gave 
the information to The Associated Press. The A.P. article appeared on 
the front page of The New York Times and elsewhere and shocked the 
nation. The study was soon halted.

For Dr. Jenkins, the Tuskegee study confirmed what he had long believed 
— that medical research was biased against people of color and that this 
study was just the tip of the iceberg.

It would change his life. He would go on to devote himself to trying to 
reduce disease and illness among African Americans and other people of 
color, in part by recruiting more such people into the public health 

He was one of the first researchers at the Centers for Disease Control 
and Prevention to recognize how dramatically AIDS was affecting black 
men. He helped organize the first conference on AIDS in underserved 
neighborhoods and became the C.D.C.’s director of AIDS prevention for 

And for 10 years he oversaw the government’s Participants Health 
Benefits Program, which provides free lifetime medical care to the men 
of the Tuskegee study and their eligible family members.

A doctor in Tuskegee, Ala., drew blood from a subject of the 
government’s experiment on black men to determine what happens when 
syphilis is left untreated. The men were deceived into thinking that 
they were being treated.CreditNational Archives at Atlanta
“What they deserve is the best medical care we can provide,” Dr. Jenkins 
told The Times in 1997. “I try to give them the care that I would want 
to give to my mother.”

Susan Reverby, author of “Examining Tuskegee: The Infamous Syphilis 
Study and Its Legacy” (2009), said in a telephone interview that Dr. 
Jenkins had successfully fought to expand the benefits for survivors and 
their families, insuring that health care, like nursing homes, would be 
covered in addition to medical care.

“They were the only people in America who would have universal health 
care,” Ms. Reverby said.

Dr. Jenkins was also among those who helped extract an official apology 
from the federal government for the Tuskegee study. In 1997, President 
Bill Clinton invited the surviving eight subjects of the Tuskegee study 
and their families to the White House; five of the survivors went, and 
on May 16 Mr. Clinton delivered a formal apology on behalf of the country.

“No power on Earth can give you back the lives lost, the pain suffered, 
the years of internal torment and anguish,” Mr. Clinton said. “What the 
United States 

[Marxism] No More Steve Mnuchins

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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What makes Mnuchin a perfect representative of our current era is the 
level of outright criminality that defines so much of his career. He 
thus joins the ranks of this new era of elites — presidents, judges, 
intelligence officials, and more — who have gone beyond mere morally 
questionable yet technically legal behavior, or even covert illegality, 
and instead now openly flout the law in service of a goal that looks 
more and more to be about simply grabbing as much wealth as possible in 
the face of impending economic and ecological collapse.

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[Marxism] That thing you do | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Yesterday, Momentum founder Jon Lansman made headlines for his claim 
that antisemitism "is a widespread problem" in Labour, and that Labour 
underestimates "the scale of it". Expanding on his point on Twitter, 
Lansman estimated that there were probably "a few hundred" "hardcore 
antisemites" in Labour. He argued that more incidents would undoubtedly 
be recorded if the party adopted a proactive approach to rooting it out, 
rather than waiting for complaints.

I just want to parse Lansman's intervention. Because his language is 
wildly misleading, and doesn't match up to his specific claims. And we 
can't pretend that it doesn't matter how politicians choose their words. 
We know it matters. The resulting headlines were all of the type: 
'Momentum founder admits widespread antisemitism in Labour'.

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[Marxism] How a Green New Deal could exploit developing countries

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2019-02-26 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Will do.

This was the result of my using email via the phone, with which I'm not
familiar (nor particularly happy).

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 8:25 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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[Marxism] Moderator's note

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I just purged a number of messages from A. Stewart and J. Pasco from the 
moderator's queue because they had more than 3 recipients. In the 
future, please stay within 3 recipients if you want to avoid being held 
in a moderator's queue.

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[Marxism] ZCommunications » Budgeting for black-out in South Africa

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Patrick Bond

The African country with by far the most advanced infrastructure and 
largest energy supply increasingly appears to be on the verge of a 
nervous breakdown, in its economic, ecological and electricity systems. 
On a Sunday afternoon, February 10, generation capacity of more than 
6500 MegaWatts of power supplied by the parastatal agency Eskom failed 
to materialize. The next five days witnessed an historic low point when 
the country’s installed electricity dropped to only 60% availability 
(27,000 MW out of 43,000 MW), resulting in persistent ‘load-shedding’ 
black outs.

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[Marxism] Reading in an Age of Catastrophe | by Edward Mendelson | The New York Review of Books

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Hutchinson’s ambitions extend beyond the 1940s to larger questions about 
American culture. Critics and philosophers who interpret American 
culture in a vocabulary learned from European culture mislead themselves 
and their professional disciples. In the 1940s Max Horkheimer and 
Theodor Adorno wrote still-influential essays about the debased American 
popular-culture industry, but as Hutchinson observes, they had 
assumed—naively and provincially—that the American class system matched 
the Central European class system, that American mass culture, like 
European kitsch, had been imposed on the lumpen masses by their economic 
overlords. In reality, American mass culture arose from different 
classes producing, out of their own varied sources, cultures of their 
own, most famously in the rise of jazz, which Adorno loathed. At the 
same time, American popular arts absorbed visual and verbal techniques 
from the most rarefied avant-garde in ways that had few European parallels.

The Batman comic books, Hutchinson reports, adopted the styles of 
expressionist film and modernist typography. (This was not a new 
development: the Krazy Kat comic strip showed comparable influences 
twenty years earlier.) Popular culture became receptive to 
self-conscious modernism in ways unique to the decade. Gertrude Stein, 
“no longer a joke in the newspapers and popular magazines,” had become 
“a respected cultural icon,” commissioned by Life magazine in 1945 to 
travel with American troops while gathering material for a long photo 
essay on postwar Germany. Hutchinson reproduces the magazine’s photo of 
Stein posing with a half-dozen soldiers at the wreck of Hitler’s bunker.


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[Marxism] China and Saudi Arabia: The Xinjiang Factor – LobeLog

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In the lead up to MbS’s visit to China, Uyghur groups had expressed hope 
that the crown prince would address their plight with the leadership in 
Beijing. Yet shortly after arriving to Beijing, MbS seemingly endorsed 
Beijing’s “securitization campaign” in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous 
Region in northwest China, where over one million Chinese Muslim 
citizens, mainly from the Uyghur ethnic minority group, are detained in 
“re-education camps” or “vocational training schools.” MbS said that 
“China has the right to carry out anti-terrorism and de-extremization 
work for its national security.” Chinese President Xi Jinping told MbS 
that Beijing and Riyadh must work together to “prevent the infiltration 
and spread of extremist thinking.”

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[Marxism] MMT, Minsky, Marx and the money fetish | Michael Roberts Blog

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Minsky’s journey from socialism to stability for capitalist 
profitability comes about because he and the post-Keynesians deny and/or 
ignore Marx’s law of value, just as the ‘market socialists’, Lange and 
Lerner, did.  The post-Keynesians and MMTers deny that profit comes from 
surplus value extracted by exploitation from the capitalist production 
process and it is this that is the driving force for investment and 
employment.  Instead they all have a money fetish. With the money 
fetish, money replaces value, rather than representing it. They all see 
money as both causing crises and also as solving them by creating value! 
 That leads them to ignore the origin and role of profit, except as a 
residual of investment and consumer spending.

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[Marxism] Of Insects and Men

2019-02-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The deadly ecological effects of wiping out insects became obvious in 
the UK when grey partridges starved to death. They could not find 
insects to feed their chicks.

The 2019 review rightly identifies “intensive farming” and its 
deleterious pesticides as one of the main “drivers” of insect decline 
and extinction.

But what is intensive farming? It’s the violent metamorphosis of peasant 
farming to a factory armed with chemicals and  giant mechanical 
implements. It entails the growing of genetically engineered crops 
requiring, usually, the heavy and repeated application of synthetic 
fertilizers and weed killers, the removal of hedgerows and trees and, 
otherwise, the landscaping of large flat fields to accommodate 
irrigation, drainage, and large machines.

full: https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/02/26/of-insects-and-men/
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