Re: [ql-users] EasyPtr

2002-06-18 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig

On 16.06.2002 21:02:43, James Hunkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As to the above suggestion for translation, I would very much appreciate 
an English version of it.  Even though I am getting pretty comfortable 
with the pointer environment and Easy Ptr, I still have a few quirks 
that might be explained in the articles.  And I know I have gone through 
a lot of trial and error that such articles may help others avoid.


I suggested a translation to Geoff Wicks because I know that he speaks German.
But I am aware of the fact that this would be a lot of work, because the articles are
about 20 A4-pages.
I myself neither have the time to translate it at the moment, nor is my English good 
I'm afraid, to do it well enough.

But what do we have this group for? 
Quarreling for months about this license has in my opinion brought the QL-community 
more apart 
than together.
Wouldn't it be fine to discuss problems like EasyPtr- and other software-problems and 
help each 
other? I feel this has always been the strength of us QLers.

I would be glad to help any Basic-programmer with EasyPtr as far as I can. The last 
months I have 
for example done a lot of tinkering and trying to bringEasyPtr to using the new 
colours. I have learnt
a lot by doing so and am prepared to help if people have questions with this. As an 
example for 
what can be done with this, have a look on my freeware-suite QcoLour and MfColour (get 
it at 
Dilwyn's or Marcel Kilgus's site)

Wolfgang Uhlig 

Re: [ql-users] EasyPtr

2002-06-18 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig

On 18.06.2002 21:53:06, Geoff Wicks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually I don't speak German, although I have some knowledge of it.
Trying to speak it scares me stiff, ...
That's the problem: when you are stiff, speaking gets difficult ;-)

If you like you can still send the articles to me and I can have a look at
I'll do!

This discussion has given me an idea. Would anyone be interested in a
workshop on using EasyPTR? The sort of thing I am thinking about is saying
running a two hour workshop during a QL show, where those of  us who have
experience of EasyPTR could help others with their programs in the hope that
we could encourage more people to try working with the program. We would
need to structure it somehow. Anyone any ideas or opinions?
Geoff Wicks
Sounds like a good idea, unfortunately not for me, living in Holland. But as I said,
bringing problems into this group would help in many cases, I think.

Wolfgang Uhlig

[ql-users] Re:Easymenu

2004-03-07 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig
Roy wrote:
  Funnily enough nor did I and I sell it. Can some one enlighten me ?
Oh, I was quite sure that I had told you when I sent you my new Colour 

As Marcel points out, it is not really a new Easymenu. I should have 
that. Some features are missing and the created application windows are
not handled correctly later in the program. But on a whole it makes 
menus a lot easier than before.

Also: I was not aware of the fact that Easymenu is still 'sold'. I thought 
sources to have been free for a longer time now. How, Roy and/ Marcel,  am 
supposed to react if someone wants to have the new Easymenu?


[ql-users] Re: [ql-users] RE: [ql-users] 1000 to spend!

2004-03-08 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig

Heheheee, you might as well tell some of the customers:
alternative way: write it down yourself using a typewriter.

Claude Mourier 00 wrote:

Alternative way (rather then writing printer driver obsolete in a 
couple of month) : to provide a way to export documents with all 
attributes and print then with tools like, saiy, OpenOffice ..
I wonder what kind of documents are written on a QL in order to print
them. What could all attributes mean? bold, italic and underline??
Images? Forget it! Different fonts? Forget it! Layout? Forget it!
Prove me wrong but most of the documents would be a listing here and
a small letter there. These can be printed without a problem using the
small driver utilities we have for HP and Epson.
If people really want to write a state of the art document, they use 
or Linux programs anyway, I suppose.


[ql-users] Re: [ql-users] Re: [ql-users] RE: [ql-users] 1000 to spend!

2004-03-08 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig

Sorry - they cannot be printed with the small driver utilities which we
have, unless you have specific printers - most modern, low cost printers 
(eg 99% of the EPSON range) will only print graphics !!  They do not 
recognise a
string of plain ASCII text sent to them - this is why we are faced with 
the problem!
OK, I don't know much about Epson printers, I admit, but as to HP 
printers, they
all _still_ understand direct (HPPCL-) commands and you can print plain 
text to
them without a problem from the QL.


Re: [ql-users] Re:Easymenu

2004-03-08 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig
Roy wrote:
a) Since the code is unfinished and has bugs I would not give it to 
anyone who was not actively working with Marcel as a beta tester.
b) Unless Albin has declared it to be a free program it should only be 
available from Jochen or Q Branch.
I know that you acted in good faith and there is no censure involved 
Okay :)

By the way  have been trying to get QCoCo to work on the Q40 and it 
fails with the message :
LINE 980 SP_GET value out of range
As far as I remember there was something with a SMSQE version for Q40
which seemed to be new but even so produced this fault. I cannot reproduce
it because I have no Q40. Try to get the newest version of Wolfgang Lenerz,
test it and write me again, will you?
Otherwise you could also configure QCoCo to start with a (default-)theme, 
then you
will not have this problem.


Re: [ql-users] Re:Easymenu

2004-03-10 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig

Banged my head against the wall a couple of times!!!
Well done :-))


Re: [ql-users] Menu_rext

2004-03-13 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig

no problem here whatsoever
QPC, Menurext 7.65, SMSQ/E 3.04

Re: [ql-users] dragdrop

2004-03-13 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig
@ Dilwyn
The easy alternative is to make a 'text' sprite which is made into the
pointer sprite when the item to be dragged is text. This could be as
simple as a sprite which looks like the letters 'TEXT' with a black
border around it! (This is what I do in my programs).
That's not what I mean. I mean a sprite made out of a string, got out of a
list of strings by MTEXT$ for example.
The format of blobs and patterns are documented in pages 107-109 of
the QPTR guide. Unfortunately, I never had much success using them
with Easyptr and I don't know why.
Me neither

Reading text items from the screen is not very easy as ...
That's not what I want to do

Do yo want to make a string into a sprite on the fly?
Yes, I thought, I wrote that ;-)
This would be a rather non trivial task!
That's what I was afraid of.
What would be the problem when trying to do this?

Re: [ql-users] dragdrop

2004-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig
Per wrote:

I thought Id have a go just to demonstrate:

100 s = SCR_BASE + SCR_LLEN + 4   : rem Start at top left of screen
110 xs = 100: ys = 10 : rem X/y size

150 POKE_L a, $2200020: rem Mode 32 sprite w alpha 

Per, this is GREAT!
It works fine, you can take the sprite into an EasyPtr program,
making it the actual pointer sprite with SPRS. It can even be longer than 
64 pixels
in contrary to what Marcel says. Crazy :-))

I have two questions, though:

1) With the PVAL procedure (result%(10 and 11)) I can determine the origin 
of a window.
How would I have to alter your line 100 when PVAL returns xorg%=500, 
yorg%=300 (just
to take an example)

2) In line 150 you define the opacity of the sprite. Could you explain 
which change
to the value would result in which degree of opacity?

Thanks in advance,


[ql-users] Re: [ql-users] 1000 to spend! (2nd attempt!)

2004-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Uhlig
Geoff Wicks wrote:

This means that Quanta would have a sum of about £1,000 each year to 
spend on QL development. How should they spend this money?
On march, 8th, Laurence Reeves answered::
 1000 pounds to the person who ports OpenOffice? ;)
That seems like a lot of cash for what is a pretty trivial task.
If it's so trivial a task, why don't you do it for the money, Geoff offers
you, Lau? ;-))