Re: [R] boundary check

2010-09-24 Thread Greg Snow
You did not originally define "ball", the other respondents have discussed 
using a convex hull, but here is another approach:

Use "ball" to mean sphere (or technically hypersphere) and find the sphere with 
the smallest radius that contains all the points, optim or other optimizers 
could be programmed to do this (or an approximation that may be good enough is 
to use the means as the center and the distance to the furthest point as the 

Then finding if a new point is within the sphere is just a matter of computing 
the Euclidean distance from the new point to the center and comparing that to 
the radius.

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-
>] On Behalf Of Feng Li
> Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 3:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: [R] boundary check
> Dear R,
> I have a covariates matrix with 10 observations,  e.g.
> > X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
> > X
>  [,1][,2][,3][,4]   [,5]
>  [1,]  0.24857135  0.30880745 -1.44118657  1.10229027  1.0526010
>  [2,]  1.24316806  0.36275370 -0.40096866 -0.24387888 -1.5324384
>  [3,] -0.33504014  0.42996246  0.03902479 -0.84778875 -2.4754644
>  [4,]  0.06710229  1.01950917 -0.09325091 -0.03222811  0.4127816
>  [5,] -0.13619141  1.33143821 -0.79958805  2.08274102  0.6901768
>  [6,] -0.45060357  0.19348831 -1.23793647 -0.72440163  0.5057326
>  [7,] -1.20740516  0.20231086  1.15584485  0.8170 -1.2719855
>  [8,] -1.81166284 -0.07913113 -0.91080581 -0.34774436  0.9552182
>  [9,]  0.19131383  0.14980569 -0.37458224 -0.09371273 -1.7667203
> [10,] -0.85159276 -0.66679528  1.63019340  0.56920196 -2.4049600
> And I define a boundary of X:  The smallest "ball" that nests all the
> observations of X. I wish to check if a particular point x_i
> > x_i <- matrix(rnorm(5), 1, 5)
> > x_i
>[,1]  [,2]   [,3]  [,4]  [,5]
> [1,] -0.1525543 0.4606419 -0.1011011 -1.557225 -1.035694
> is inside the boundary of X or not. I know it's easy to do it with 1-D
> or
> 2-D, but I don't knot how to manage it when the dimension is large.
> Can someone give a hint? Thanks in advance!
> Feng
> --
> Feng Li
> Department of Statistics
> Stockholm University
> 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
>   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> guide.html
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] boundary check

2010-09-24 Thread Robin Hankin

thanks for this.  The problem you report is
reproducible; it originates from simplex()
of the boot packge.

It is ultimately due to
the fact that x_i is precisely *on* the convex hull,
which is evidently causing problems.  I'll
investigate it.

In the short term, you can break the degeneracy:

> isin.chull(X[1,]+1e-10,X)

but I don't know if that is acceptable to you.



On 24/09/10 13:17, Feng Li wrote:
> Thanks. I agree with you that the speed and memory issues might be
> (actually is) a big problem for big dimensions. It is interesting to
> know to solve this by using linear programming. Buy the way, it seems
> a potential bug in your function if you try this
>> X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
>> x_i<-X[1,,drop=FALSE]
>> isin.chull(x_i,X)
> Error in A.out[, basic] <- iden(M) : subscript out of bounds
> Or I must be wrong somewhere.
> Feng
> On Sep 24, 12:39 pm, Robin Hankin  wrote:
>> Hello
>> convex hulls in large numbers of dimensions are hard.
>> For your problem, though, one can tell whether a given
>> point is inside or outside by using linear programming:
>>> X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
>>> x_i <- matrix(rnorm(5), 1, 5)
>>> isin.chull
>> function(candidate,p,plot=FALSE,give.answers=FALSE,
>>   ...){
>>   if(plot){
>> plot(p,...)
>> p(candidate[1],candidate[2], pch=16)
>>   }
>>   n <- nrow(p) # number of points
>>   d <- ncol(p) # number of dimensions
>>   p <- t(sweep(p,2,candidate))
>>   jj <- simplex(a=rep(1,n),A3=rbind(p,1),b3=c(0*candidate,1))
>>   if(give.answers){
>> return(jj)
>>   }  else {
>> return((jj$solved >= 0) & all(jj$soln<1))
>>   }
>> }
>>> isin.chull(x_i,X)
>> [1] FALSE
>> (we can discuss offline; I'll summarize)
>> HTH
>> rksh
>> On 24/09/10 10:44, Feng Li wrote:
>>> Dear R,
>>> I have a covariates matrix with 10 observations,  e.g.
 X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
>>>  [,1][,2][,3][,4]   [,5]
>>>  [1,]  0.24857135  0.30880745 -1.44118657  1.10229027  1.0526010
>>>  [2,]  1.24316806  0.36275370 -0.40096866 -0.24387888 -1.5324384
>>>  [3,] -0.33504014  0.42996246  0.03902479 -0.84778875 -2.4754644
>>>  [4,]  0.06710229  1.01950917 -0.09325091 -0.03222811  0.4127816
>>>  [5,] -0.13619141  1.33143821 -0.79958805  2.08274102  0.6901768
>>>  [6,] -0.45060357  0.19348831 -1.23793647 -0.72440163  0.5057326
>>>  [7,] -1.20740516  0.20231086  1.15584485  0.8170 -1.2719855
>>>  [8,] -1.81166284 -0.07913113 -0.91080581 -0.34774436  0.9552182
>>>  [9,]  0.19131383  0.14980569 -0.37458224 -0.09371273 -1.7667203
>>> [10,] -0.85159276 -0.66679528  1.63019340  0.56920196 -2.4049600
>>> And I define a boundary of X:  The smallest "ball" that nests all the
>>> observations of X. I wish to check if a particular point x_i
 x_i <- matrix(rnorm(5), 1, 5)
>>>[,1]  [,2]   [,3]  [,4]  [,5]
>>> [1,] -0.1525543 0.4606419 -0.1011011 -1.557225 -1.035694
>>> is inside the boundary of X or not. I know it's easy to do it with 1-D or
>>> 2-D, but I don't knot how to manage it when the dimension is large.
>>> Can someone give a hint? Thanks in advance!
>>> Feng
>> --
>> Robin K. S. Hankin
>> Uncertainty Analyst
>> University of Cambridge
>> 19 Silver Street
>> Cambridge CB3 9EP
>> 01223-764877
>> __
>> mailing list
>> PLEASE do read the posting guide
>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Robin K. S. Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
University of Cambridge
19 Silver Street
Cambridge CB3 9EP

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] boundary check

2010-09-24 Thread Keith Jewell

Below Baptiste's message I attach  the R code and the .Rd documentation I 
treated as 'final', it may be slightly different from that in the Dec 2009 

I did submit if for inclusion in the geometry package, but last time I 
checked it wasn't there.

I have found (and others have reported via private e-mail) that high 
dimensional data sets cause crashes (R exits with no warnings or messages). 
I tentatively believe this is a 'bug' in convhulln, but tracking it takes me 
to a complicated package and compiled code. It isn't a problem for me, so I 
can't make time to follow it up.


Keith J

"baptiste auguie"  wrote in message

I remember a discussion we had on this list a few months ago for a
better way to decide if a point is inside a convex hull. It eventually
lead to a R function in this post,

I don't know if it was included in the geometry package in the end.


inhull <- function(testpts, calpts, hull=convhulln(calpts), 
tol=mean(mean(abs(calpts)))*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
# R implementation of the Matlab code by John D'Errico 04 Mar 2006 (Updated 
30 Oct 2006)
# downloaded from
# with some modifications and simplifications
# Efficient test for points inside a convex hull in n dimensions
#% arguments: (input)
#%  testpts - nxp array to test, n data points, in p dimensions
#%   If you have many points to test, it is most efficient to
#%   call this function once with the entire set.
#%  calpts - mxp array of vertices of the convex hull, as used by
#%   convhulln.
#%  hull - (OPTIONAL) tessellation (or triangulation) generated by convhulln
#%   If hull is left empty or not supplied, then it will be
#%   generated.
#%  tol - (OPTIONAL) tolerance on the tests for inclusion in the
#%   convex hull. You can think of tol as the distance a point
#%   may possibly lie outside the hull, and still be perceived
#%   as on the surface of the hull. Because of numerical slop
#%   nothing can ever be done exactly here. I might guess a
#%   semi-intelligent value of tol to be
#% tol = 1.e-13*mean(abs(calpts(:)))
#%   In higher dimensions, the numerical issues of floating
#%   point arithmetic will probably suggest a larger value
#%   of tol.
# In this R implementation default 
# VALUE: Matlab returns a vector of TRUE (inside/on) or FALSE (outside)
#   This R implementation returns an integer vector of length n
#   1 = inside hull
#  -1 = inside hull
#   0 = on hull (to precision indicated by tol)
# ensure arguments are matrices (not data frames) and get sizes
   calpts <- as.matrix(calpts)
   testpts <- as.matrix(testpts)
   p <- ncol(calpts)   # columns in calpts
   cx <- nrow(testpts)  # rows in testpts
   nt <- nrow(hull)# number of simplexes in hull
# find normal vectors to each simplex
   nrmls <- matrix(NA, nt, p) # predefine each nrml as NA, 
   degenflag <- matrix(TRUE, nt, 1)
   for (i in  1:nt) {
nullsp <- t(Null(t(calpts[hull[i,-1],] - 
matrix(calpts[hull[i,1],],p-1,p, byrow=TRUE
if (dim(nullsp)[1] == 1) { nrmls[i,] <- nullsp
   degenflag[i] <- FALSE}}
# Warn of degenerate faces, and remove corresponding normals
   if(sum(degenflag) > 0) warning(sum(degenflag)," degenerate faces in 
convex hull")
   nrmls <- nrmls[!degenflag,]
   nt <- nrow(nrmls)
# find center point in hull, and any (1st) point in the plane of each 
   center = colMeans(calpts)
   a <- calpts[hull[!degenflag,1],]
# scale normal vectors to unit length and ensure pointing inwards
   nrmls <- nrmls/matrix(apply(nrmls, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))), nt, p)
   dp <- sign(apply((matrix(center, nt, p, byrow=TRUE)-a) * nrmls, 1, sum))
   nrmls <- nrmls*matrix(dp, nt, p)
# if  min across all faces of dot((x - a),nrml) is
#  +ve then x is inside hull
#  0   then x is on hull
#  -ve then x is outside hull
# Instead of dot((x - a),nrml)  use dot(x,nrml) - dot(a, nrml)
   aN <- diag(a %*% t(nrmls))
   val <- apply(testpts %*% t(nrmls) - matrix(aN, cx, nt, byrow=TRUE), 
# code  values inside 'tol' to zero, return sign as integer
   val[abs(val) < tol] <- 0

%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
Test if one set of N-D points is inside the convex hull defined by another 
R implementation of the Matlab code by John D'Errico 04 Mar 2006 (Updated 30 
Oct 2006)
downloaded from

Re: [R] boundary check

2010-09-24 Thread Feng Li
Thanks. I agree with you that the speed and memory issues might be
(actually is) a big problem for big dimensions. It is interesting to
know to solve this by using linear programming. Buy the way, it seems
a potential bug in your function if you try this

> X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
> x_i<-X[1,,drop=FALSE]
> isin.chull(x_i,X)
Error in A.out[, basic] <- iden(M) : subscript out of bounds

Or I must be wrong somewhere.


On Sep 24, 12:39 pm, Robin Hankin  wrote:
> Hello
> convex hulls in large numbers of dimensions are hard.
> For your problem, though, one can tell whether a given
> point is inside or outside by using linear programming:
> > X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
> > x_i <- matrix(rnorm(5), 1, 5)
> > isin.chull
> function(candidate,p,plot=FALSE,give.answers=FALSE,
>   ...){
>   if(plot){
>     plot(p,...)
>     p(candidate[1],candidate[2], pch=16)
>   }
>   n <- nrow(p) # number of points
>   d <- ncol(p) # number of dimensions
>   p <- t(sweep(p,2,candidate))
>   jj <- simplex(a=rep(1,n),A3=rbind(p,1),b3=c(0*candidate,1))
>   if(give.answers){
>     return(jj)
>   }  else {
>     return((jj$solved >= 0) & all(jj$soln<1))
>   }
> }
> > isin.chull(x_i,X)
> [1] FALSE
> (we can discuss offline; I'll summarize)
> rksh
> On 24/09/10 10:44, Feng Li wrote:
> > Dear R,
> > I have a covariates matrix with 10 observations,  e.g.
> >> X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
> >> X
> >              [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]       [,5]
> >  [1,]  0.24857135  0.30880745 -1.44118657  1.10229027  1.0526010
> >  [2,]  1.24316806  0.36275370 -0.40096866 -0.24387888 -1.5324384
> >  [3,] -0.33504014  0.42996246  0.03902479 -0.84778875 -2.4754644
> >  [4,]  0.06710229  1.01950917 -0.09325091 -0.03222811  0.4127816
> >  [5,] -0.13619141  1.33143821 -0.79958805  2.08274102  0.6901768
> >  [6,] -0.45060357  0.19348831 -1.23793647 -0.72440163  0.5057326
> >  [7,] -1.20740516  0.20231086  1.15584485  0.8170 -1.2719855
> >  [8,] -1.81166284 -0.07913113 -0.91080581 -0.34774436  0.9552182
> >  [9,]  0.19131383  0.14980569 -0.37458224 -0.09371273 -1.7667203
> > [10,] -0.85159276 -0.66679528  1.63019340  0.56920196 -2.4049600
> > And I define a boundary of X:  The smallest "ball" that nests all the
> > observations of X. I wish to check if a particular point x_i
> >> x_i <- matrix(rnorm(5), 1, 5)
> >> x_i
> >            [,1]      [,2]       [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
> > [1,] -0.1525543 0.4606419 -0.1011011 -1.557225 -1.035694
> > is inside the boundary of X or not. I know it's easy to do it with 1-D or
> > 2-D, but I don't knot how to manage it when the dimension is large.
> > Can someone give a hint? Thanks in advance!
> > Feng
> --
> Robin K. S. Hankin
> Uncertainty Analyst
> University of Cambridge
> 19 Silver Street
> Cambridge CB3 9EP
> 01223-764877
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] boundary check

2010-09-24 Thread baptiste auguie

I remember a discussion we had on this list a few months ago for a
better way to decide if a point is inside a convex hull. It eventually
lead to a R function in this post,

I don't know if it was included in the geometry package in the end.



On 24 September 2010 12:44, Michael Bedward  wrote:
> Hello,
> If an N-dimensional convex hull fits your idea of a "smallest ball"
> then you could try the convhulln function in the geometry package.
> For testing if a new point is inside a previously derived hull, one
> brute force approach is to rbind the new point to your data, generate
> a new hull and see if it is the same as the previous one.
> I've only used convhulln in low dimensions so I don't know how
> efficient it is when N is large.
> Hope this helps.
> Michael
> On 24 September 2010 19:44, Feng Li  wrote:
>> Dear R,
>> I have a covariates matrix with 10 observations,  e.g.
>>> X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
>>> X
>>             [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]       [,5]
>>  [1,]  0.24857135  0.30880745 -1.44118657  1.10229027  1.0526010
>>  [2,]  1.24316806  0.36275370 -0.40096866 -0.24387888 -1.5324384
>>  [3,] -0.33504014  0.42996246  0.03902479 -0.84778875 -2.4754644
>>  [4,]  0.06710229  1.01950917 -0.09325091 -0.03222811  0.4127816
>>  [5,] -0.13619141  1.33143821 -0.79958805  2.08274102  0.6901768
>>  [6,] -0.45060357  0.19348831 -1.23793647 -0.72440163  0.5057326
>>  [7,] -1.20740516  0.20231086  1.15584485  0.8170 -1.2719855
>>  [8,] -1.81166284 -0.07913113 -0.91080581 -0.34774436  0.9552182
>>  [9,]  0.19131383  0.14980569 -0.37458224 -0.09371273 -1.7667203
>> [10,] -0.85159276 -0.66679528  1.63019340  0.56920196 -2.4049600
>> And I define a boundary of X:  The smallest "ball" that nests all the
>> observations of X. I wish to check if a particular point x_i
>>> x_i <- matrix(rnorm(5), 1, 5)
>>> x_i
>>           [,1]      [,2]       [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
>> [1,] -0.1525543 0.4606419 -0.1011011 -1.557225 -1.035694
>> is inside the boundary of X or not. I know it's easy to do it with 1-D or
>> 2-D, but I don't knot how to manage it when the dimension is large.
>> Can someone give a hint? Thanks in advance!
>> Feng
>> --
>> Feng Li
>> Department of Statistics
>> Stockholm University
>> 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
>>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>> __
>> mailing list
>> PLEASE do read the posting guide
>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] boundary check

2010-09-24 Thread Michael Bedward

If an N-dimensional convex hull fits your idea of a "smallest ball"
then you could try the convhulln function in the geometry package.

For testing if a new point is inside a previously derived hull, one
brute force approach is to rbind the new point to your data, generate
a new hull and see if it is the same as the previous one.

I've only used convhulln in low dimensions so I don't know how
efficient it is when N is large.

Hope this helps.

On 24 September 2010 19:44, Feng Li  wrote:
> Dear R,
> I have a covariates matrix with 10 observations,  e.g.
>> X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
>> X
>             [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]       [,5]
>  [1,]  0.24857135  0.30880745 -1.44118657  1.10229027  1.0526010
>  [2,]  1.24316806  0.36275370 -0.40096866 -0.24387888 -1.5324384
>  [3,] -0.33504014  0.42996246  0.03902479 -0.84778875 -2.4754644
>  [4,]  0.06710229  1.01950917 -0.09325091 -0.03222811  0.4127816
>  [5,] -0.13619141  1.33143821 -0.79958805  2.08274102  0.6901768
>  [6,] -0.45060357  0.19348831 -1.23793647 -0.72440163  0.5057326
>  [7,] -1.20740516  0.20231086  1.15584485  0.8170 -1.2719855
>  [8,] -1.81166284 -0.07913113 -0.91080581 -0.34774436  0.9552182
>  [9,]  0.19131383  0.14980569 -0.37458224 -0.09371273 -1.7667203
> [10,] -0.85159276 -0.66679528  1.63019340  0.56920196 -2.4049600
> And I define a boundary of X:  The smallest "ball" that nests all the
> observations of X. I wish to check if a particular point x_i
>> x_i <- matrix(rnorm(5), 1, 5)
>> x_i
>           [,1]      [,2]       [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
> [1,] -0.1525543 0.4606419 -0.1011011 -1.557225 -1.035694
> is inside the boundary of X or not. I know it's easy to do it with 1-D or
> 2-D, but I don't knot how to manage it when the dimension is large.
> Can someone give a hint? Thanks in advance!
> Feng
> --
> Feng Li
> Department of Statistics
> Stockholm University
> 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] boundary check

2010-09-24 Thread Robin Hankin

convex hulls in large numbers of dimensions are hard.

For your problem, though, one can tell whether a given
point is inside or outside by using linear programming:

> X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
> x_i <- matrix(rnorm(5), 1, 5)
> isin.chull
p(candidate[1],candidate[2], pch=16)
  n <- nrow(p) # number of points
  d <- ncol(p) # number of dimensions

  p <- t(sweep(p,2,candidate))
  jj <- simplex(a=rep(1,n),A3=rbind(p,1),b3=c(0*candidate,1))
  }  else {
return((jj$solved >= 0) & all(jj$soln<1))
> isin.chull(x_i,X)

(we can discuss offline; I'll summarize)



On 24/09/10 10:44, Feng Li wrote:
> Dear R,
> I have a covariates matrix with 10 observations,  e.g.
>> X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
>> X
>  [,1][,2][,3][,4]   [,5]
>  [1,]  0.24857135  0.30880745 -1.44118657  1.10229027  1.0526010
>  [2,]  1.24316806  0.36275370 -0.40096866 -0.24387888 -1.5324384
>  [3,] -0.33504014  0.42996246  0.03902479 -0.84778875 -2.4754644
>  [4,]  0.06710229  1.01950917 -0.09325091 -0.03222811  0.4127816
>  [5,] -0.13619141  1.33143821 -0.79958805  2.08274102  0.6901768
>  [6,] -0.45060357  0.19348831 -1.23793647 -0.72440163  0.5057326
>  [7,] -1.20740516  0.20231086  1.15584485  0.8170 -1.2719855
>  [8,] -1.81166284 -0.07913113 -0.91080581 -0.34774436  0.9552182
>  [9,]  0.19131383  0.14980569 -0.37458224 -0.09371273 -1.7667203
> [10,] -0.85159276 -0.66679528  1.63019340  0.56920196 -2.4049600
> And I define a boundary of X:  The smallest "ball" that nests all the
> observations of X. I wish to check if a particular point x_i
>> x_i <- matrix(rnorm(5), 1, 5)
>> x_i
>[,1]  [,2]   [,3]  [,4]  [,5]
> [1,] -0.1525543 0.4606419 -0.1011011 -1.557225 -1.035694
> is inside the boundary of X or not. I know it's easy to do it with 1-D or
> 2-D, but I don't knot how to manage it when the dimension is large.
> Can someone give a hint? Thanks in advance!
> Feng

Robin K. S. Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
University of Cambridge
19 Silver Street
Cambridge CB3 9EP

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[R] boundary check

2010-09-24 Thread Feng Li
Dear R,

I have a covariates matrix with 10 observations,  e.g.

> X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
> X
 [,1][,2][,3][,4]   [,5]
 [1,]  0.24857135  0.30880745 -1.44118657  1.10229027  1.0526010
 [2,]  1.24316806  0.36275370 -0.40096866 -0.24387888 -1.5324384
 [3,] -0.33504014  0.42996246  0.03902479 -0.84778875 -2.4754644
 [4,]  0.06710229  1.01950917 -0.09325091 -0.03222811  0.4127816
 [5,] -0.13619141  1.33143821 -0.79958805  2.08274102  0.6901768
 [6,] -0.45060357  0.19348831 -1.23793647 -0.72440163  0.5057326
 [7,] -1.20740516  0.20231086  1.15584485  0.8170 -1.2719855
 [8,] -1.81166284 -0.07913113 -0.91080581 -0.34774436  0.9552182
 [9,]  0.19131383  0.14980569 -0.37458224 -0.09371273 -1.7667203
[10,] -0.85159276 -0.66679528  1.63019340  0.56920196 -2.4049600

And I define a boundary of X:  The smallest "ball" that nests all the
observations of X. I wish to check if a particular point x_i

> x_i <- matrix(rnorm(5), 1, 5)
> x_i
   [,1]  [,2]   [,3]  [,4]  [,5]
[1,] -0.1525543 0.4606419 -0.1011011 -1.557225 -1.035694

is inside the boundary of X or not. I know it's easy to do it with 1-D or
2-D, but I don't knot how to manage it when the dimension is large.

Can someone give a hint? Thanks in advance!


Feng Li
Department of Statistics
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

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