[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-CivWar]: Andrella on Chambers and Carlson, 'Comanche Jack Stilwell: Army Scout and Plainsman'

2019-08-27 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Andrew Stewart 
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> From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
> Date: August 27, 2019 at 12:59:37 PM EDT
> To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Cc: H-Net Staff 
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-CivWar]:  Andrella on Chambers and  Carlson, 
> 'Comanche Jack Stilwell: Army Scout and Plainsman'
> Reply-To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Clint E. Chambers, Paul Howard Carlson.  Comanche Jack Stilwell: Army 
> Scout and Plainsman.  Norman  University of Oklahoma Press, 2019.  
> 298 pp.  $24.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-8061-6278-2.
> Reviewed by Jennifer Andrella (Michigan State University)
> Published on H-CivWar (August, 2019)
> Commissioned by G. David Schieffler
> Simpson Everett "Jack" Stilwell is an unlikely character to come to 
> mind when reflecting on the American West's many quasi-mythical 
> historical figures. Clint E. Chambers and Paul H. Carlson's 
> biographical study of Stilwell (1850-1903) recounts Stilwell's life 
> and diverse career on the southern Great Plains. Although Stilwell is 
> perhaps best remembered for his successful efforts to slip through 
> the allied Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Lakota lines while under siege at 
> the Battle of Beecher Island in 1868, he transitioned into many roles 
> throughout his relatively short life while encountering new 
> geographies and diverse communities. After running away from home at 
> the age of thirteen, Stilwell shifted between many positions--a 
> freight teamster along the Santa Fe Trail, a scout for the US Army, a 
> ranch cowhand, a deputy federal marshal, a US commissioner, a lawyer, 
> a judge, and late in his life, a commercial strawberry farmer. 
> Piecing together a readable, episodic biography, Chambers and Carlson 
> reconstruct the fragmentary archival evidence surrounding Stilwell to 
> assert that "his life is a part of the fabric that holds the western 
> frontier together" (p. 201). 
> In each of his roles, Stilwell's most distinguishing feature was his 
> ability to act as an arbitrator between different people, places, and 
> cultures. As a scout, Stilwell required a working knowledge of the 
> land, cultural mediation, and languages. These qualities make such 
> historical actors valuable given their diverse experiences and 
> profiles. In one instance, the district court at Fort Smith hired 
> Stilwell to serve as an interpreter for a case charging one William 
> Alden with larceny for stealing two saddle horses in Indian 
> Territory. As the authors ascertain, Stilwell's knowledge of Comanche 
> customs and language proved pivotal in successfully representing the 
> Native counterparts of the case through the translation of eyewitness 
> testimonies. In another example, the Word-Bugbee Cattle Company hired 
> Stilwell as an assistant foreman on a ranch within the 
> Cheyenne-Arapaho reservation. However, despite the attempt to 
> "stabilize and perhaps improve the economic conditions for the 
> Cheyenne and Arapaho people," property entitlement and livestock 
> grazing issues ensued between Native and non-Native factions (p. 
> 139). Go-between actors like Stilwell offer promising future research 
> in the area of social, economic, and cultural mediation in US 
> history, and should equally inspire additional exploration of the 
> agents of colonialism in the West. 
> One wishes that the book's Native American historical actors received 
> greater attention and context throughout_. _With the exception of 
> chapter 7, which accurately interprets the corruption of the Bureau 
> of Indian Affairs and its agencies throughout the 1860s and 1870s, 
> this work lacks important engagement and critique of the military's 
> execution of Indian policy in the West. Furthermore, while the 
> authors occasionally note the Native American communities Stilwell 
> encountered during his life on the southern plains, consistent 
> specificity would have been useful to avoid homogenizing terms and 
> generalizations about military-Native relations. For example, in 
> regard to Sheridan's 1868-69 winter campaign, which included the 
> Washita River Massacre, the authors summarize the period as a 
> "punishing endeavor--for both Indians and soldiers" (p. 55). 
> Ethnohistorical developments in Native American studies champion 
> culturally centered approaches and methods that reconsider topics 
> like military engagement in the West, alliance building among Native 
> communities, inter- and intra-tribal politics, and the participation 
> and resistance of Native peoples in westward expansion.[1] Given that 

Re: [Marxism] A Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Under Socialism

2019-08-27 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Aug 27, 2019, at 9:20 PM, DW via Marxism  
> wrote:
> GM itself is not a problem,

This is a baseless claim, and an essentially meaningless generalization. It’s a 
bit like saying, “Mixing chemicals itself is not a problem” — as if the phrase 
“mixing chemicals” has a useful general meaning, without reference to which 
chemicals, where, and under what conditions. (“Guns don’t kill people….”)

Except that with GM you’re creating organisms that produce novel proteins (and 
not necessarily the proteins you wanted or anticipated, because protein 
transcription doesn’t follow the “one gene, one protein” dream on which the 
technology of GM is founded) with unknown allergenic and / or toxic effects, 
and that are capable of self-replicating, and that you may not be able to 
control if they exfiltrate the lab — capitalism or not.

“GM itself” is one of the riskiest things human beings have ever engaged in. To 
breezily declare it “not a problem” except for capitalism simply betrays a lack 
of familiarity with what it involves. 
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Re: [Marxism] A Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Under Socialism

2019-08-27 Thread DW via Marxism
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Ah, I see now. I suppose so. The entire anti-economodernist vegan community
appears to be pushing this lab-grown meat. I'm going to try it tomorrow
since I finally found a place that sells it. It is completely the wrong
direction to go in but it's not going away, I suspect. Sure...I can see
that statement as ecomodernist. What's the politically correct position
Louis on lab-grown meat (from soy beans mostly). I'm not against GM crops
except how they are used under capitalism. I'm all for the R under
regulations. The fad against them, and that's what it is, a fad, is not
based on much sound science in terms of health. GM itself is not a problem,
but it certainly is the way it's used (such as described in that excellent
article you posted yesterday on soy industry).

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Re: [Marxism] A Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Under Socialism

2019-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/27/19 8:11 PM, DW via Marxism wrote:

Hardly "econmodernist". The article is an attack on the fast food
industry's labor standards.

I was referring to this: "If we can put the industry under public 
control, the lab-grown meat industry could help us towards this goal, too."

This lab-grown meat business is pure ecomodernism:

New technologies like genetically-modified (GM) crops and even “cultured 
meat” grown in clean laboratories from stem cells promise to reduce the 
acreage used to produce food even further — to the benefit of wilderness.

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Re: [Marxism] A Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Under Socialism

2019-08-27 Thread DW via Marxism
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Ecomodernist??? Me thinks our vaunted Moderator is eating too much fast
food. From the article:

"A more equitable and democratic food system would also have to transform
the modern factory-farming and meat industries, known for their cruelty

to workers and animals alike, as well as for wreaking havoc on the climate.
Up to 57 percent of all greenhouse-gas emissions stem

from the global food system, and the International Panel on Climate Change
has warned

that industrialized countries must reduce greenhouse emissions by up to 40
percent below 1990 levels to avoid
 climate devastation."

Hardly "econmodernist". The article is an attack on the fast food
industry's labor standards. "Ecomodernism" can now be used by anyone to
mean anything. Ugh. The review  in Jacobin is ok to good. I think he should
of spent some time on the issue of animal cruelty more and issues with "Big
Agriculture" since fast foods play such an important role in the
Imperialist commodity markets for things like soy beans. Also, he's wrong
about Popeyes. Everyone know In-and-Out Burger is the preimier "best" fast
food in the US!

David Walters
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[Marxism] A Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Under Socialism

2019-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The latest ecomodernist bullshit from Jacobin.

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[Marxism] The Load | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A film that departs from the standard demonization of Serbs during the 
war in Kosovo.

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[Marxism] Boots Riley Calls Out Tarantino for Manson Family Depiction | IndieWire

2019-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Slavery and the City of London

2019-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Richard Drayton lecture.

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[Marxism] The Arrogance of the Anthropocene - The Atlantic

2019-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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So that’s what 180 million years of complete dominance buys you in the 
fossil record. What, then, will a few decades of industrial civilization 
get us? This is the central question of the Anthropocene—an epoch that 
supposedly started, not tens of millions of years ago, but perhaps 
during the Truman administration. Will our influence on the rock record 
really be so profound to geologists 100 million years from now, whoever 
they are, that they would look back and be tempted to declare the past 
few decades or centuries a bona fide epoch of its own?

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[Marxism] Trump, Greenland and Manifest Destiny - CounterPunch.org

2019-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Timothy Messer-Kruse, the author of a very good book on the Marxist 
First International members in the USA focusing on Sorge and Woodhull. 
And a more problematic book on the Haymarket bombing.

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[Marxism] Walter Benjamin: Fragments, salvage and detours – TheTLS

2019-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Vasily Grossman’s Lost Epic | The New Republic

2019-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Why was his World War II novel "Stalingrad" shunned by publishers for so 

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[Marxism] Trump's Trade War Linked To Amazon Rainforest Destruction | HuffPost

2019-08-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As unsold U.S. soybeans are stored in silos across the farm belt, 
Brazilian farmers and corporations scramble to satisfy the voracious 
Chinese market. The push to break new ground amid President Donald 
Trump’s trade war with China is putting increasing pressure on the 
Amazon rainforest and is likely linked to the region’s devastating 
fires, according to experts.

“There is concern that market pressures related to the disruptions in 
global trade contributed to the fires in the Amazon,” Paul 
Murphy-Spooner, the spokesperson for the American Soybean Association, 
said in an email to HuffPost.


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[Marxism] Class and Culture in Los Angeles: Fear and Loathing in the City of the Angels | Dennis Broe | Culture Matters

2019-08-27 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Yevgeniy Fiks, “Moscow: Gay Cruising Sites of the Soviet Capital, 1920s–1980s” (Harriman Institute, Columbia University)

2019-08-27 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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The exhibit documents gay cruising sites in Soviet Moscow, from the early
1920s to the USSR’s dissolution in the early 1990s. Photographed in 2008 in
a simple but haunting documentary style, these sites of the bygone queer
underground present a hidden and forgotten Moscow, with a particular focus
on revolutionary communist and Soviet state sites appropriated by queer

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